Reviews from

in the past

To be reductive, it's "The Room" of video games. This game is bewildering and weirdly problematic but I somehow find it too quaint to offended by it. Swery is an insane person and we need more people like him having more freedom to make games. The game wants to be Twin Peaks but clearly doesn't actually understand David Lynch. It's supposed to be horror(?) but I find the gameplay strangely relaxing. I don't want to make it seem like it's pure shit though - it's genuinely very creative and good in a lot of ways. Play this Switch version, I hear it's nerfed which makes the experience less obnoxious. If you like camp/so-bad-it's-good, this could be your thing.

Runs like an absolute state in the two busy sections of Greenvale and the port has other issues. Not as good as the Xbox 360 version, miles ahead of the PS3 version.

It's busted. The frame rate sucks, the performance sucks, the animations are insanely stiff, and a lot of gameplay feels half baked.

But I love it. It's got that same weirdo charm that I get love out of Twin Peaks mixing with it's Japanese fanbase all wrapped up in what I can only compare to Euro-Jank. I actually don't hate a ton of the ideas in this game or think they're bad. I think they're all pretty solid and have been reused in better put together games. But they're also notDeadly Premonition.

Everything just works together in its own way here. Almost like lightning in a bottle.

Deadly Premonition has such a reputation for being either the best thing in the world or the worst thing in the world, so when I finished it for the first time I was shocked to find out that it's actually....good.

The characters, jank animations and swerve from twin peaks into anime bullshit at the end are big highlights. Deffo a game you can have a good time playing through with a pal. Also shout out to the surprising number of unique side quests as well.

Now if only the shooting segments weren't actual ass...

runs very bad but very good game

I would kiss Mr. Francis York Morgan and his forever disappearing and reappearing facial hair

I think this is the best game I have ever played. Often unsatisfying, often infurito make a game ating, consistently interesting. The entire mystery could have been spoiled for me and the narrative would still be enthralling.

The weird combat is mostly mitigated by the fact that it's mind-numbingly easy and fast-- you can practically skip through most of the game's dungeons by just running in a straight line to the next door, especially if you get the wrench early on. Also, I would not have finished this game if not for looking up how to find the radio-- be warned.

In my honest opinion, this is the closest I've ever seen a game come to true literature. Verbose, convoluted, unwieldy. I'll avoid saying much more since I don't want to spoiler-tag this review. Above all else, I'm glad I stuck with it for a bit. It almost lost me early on more than once.

P.S. Arguably, Deadly Premonition spoils a few plot elements from Twin Peaks, so maybe watch that first if you care. The game is heavily inspired by it, maybe even to the point of plagiarism, and it contextualizes many of the game's themes and visuals. Also, Twin Peaks is simply the best show to ever air on American cable, so please check it out anyway.

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Loved the opening (under 10) hours. Unfortunately had to shelve the game due to constant crashes on Switch. Seems some have no issue while others share my experience. What a bummer…

It looks like a nice game, but it's not my type. It's more of a graphic novel with a hint of horror, which isn't my style of gameplay.

Historia 11/10 pero es puto injugable

Deadly Premonition is perfect. Isn't that right, Zach?

A game dated upon entry with a slideshow framerate and a lack of polish that would make even Bethesda blush, Deadly Premonition is one of the most polarizing pieces of media I've consumed thus far. And I absolutely loved it.

At times we must purge things from this world because they should not exist. Even if it means losing someone that you love.
This port is terrible from the audio issues to the driving, it runs better than ps3 but the cutscenes now look like they were downloaded from youtube and then recompressed 8 more times. It also removes all the added content from directors cut. I love this game but this port should not exist in this state.

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I softlocked myself by dodging through an invisible wall while fighting a crossdresser inside a clock tower and I'd have to replay the whole game to actually finish it. That statement sums up most of my time with the game TBH.

The uhh...definitive? Maybe? Version of the best worst game ever made. Still as awful in every way that it was, which means it’s still as incredible in every way that it was. The closest thing to a Twin Peaks game we’ll ever get.

Una de las mayores maravillas que he jugado en mi vida en un port bastante bien optimizado. El encanto de este juego, sus personajes y su historia me sorprende cada vez que lo juego y hace que quiera rejugarlo todas las veces que pueda cuando tenga oportunidad

This game might be simultaneously the worst and best game I've ever played.

I'd describe it as a love-or-hate game, but I landed right in the middle on 'like'.

