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in the past

The flavor text for Devil May Cry 5 on the PS5 reads, in all caps: "DEVIL MAY CRY IS BACK, BABY!!" which is probably the most accurate summation anyone can give this thing. It's more Devil May Cry, and the first in the series since everyone's favorite punching bag DmC got knocked right off the chain and exploded into a cloud of acrid dust.

I probably shouldn't need to explain what Devil May Cry is. It's the grandfather of the character-action genre, and although the series took an 11 year hiatus, its legacy has been kept alive thanks to games like Vanquished and Bayonetta. Even if you've never played a Devil May Cry game, you probably know exactly what to expect from it: over-the-top combo driven action, ridiculous movesets, and extremely campy stories.

Where Devil May Cry 5 sets itself apart is in its maturity. That isn't to say DMC has become more grounded or less wacky or anything like that, but rather that Devil May Cry 5 feels like a suitable evolution of a series that has been around since the Playsation 2. It's so affirmed in its identity and design that there's scarcely a single area where it falters. The most experimental thing 5 does is give you three characters to play as, each with their own playstyles that aren't so radically different that they require a complete readjustment. If you've played the last four Devil May Cry games (and by that I mean 1, 3, and 4. I think we can all agree 2 doesn't exist) and spend any amount of time in 5 it will quickly become apparent that the team behind this game knew exactly what made Devil May Cry work. So much so that Devil May Cry 5 is hands down my favorite entry in the series.

Of course this is another RE Engine game, so I do have to bring up how good it looks. Ray tracing makes the early levels stand out even more, though DMC5 still looks gorgeous in performance mode. Most importantly, it runs at a stable 30/60 depending on which mode you're in. I think a solid framerate is every bit as important to a character-action game as it is to a fighting game or Souls title. If you're bouncing between 40-50fps then the action is just going to be nauseating. Thankfully I didn't encounter any weird texture issues like I had in Resident Evil 3, and even if you forgo fidelity for performance, DMC5 still looks great.

The only thing I need from a new Devil May Cry is that it's a god damn Devil May Cry, and that's exactly what DMC5 is. It doesn't fuck with the formula or the characters, but rather pushes them ahead with a certain self-assuredness that speaks to the confidence and experience of the team behind it. Also, it has Devil Trigger, the best song in the whole series. I had a friend who wasn't into Devil May Cry listen to it once. He told me he hated it, said it was "cringe." You know, we're all like, god's creatures or whatever, but god also made dung beetles. Insects that literally roll big balls of shit around. Food for thought.

It's truly a wonderful thing when a game knows exactly what it is. Like, the Fast and the Furious movies, Devil May Cry takes the most insane of action tropes and just runs with them full throttle - mechanical arms, an engine-powered sword, torrents of blood, crumbling cities, and fireball blasting demons - yeah, that's just the prologue.

Back in the Blockbuster rental days, I played through Devil May Cry 3, so it (and it's ridiculous pizza scene) prepared me for what the newest installment of the series might bring. The combat unfolds at breakneck speed and plays more like a fighting game than anything else. Combos are the name of the game, and DMC5 provides ample opportunity to chain your attacks through the varied skill system. It's refreshing to see a game shy away from uninspired skills that have become so commonplace - things like '% damage increase,' or '% crit chance increase' - and focus on providing more options for your fighter through actual different abilities and moves. It's exciting to gain new skills and try them out, because it actually feels like your character is growing in skill and potential.

Playing as three different fighters throughout the game certainly adds to the variation as well, as each comes with their own skill set, strengths, and styles. It also serves to switch-up the player's comfort level after getting used to using one specific fighter for so many missions. This is a wider reflection of the game's combo system that emphasizes switching things up to earn style points, and never being satisfied. Though DMC 5 may play like a fighting game, it discourages spamming moves.

