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in the past

Rated the PS4 version 8/10 but being able to play as Vergil brought this up to a solid 9/10 for me. He's a ridiculously fun character to play as, more so than the other 3 and to finally play V's missions with a traditional DMC fighting style was great.

Ray tracing looks nice but isn't worth the dip in framerate or resolution. 1080p looks far too blurry and 4K with RTX on barely hits 60fps on the Series X, so I recommend turning it off.

Even though I played both vanilla DMC and this w putting this here lo
A game not just for die-hard of the series but newcomers alike, what feels like hours of fan-service is also an amazing game in it’s own right. The combat is fucking stellar and when mastered, it’s honestly crazy to watch. Even the smallest things, like taunts being incorporated into combos and such.
The OST is great, but honestly kind of lacks the metal feel that DMC3 had, replacing it with meh dubstep. Where it realy shines is the lyrical songs. Such as Devil Trigger, Crimson Clouds, Subhuman(i like the new version ok), and most importantly Bury The Light. With the small but amazing edition of chorus and different parts of the song coinciding with your style meter, normal fights almost feel like cutscenes.
The story is crazy and as corny as ever, with your average cringy lines especially from the newcomer V. V’s gameplay lacks sometimes, but his character is very fun to watch on screen and in cutscenes. Overall, this game is an amazing culmination of everything the series has to offer, and I strongly recommend playing the rest of the series before to fully enjoy this.

Real fun game I like using the big uppercut move with Dante Balrog also the action cutscenes are really cool 10/10

Great combat system. Great music. Great cheese.

this game will literally never get old

-THE- iconic next-gen over-the-top action game IMO. The action overcompensates for the decent enough level design and subpar problem solving that seems to really exist generally to gatekeep my next fight.

Too bad I only feel like I can competently play and keep up with the action using only two of the four playable characters.

DMC5 is probably, in my humble opinion, is as perfect as a game will ever be. Not that absolutely everything in this game is objectively groundbreaking but it all culminates in such a way that really struck me. The game play is better than ever, the visuals are groundbreaking, the music is amazing, the characters are awesome, the writing and voice acting are delightfully cheesy, the levels and combat encounters are fun to blast through and the story is simultaneously simple and batshit insane. And that's not even scratching the surface. DMC5 does away with dated mechanics of the past instead of holding onto them, a fate many franchises suffer. The omission of the consumables mechanic makes playing skillfully absolutely paramount on higher difficulties. I have played through the story roughly 6 or 7 times in the last month ever since getting my hands on the game and I'm still not sick of the scenarios, boss fights, characters and gamplay that this game brings to the table. Not to mention Special Editions inclusion of Turbo Mode and Vergil, even further increasing replay value. I look forward to even more playthroughs in the future and I hope to get the platinum trophy as well as pay a visit to the PS4 original and do the same there. This game sets a gold standard for the genre and videogames in general. My only regret is not playing it sooner.

my ass had to wait 9 years for DMC 5 to come out and honestly its everything i wanted, tho it still didn't top DMC 3 to me personally, I'm really really happy with this game and SE just adds to my enjoyment of this amazing game man.

Na minha review de DMC5, já disse tudo que gosto no jogo, essa versão pra mim completa a gameplay por pôr o Vergil como personagem jogável. Por isso, nesse espaço, vou dedicar à ost do jogo, então e quiser ver uma review do jogo em si, vai lá pro 5 normal. Na minha opinião, tem a melhor ost de DMC inteiro, que já tinha uma ost boa, as músicas tem carisma e casam com a personalidade dos personagens. Devil Trigger é extremamente estiloso, muito bem produzido, mixado e cantado, melodias muito marcantes e que ficam na sua cabeça, os timbres do cantores são muito lindos e eles tem um controle vocal muito grande, ótimas vozes por cima de uma ótima batida com ótimas melodias e uma ótima harmônia geral. Crimson Cloud também é muito marcante e uma ótima música, Subhuman é numa pegada mais pesada, num lance mais Heavy Metal, e eu confesso que a música não faz meu estilo (opinião própria, não acho a música ruim). E Bury the Light, como eu queria esquecer dessa música pra ouvir de 0, Tanto o Casey Edwards quanto o Victor Borba, ARRASARAM nessa música, timbres muito lindos, e uma pegada que casa perfeitamente com o Vergil, que sempre foi referido como uma tempestade que finalmente, CHEGOU! Queria ressaltar sobre a versão da Intro acapella de Bury the Light, que analisando bem, é incrível como as vozes harmonizam tão bem e o range vocal dos artistas são tão altos, junto com um drive que dá mais cor ainda às vozes. Resumindo numa palavra a ost, seria: Smokin' Sexy Style. (Vale ressaltar que a ost é dinâmica, então o beat é loopado até você tirar rank S no combo e o refrão começar)

fucking incredible all the way through


Other than Sekiro, has the case to be the greatest character action game of all time.

nigga aint nobody got a ps5 who u makin this for

playing 73839 games rn (i’m playing the same 2 games that i refuse to let go of)
will finish later

As soon as I finished DMC 5 I had to sit down and comprehend what I played… and to catch my breath after the intensity that was the final boss. To me, DMC 5 is the best game in the franchise. First off this is the most gorgeous looking game in the series and one of the best looking games of the PS4/XBOX ONE generation. Photorealism was the right call and it shows that the RE Engine can handle action games. It’s quite fitting that it did use the engine from Resident Evil 7 since DMC was supposed to be a Resident Evil game.

