Reviews from

in the past

I really wanted to like this game more.
Code of Princess is a beat em up with a wismsical story that does not take itself very seriously, the gameplay happens in 3 lines with your chosen character being able to just between them.
There are RPGs elements by means of stats and equipment to give to Princess Solange and her merry band of misfit friends.
The localisation has them be very self aware and the voice overs are good but a bit of the "english anime voice over" is felt here.
There are many enemies and both them and the characters feel unique, but the gameplay itself can get repetitive quite quickly; the repetitive-ness of the combat and the fact it doesn't change at all through-out the missions and only when you change characters made me put this game down.
It's ok, it's good if you are bored to keep you occupied for a bit.

fun but nothing special, but the character designs are cool tho

You can't dislike a game that lets you play as every single enemy that much.

you can play as Housewife NPC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's frustrating that this should be so much worse than Guardian Heroes with the main planner being the same guy responsible for it. I'm not convinced there's any sense of balance, the levels are insanely short (so you end up talking more than fighting, even in a 3 hour game) and there's only 1 campaign - turns out that you get the achievement for clearing the game with each character just by playing the very last level, which has no fighting in it anyway! Extra marks for the completely insane interface where they literally have you hitting F5 to cycle through display modes to show the (minimal) stuff on the 3DS version's second screen.

I can't quite make up my mind about this one, on one hand you would expect more when somebody from Treasure is involved, on the other hand, it's a decent time waster that can get repetitive in a musou kind of way. The story is silly but not that funny, the combat is just there, never bothering to be either challenging or addictive. Is just stuck in a weird limbo of being a bit too mediocre for it's own good. Just get it dirty cheap for Steam and see for yourself.

Strange, sexy and funny game.

Hay cosas que están guays bajo una maraña de decisiones cuestionables.
Protagonista sexualizada de gratis a un lado, la mezcla de beat'em up con elementos de mejora de equipo y de personajes no cuaja por la simpleza extrema en los combos y rigidez a la hora de moverse/esquivar/cambiar de carril. Por esto último puedes estar medio minuto en el aire sin poder hacer nada porque los ataques de los enemigos stunean al personaje.

Además, llevas una party pero solo combate un personaje que se lleva toda la experiencia. Quitando la sensación de compañerismo por completo de la ecuación.

Esse jogo deveria estar mesmo no 3DS?

A coisa que mais chama a atenção é o framerate abismal, muito, muito ruim.

O design do jogo é minimamente decente para um beat'em'up moderno, com uma história bacaninha. Personagens diferentes incentivam uma maior rejogabilidade, mas com o framerate do 3DS dificilmente rejogarei.

Fun little game. Fun to play for a few minutes and put it back down till you're bored again. Works better as a portable game than anything but still enjoyable.

+ Character Design makes the game stand out
+ Wide selection of characters to play with.
+ Easy pick up and play
~ Game is almost forcefully witty / charming
~ Simple Beaten up with RPG elements
~ Acting is very cheesy
- Game lags
- Combat is clunky

While Code of Princess has some glaring flaws in terms of gameplay and performance, I still found this game to be very enjoyable thanks to its setting, art direction, and soundtrack.

Combat can become quite repetitive and tiring due to all the button mashing that gets amplified due to the high HP of even common enemies but nevertheless does offer a somewhat "mindless" time for the most part. Thankfully, the game allows the player to switch and level up different characters thus providing variety in terms of attacks and characters you can use (you can technically unlock every single character and enemy in the game which is crazy).

There is severe slowdown whenever enemies clog up the screen and adding the fact that combat is slow in nature, it creates performance and pacing issues at times. With that being said, I enjoyed the cast of characters and setting of the game, as well as the high replay value of the game.