Splitting the game between three characters does somewhat function as a double-edged sword, however. Nero has the most button-input combos which feel satisfying and exciting to pull off, as well as a large number of aerial moves that increase his mobility through the field as he bounces from one enemy to the other, though his versatility still pales in comparison to Dante. Boasting eight different weapons and four different styles, Dante, in my mind, is clearly the most engaging and complete fighter in the game. Obviously, they had many other games to work on Dante's move-set, but I wish they were able to flesh out Nero in a similar fashion. This might have been a possibility, except instead they created a third character, V, who plays completely different than either Nero or Dante. V's combat is visually interesting but ultimately unsatisfying, as many of his encounters seem like spam-to-win. He does have unlockable combos for his familiars, but they don't chain together very well, and it can be difficult to pull off some of the aerials, since you aren't in control of whether Shadow jumps or not. In fact, I felt like I had the least control over V, but I seemed to regularly achieve S-rank with him, which was incredibly disappointing. V's design, character, and place in the story are all fantastic, but I wish he would have just stayed as an NPC - it would've helped keep him mysterious as the story unfolds, and more effort could have been focused on making Nero more versatile with new weapons, items, or a better system when using the Devil Breakers (seriously, why can't I just switch between them? Why do I have to break one to switch?).

The story itself is engaging enough with the interactions between Dante, Nero, V, and the side-characters, as well as the fantastically silly and well-done cutscenes and cinematics. The title sequence in particular sets the tone for the rest of the game with its over the top, yet badass, choreography and humor. The animation is fluid and easily brings the characters to life. It is disappointing that in such a good-looking game, the environments are so drab and repetitive. The majority of the story takes place within a "tree," which means you will have to get used to seeing the same tile-set and color palette throughout most of the missions. Incorporating more city pieces or different types of environment would have gone a long way into spicing things up, especially for a game that celebrates variety.

Ultimately, Devil May Cry 5 is a fantastic game characterized by satisfying, indulgent action and compelling characters. It does have its flaws, but the gameplay edges them out - can I really complain about a game that lets me fight demons with dual-wield bazookas and a motorcycle as a chainsaw? Nah, instead I say, "Jackpot."

Devil May Cry is so fucking cool I don't know what else to say

Well, this is it. My first review on the new and improved Backloggd and my final review of a Devil May Cry game for the year.

I will say, looking back at those past two weeks, it's been a blur of crazy, wacky combos, incredible fights, the Lucia Disc of DMC2 and so on. This very much feels like the finale to something big I've experienced in my life, and what better game to end it with than the finale of the series, Devil May Cry 5.

Off the bat I want to say that I really dig the combat in this game, though it did take me some time to adjust between playing DMC4 and DMC1 and coming into this. Combos have different timings in both of those games and so it was weird to change it up for myself.

Nero controls great, I love the addition of the Devil Breakers for him which ask the player to work with the individual addition of the moveset while also being cautious to not break them unless required for a tight situation. It results in him having a lot of variety in combat...

...but not nearly as much as Dante who is still my absolute favorite character to play as in these games. His weapon variety is top notch, bringing back weapons like the Cerberus from DMC3 and even the Sparda, while also adding the awesome Devil Sword Dante and my personal favorite weapon, Caveliere.

If you told me years ago that Dante could combo enemies with a chainsaw axe motorcycle, I would not have believed you. But it is real, and absolutely fucking amazing. I don't know why but I always find myself getting drawn to the weird weapons in these games, like Nevan in DMC3. I think it's more so in that the concept of fighting hordes of demons with shit like an Electric Guitar or a Motorcycle is just inherently awesome, and it just feels right to me.

I also got a lot of use out of switching the different styles, which has gotten me to Level 60 of Bloody Palace with him. Also really love Dante's design in this game, it really captures the mature, joking uncle character that he has evolved into. Really, all of the character designs in this game are top notch.

Vergil is also once again, incredibly fucking powerful and fun to use. Seeing how broken his Air Trick ability is especially in fights like the Geryon boss just makes me cackle. I love his moveset, and his DT using the Doppelganger style from DMC3 is a great nod towards that game.