The story may not be strong, I mean these games aren’t exactly known for their stories, but it does have a lot of memorable moments like Rebellion being destroyed, Neros Devil Trigger awakening, the resurrection of Vergil, and the greatest moment of all: Dante doing the moonwalk.

What this series is known for is gameplay and boy does DMC 5 have it. To no surprise everyone has their own playstyle, Nero being my favorite because of his sword base moves. His new abilities the Devil Breakers all have their powers like a chain whip, electricity, time stop, and the literal Mega Buster (my personal favorite next to Punch Line). They are fun, but their drawback is that the only way to switch between them is to self-destruct the one you are currently using, so you better make sure you equip your favorites in a specific order. The decision to not switch them up is puzzling, that would be like if Dante threw away his guns. You could argue that equipping 8 Devil Breakers would make combat easier, but why not just leave it at 4 or 3? Dante has fewer sword moves compared to Nero in favor of more weapons like the Cavaliere (the coolest motorcycle/sword hybrid ever created), the King Cerberus, and Sin Devil Trigger (which is like the Super Sayan God form). Then there’s V who ironically stays away from the action from a distance and lets his demons do the fighting for him. This is so drastically different from other characters yet it doesn’t feel out of place. Lastly, there is Vergil who’s playstyle is as smooth as butter, Pulling off Judgement Cut End is never not satisfying. Everyone is fun in their way and I never got bored with any of them.

Acting-wise everyone is on point. Ruben Langdon (who can probably play Dante in his sleep at this point) portrays a more mature, but still fun-loving protagonist in Dante. While Johnny Yong Bosch (a personal favorite of mine) delivers his sarcasm and swagger to Nero. Most of JYB’s best roles are considered to be Ichigo, Vash, Lelouch, and Izaya, but I would put Nero up there as some of his best work especially during the final mission. Brian Hanford gives V an ominous and tranquil tone which helps add to the mystery of who V is. And Wendee Lee as Trish who sadly does not get a lot of screen time, but does a serviceable job with what she is given, a shame Trish wasn’t in the game that much because this was perfect casting. (I would also like to point out that including Daniel Southworth makes four actors in here who were on Power Rangers… just a fun fact).

Other than the devil arms my other gripe was that there was no playable Trish of Lady. Last time we got a Special Edition of a DMC game Vergil, Trish, and Lady were all included as playable characters yet this time we only got Vergil. I know they didn’t get enough screen time in the game but they didn’t in DMC4 either and they became playable. If they were I honestly would have called DMC5 the magnum opus of the series.

Overall DMC5 is my favorite game in the franchise and I recommend playing it.

The best character action game of all time somehow got even better. Vergil and LDK mode fucking rule.

Incredibly smooth combat and ridiculously over the top characters make this a blast to play through. I didn't love the level design and some of the boss fights felt like they were asking you to do stuff you never did during the rest of the game.

Vergil good. I wish the new cutscenes weren't pre-rendered.
I played the PC port but I'm counting it since mods give you all of the Special Edition features. (Turbo, Legendary Dark Knight, etc.) Speaking of, it's silly that this port remains exclusive to PS5 and Xbox.

Pretty good. Great soundtrack which is probably my biggest praise for the game. Super fun combat as well.


Honestly the best one. I've never been more excited for this series.

The game is in the same vein as it’s predecessor which is a good thing considering the long break between the 4th and 5th game.

It continues to follow the trend of multiple playable characters trough the story that DMC4 introduced except this time we have a third character accompanying Dante and Nero.

Dante was the one that felt very familiar in gameplay, he gets new weapons and combo but if you’ve played the previous games you get the hang of his play style quickly.

Nero was an interesting one, for story reason instead of his demonic arm, we are introduced to his new combat mechanic the devil breaker. Each of them have different uses and effects depending on the ennemies and unlike any other fighting mechanic, they work as ammo. Meaning you can run out of them and have to refill once you go empty. But you can also find them on the field. My biggest gripe with this feature is that there is no button mapped to manually switch between all devil breaker you equip. If you want to use a specific one you have to either configure it trough the customization menu before the mission or you have to actively get rid of the one you have currently equipped until you get the devil breaker you want.

And lastly V, one of the newest major character. His gameplay involve him using familiar demon to fight but they are very limited. Because of that his gameplay feels very repetitive. I haven’t gotten the chance to unlock all his abilities but from what I got they also didn’t offer a large variety of combo.
But nonetheless all 3 have one thing in commons: they are very cool to play as which makes up for their shortcomings.

Other than that the rest is standard DMC. The story isn’t the most profound but that’s not really the franchise’s identity anyway. It does what it’s good at : killing demons while looking spectacular and that’s all I need for a dmc game.

The best DMC game ever made everything blends together perfectly.

The literal best made even better

This is the peak action game. Vergil has never played better. In 2022 alone, I've put 100+ hours into this game and mostly because of Bloody Palace. Absolutely excellent game. If you like action games at all, you owe it to yourself to play DMC5 Special Edition.

Para mí sin duda el mejor DMC y fácilmente mi juego de acción favorito. Tiene uno de los mejores combates que he visto en un juego, variadísimo y divertidísimo. En cuanto a historia, acaba un capítulo pero no cierra la puerta a futuras entregas.

Mirad si me ha gustado el juego que lo primero que hice nada más terminarlo fue empezarlo de nuevo con otro personaje.

This might be the most sexist game in existence, but it is fun, I'll give it that