Reviews from

in the past

A fun little micro puzzle adventure game experience. Its like pony island but it has like actual puzzles in these weird witness puzzle panel-Sokoban hybrid puzzles. The puzzles arent all that challenging but they serve their purpose well in adding some meat on the aesthetic bone here. The biggest issue here is the general lack of polish which lead to inconsistent graphics and game breaking bugs which required the game to be reset multiple times after getting softlocked when the game did shit like forgot to respawn items when resetting a puzzle or collision just not working.

Crossroad OS es una representación de un sistema operativo inacabado. Así, adopta la estructura de un juego de puzles dentro de, como no podía ser de otra manera, un ordenador.

Partiendo del tutorial que hay en el escritorio, aprendemos de manera intuitiva las mecánicas para aplicarlas posteriormente en su contexto. Un contexto con forma de laberinto en primera persona, pero que resulta especialmente accesible tanto en su navegación como a la hora de orientarse.

Por último, cabe destacar el humor de Crossroad OS y la existencia de textos y doblaje al castellano. Un doblaje, como elemento más llamativo, que recae exclusivamente en una voz peculiar y robótica como la de un famoso asistente del procesador de textos Word.

Análisis completo:

Very short puzzle game but pretty fun! I really liked the atmosphere and whatnot :)

cursed operating system video game genre my beloved

Cute and spooky, just how I like my puzzle games to be!

Smoked it in 90 minutes, puzzles are fun and imaginative.

Short puzzle game within a fake OS with some light adventure game mechanics. Worth a play for sure, but lacks some polish here and there.