The only low point gameplay wise comes from new character, V. I should stress, I love V as a character. He is the mysterious, sly sneaky boy that this series has never had before, and his design is absolutely immaculate... but playing the game with him feels like I'm not playing the game.

With him you control your set of demons, as he is a Demon Summoner, and you basically spam both the X and Y buttons to damage enemies enough so that V can unleash a killing blow. The killing blow stuff is fucking cool no doubt, but the mashing of the buttons definitely feels mindless in execution, and hell, you can even do a summoning technique that makes the summons act on their own, completely removing that aspect of gameplay for like 20 seconds at the expense of one bar of DT.

It's not remotely satisfying as Dante or Vergil's gameplay for me, and doesn't even scratch Nero's. The plus side is that you only play like, 4 mandatory missions with him total... but one of those missions is a boss rush where you lose your summons before hand and have to regain them in each fight... so yeah.

As for the levels themselves, they're alright. I'll blame this on overexposure from the two previous games but initially I wasn't vibing with the destroyed city look because both DMC2 and DMC4 did it as well and it was something I had grown a little tired of seeing, but I did inevitably warm up to it as time went on. They have more interesting branching pathways than either of those game's levels and discovering stuff is much more entertaining.

Personally though, I wasn't really a fan of the Qliphoth levels, mostly due to aesthetic. The demonic wooden tree looks gets very samey very quick, and while that may be the intent, it's just not something I was particularly fond of seeing, especially given that there is just a level where you fall down a singular shaft and that's the level.


The game however truly picks up around the final third of missions where the plot reveals that the Demon King we've been going up against has been Vergil all along and that V is the human part that was cast off after Vergil's many defeats. Vergil is reborn when V and Urizen are rejoined and an even bigger reveal is made: Vergil is Nero's father.

The final two missions are absolute kino as we get to see yet another legendary Dante vs Vergil fight, which is just as good as it was in DMC3, followed by a Nero vs Vergil victory lap where Nero unlocks his true Devil Trigger and regains his Devil Buster powers. It's truly an amazing experience and a great way for this series to go out on.

The music for this game is fucking incredible, I don't think I need to stress. Tracks like Devil Trigger, Crimson Cloud, and Bury the Light are all phenomenal bops, and I even like the track Subhuman that plays for Dante quite a bit for its really goofy charm it has despite its dark metal sound.

However, at the end of the day I still think I prefer the overall vibes of DMC3, and the sheer raw intensity that game provided in comparison. That opinion may change of course, but as of this review those are my feelings.

Devil May Cry 5 is a great game, and I definitely look forward to replaying Bloody Palace with Dante until I finish it. It is one of the best Character Action Games ever made, and I highly recommend it.

At the end of the day, I only have one thing to say about my final thoughts on the Devil May Cry franchise.


the best action game ever made, combat is so insanely deep and cathers to both veterans and newcomers, fantastic presentation, there is nothing that beats what this game does to the genre in terms of polish and mechanics.

this Special Edition is probably the weakest in the series, Turbo Mode, enhanced visuals, all the released DLC available, 120 FPS cap and new difficulty levels are solid additions but the lack of additional costumes (which was an already an issue in the original 2019 version), lack of an PC version, new characters outside of Vergil and features are really lame, Capcom didn't even tried to give the game some more sauce to justify the release of an new version like an online co-op function or being able to freely select any character in each level in the main campaign.

because of this I wouldn't call this the definitive version especially if we compare to DMC3, 4 and DmC's Special Editions, the PC version on Steam with mods seems to be the right choice if you want features, costumes and other stuff, I would say to grab this only if you have an next-gen console and nothing else.

Are there any other games in which you can parry your brother's floating katana attack by duel-wielding motorycles???? I think not. DEVIL MAY CRY IS BACK, BABY!!