This game is the only horror game I’ve managed to finish and maybe will be for a long while, with it’s goofiness and more light hearted stuff helping me get through it (even if it wasn’t that scary.) Aside from some glitches and early Xbox 360 jank making it to this remaster it was still a fun romp through this thriller of a story with twists and turns and some nice gameplay moments. I recommend if you don’t mind the graphics, weird stories and a few glitches getting in your way since it’s genuinely fun.

Maybe the worst possible way to play Deadly Premonition, with all the graphical and performance downgrades of the Director's Cut with none of the additional content, and a heaping load of crashes besides. But also it's Deadly Premonition :)

Uno de mis juegos favoritos de todos los que he jugado. La historia, los personajes, todo es increíble. Lo empecé por el meme y se ganó un puesto en mi corazón

Ein Autist löst Rätsel in Twin Pea- ICH MEIN Greenvale. Lange nicht mehr so was geiles gezockt. Liebs

Peak. An unhinged Twin Peaks fan fiction that is just. Fascinating. There are actually a lot of interesting ideas in NPC's on their own schedules, etc. It's funny how much is just straight up Twin Peaks while also having its own feeling & plot. I love Francis York Morgan & this game has a great soundtrack, and hilarious bits. All around a great time.

This is not a great game. Technically speaking. The controls are loose, the shooting is mediocre, the graphics are laughably dated, the performance is iffy, some portrayals are cringe inducing, and it's buggy to hell and back. But looking at this game in this way is, in my opinion, looking at it wrong. This is an experience worth having, with some of the best developed characters, one of the most detailed and realized worlds, and probably the most lovable protagonist ever put to page. I can't help but smile whenever I'm driving around town and York starts rambling about whatever movies he has on his mind at that moment. The story is incredible too, with tons of spine chilling moments and some of the most wild twists and turns. This game has to be experienced, to prove that a game doesn't have to be "fun to play" to become an instant classic. This is not a "so bad it's good" game, this is just an incredible game throughout. Just avoid the PC version. That one is a barely functional disaster.

this game is like a delicious cherry pie with moldy crust

This game has some problems, it runs pretty bad, and the gameplay can get really repetitive. But it somehow pulls it all together with a genuinely intresting mystery and memorable cast. I’d still recommend something like AI the somnium files over this if you want an overall better mystery game. But for what it’s trying to be this does a nice job overall

no no no, the director didn't watch twin peaks .. they watched twin speak, like zach to york!

but okay that was a perfect game. like. made for me. so many twists & turns, a great story with no questions left at the end. absolutely amazing.

finally gave up trying to fix the pc port for over a year.. got it on switch & it still crashed. but, if you save a lot it's not too bad. just warning that every port is ass. & the controls are really bad.. i used the auto aim & shot everyone's butt until the final episodes .. no sensitivity changing in settings :(

Re-play 100% achievements.

80 morbilhões de versões e nenhuma funciona de forma minimamente decente, jogo que nem mesmo consegue abrir sem mods não deveria ser vendido.

Extremamente bizarro o quão tolerante são com os problemas técnicos desse jogo, eu sinceramente acho que foi uma das piores experiências que tive com video jogos, e uma história legalzinha e tentativa pessimamente executada de criação de rotinas com NPCs e bla bla blas que parecem até mesmo incompletas, não salvou a minha experiência com esse jogo, um combate que me lembra o RE4 de Zeebo e não consegue fazer o básico de ao menos deixar a mira visível a todo momento (a cabeça do personagem frequentemente tampa o ponteiro das armas), áudio cortando, jogo crashando em todas as 3 versões que tentei jogar, é aquilo que todo mundo diz mesmo "a experiência com esse jogo é única" até pq é difícil encontrar um jogo que o remaster tenha mais problemas que sua versão origial kkk

Sla mano, esse jogo me pareceu um experimento social, todo mundo fica falando no seu ouvido que algo é bom, masterpiece, underrated e tu passa a pensar que o jogo de fato é isso. Se ele ao menos funcionasse eu provavelmente teria achado "legalzinho", mas repito, foi apenas uma experiência tecnicamente frustrante em um jogo que mesmo sendo tolerante (ao máximo que me permito ser) não alcançou o "medíocre", e eu realmente tentei gostar desse jogo, principalmente por ser do mesmo mano de The Missing J.J (Um dos meus jogos favs) e D4.