This game is mad man. I think i prefer bayo's fighting style over this (i.e. dodges instead of timing attacks). I'm terrible at this game but still had a lot of fun. Dante is an idiot and he's great.

Coolest game on the planet: now even more cool edition.

This review contains spoilers

Devil May Cry 5 is my favourite game of all time, and nothing comes close.

I have been playing this game since day 1 of the original PS4 release in 2019 and have finally obtained the platinum trophy.

This is by far the hardest trophy I have ever achieved in my time playing video games and I am so glad that obtained it.

Nero is so much fun to play as in this game, even more so than DMC4 which is already saying something because I already adored Nero's play style in DMC4. The devil breakers are a fantastic mechanic that i sorely miss when replaying DMC4.

V is an awesome new character that I really enjoy playing and think in concept is extremely awesome. The callback to DMC1 with his familiars is so cool. However when getting the platinum trophy, replaying his missions so many times to S rank them all got extremely tedious and boring.

Dante is so fucking awesome. What more can I say. His gameplay is refined from DMC4 and all of his weapons are really fun. When i first played DMC5 i wasn't really that fond of Cavaliere, I have no fucking idea why because that shit is radical.

The levels are fine, but there's only so exciting hyper realistic flesh demon tree can get and gets a bit tired in the latter end of the game.

My biggest gripe with the game is the art style. While the game does look absolutely beautiful, i do slightly prefer the art style of the older DMC games. But Capcom will never not use the RE engine ever again.

The story of this game is extremely fun and entertaining from start to finish with some also serious and emotional moments splattered throughout. I don't think the story is as good as DMC3's but still great.

The bosses are all great in this game, the only ones i'm not particularly fond of are Nidhogg in Mission 4 and Gilgamesh in Mission 6. Nidhogg's main problem for me is the arena, and Gilgamesh just feels like a boring filler boss.

I love the Vergil fight in this game so much, while not as challenging as Vergil in DMC3, there's something about him that feels more polished and fun to fight.

Speaking of Vergil, he is by far my favourite character to play in this game. He is so broken and so much fun to play and I love him so much.

I do think special edition is lacking in new content from the original game. I don't really think paying $40 for Legendary Dark Knight and Turbo mode is worth it in my opinion and is the main reason I didn't pick up DMC5SE for so long and just bought the Vergil DLC instead. It would've been nice to see the return of playable Lady and Trish or even better that rumored "Ladies Night" DLC especially after the both of them take a serious backseat in the games main plot. Turbo mode is incredibly good however and the game without it is now unplayable for me.

In terms of the platinum there is only one trophy that actually makes it hard. And that is the "Worthy of Legend" trophy. This trophy is achieved by obtaining an S rank on all missions on all difficulties which is no easy feat. especially for Dante Must Die which makes enemies hit like fuck and and take a year to kill. And Hell and Hell, which means you die in one hit.

This trophy cost me a piece of my soul that I will never get back. There is a special place in hell for the guy that designed the style ranking system for mission 10.

The bloody palace trophy is one that would be very challenging to get but I'm a bitch so I used super characters which made Dante, V and Vergil all free clears. Nero however doesn't have any game breaking gimmicks with his super costume so it wasn't a walk straight to the finish line, but still marginally easier than without the super costume.

DMC 5 is the closest a game has ever gotten to being perfect for me, I really hope we get DMC6 someday.

Let's Rock Baby.

I don't understand what is so great about this game. I feel like I wasted 10hours of my life.

Edit/Copy and paste my review of DMC5 but just add one dose of VERGIL! Man he is really well done and it's amazing how great this looks still. Outside of Vergil there isn't a ton of new content but it's easily still worth it if your a fan of the series. I mean damn how good is Bury the Light. I might be one of the best character theme ever created.

Platinum #124

It's extremely invigorating to see the pioneer of the hack and slash genre come back and completely do away with the worst trappings of the genre.

Quick time events? Pffft what are you on about? Walking sections? Rule of thirds camera angle? Nowhere does it touch the combat, which is my opinion is the fastest and tightest feeling string of combos and weapons across the entire series.

Nero from DMC4 is back with some add variety in the form of new Devil Breakers that give him new abilities to chain into your Exceeds and grappling hooks. He feels exceptionally good in this game, so much fun to hack and/or slash away at demons and I've no doubt merely scratched the surface with him. And spoiler alert, you're not even halfway through with Nero's mechanics until the very end of the game, getting his old Buster moves and Devil Trigger. His moveset is cleverly delivered to you piecemeal as not to overload you on mechanics.

Newcomer V is a bit of a letdown. An interesting concept, Pikmin reworked into a hack and slash character unfortunately leaves the most of V's interesting mechanics and enemies to simply button mashing. V himself is a cool character and it can be fun to chain kills together, but if the game has a lull at any point, it would be him. Props for originality, but relying on wonky AI assist characters to kill wonky AI enemies isn't the most fun.

Nero is fantastic, V is..interesting, but the real star of the show here would have to be old series standby Dante (from the Devil May Cry franchise.) No shitty behavior and screaming about killing "demon bitches," no awful "hold the trigger to use your other weapons" just Dante at his core. Styles, and weapon switching, taunts (now with air taunts!) and Devil Trigger. Every weapon has its intricacies and nuances to master and is prime for many different circumstances. Like Nero, Dante can honestly feel a little bloated, but the game's generous loadout customization and accessibility features deliver these mechanics to you when you feel ready for them. It's so validating to see such a mechanically rich character step out of an action game in the current generation.

New to Special Edition are the additions of the approaching storm Vergil being fully playable, Turbo Mode (which was on the entire time of my playthrough,) and Legendary Dark Knight difficulty, alongside some added bells and whistles. Some of these features, probably should've been in the game at launch, and it does feel like Capcom forced the developers to withhold them for a special edition rerelease as has been series standard by now, but you can access Vergil in the original release via DLC and mods on PC have already implemented most if not all of SE's additions so you're not out of luck if you didn't have a house to mortgage just to get your hands on a PS5 or Series X.

Speaking of tech, this game looks stunning, and runs at a solid 60 fps even on base PS4 and Xbox One. The RE Engine the game is built on really comes into its own here, bringing the monsters to life in such a way they never were before. Keeping that gay cowboy flare was clearly extremely important and I'd say they succeeded.

Through its ups and downs, Devil May Cry introduced a whole new genre back in its heyday, a genre given new life by Devil May Cry 3 and games like Kingdom Hearts and Bayonetta. And now here, in the current era, it delivers what's perhaps the gamiest game I've ever fucking played. Few games can match the satisfaction of a stylish combat encounter like Devil May Cry, but while the combat is what's most important to a game like this, don't let that take away from a really touching narrative that warps the thesis of the previous games on its head: we don't have to kill each other. We can move past this petty rivalry. Bringing in Nero from DMC4 and Vergil (spoilers) from DMC3 brings the whole series together in such a way that is incredibly poignant for this big franchise return, and the final two encounters feel as though the entire series, hell, MY PLAYTHROUGHS of the entire series was always leading to. Devil Trigger is a fantastic main theme and, hell no, the entire soundtrack fucking rocks. Bloodpumping and energetic but also quiet and moody when they need to be.

I think what was most telling for me about this game's quality were Nico's Reports. She's the mechanic who builds all of Nero's equipment, a fun character in her own right. The logs from previous games that detail characters, enemies,, and items, are now entirely written from her perspective. That's such a lovely detail they didn't need to do, but it speaks to how much everyone behind the scenes cared about this project. Hell, even the MENUS have loads of easter eggs to look out for. They clearly put a lot of love into this project, and it shines across the entire game. No game is perfect, but few other games make me feel as perfect as when I land a stylish triple SSS combo. I'm so glad to have triggered these devils.

Enjoyable game with amazing fleshed out combat. The story is eh but, it's also has funny and awesome moments with amazing music. Wish I could play the game without my hands cramping though. But let's be honest playing Vergil with his theme playing makes this game's rating go to 100/5 stars.

A game that knows exactly what it is and celebrates that fact wholeheartedly, this is perhaps the best action game I’ve ever played. Stylish and sick as hell from top to bottom, from the characters, to the music, and the combat, the fucking combat. Doing combo after combo on defenseless demons is one of the most hype feelings imaginable, and when you manage to pull off a series of moves you thought up it gets the adrenaline flowing. I’ve never really been a heavy action game player but this makes me feel like I’ve been in love with the genre for years.

I might’ve played this game on the lowest difficulty but I had such a good time even then that I can for sure see myself replaying, something I don’t really do a lot anymore. Hell I already started doing Devil Hunter mode with Vergil. This game is just too fun, yes I know I sound like a broken record saying this as much as I have but man I haven’t had such a good time with a combat system in years. There’s still so much I don’t fully grasp about it but I’m looking forward to unlocking more skills, doing even wilder moves, and fully mastering this game in due time.

As someone who knew about this game for a long time and knew a lot of the story beats being spoiled through osmosis, I’m still very pleasantly surprised how much I adored it still, along with the fantastic characters. Everyone who’s playable has a unique personality and charm to them along with a signature fighting style that conveys that very well to the player. For a game that I completed in about ten hours, I feel like I’ve grown far more attached to these characters than I would in most given ten hour stretches of games. The dynamics between everyone feel so charged with every interaction being a treat. This being my first go-round with the series I feel like there’s definitely a bunch I’m missing but they knew exactly what to do to bring me up to speed.

I could go on about the story for a while but I’ll simply stick to my basic thoughts of it being fun as hell, intense, and cathartic all at once. Given what I do know about the story of the earlier games this feels like such an immense payoff and if I was a lifelong DMC fan I would’ve been so incredibly happy to see this game come to fruition. The climax was incredible and felt like the culmination of so much about the series, from the relationship between Dante and Vergil, to this being a coming of age story for Nero; all incredibly strong notes to end on.

This game is kinda perfect in my eyes, does its job Smokin’ Sexy Style! all the way through

Immaculate action game and the absolute peak of the genre. I had a really bad impression of this game when I booted this up on series X as there was a really awful bug, most likely caused by the HDR performance mode. This rendered my game unplayable until I finally found the problem. Aside from that this game is just masterful man. Ton of combos, weapons, and setups that provide endless fun. This game is just raw and insane . All three playable characters in the base game are all uniquely enjoyable to use. OST is incredible as well. Seriously, this game is just dope. You will be hard pressed finding an action game with better combat and gameplay. A must play. I will say the story is nothing insanely deep or incredible but it doesn't really matter at all and it still manages to have an emotional weight to it. It's still very fun. Capcom made a true modern action game masterclass. 5/5 ★

The other day I heard someone describe how Devil May Cry 4's ending became a really somber moment for them. This confused me but after thinking about it some more I understand it if you were a DMC fan. You had to be disappointed by DMC4's lackluster quality, and whatever the hell DmC was, as a franchise you loved was put on ice. That "will we meet again?" at the end of DMC4 really becomes something more as I keep thinking about it. The feeling of uncertainty if there will ever be a new entry again, and if it will even be good.

11 years later, and they delivered.

That's what's always going to be the most amazing thing about DMC5. That it is Devil May Cry 5. A new entry that's as Devil May Cry as they come. It picks up on the pieces from DMC4 and builds upon everything to deliver such an enjoyable and unforgettable experience that left me smiling.

Nero is back and he continues his arc from 4. His gameplay has been slightly retooled as in place of Devil Bringer he's given Devil Breakers which adds a pretty big amount of freedom in combat. I kept finding myself experimenting with new Devil Breakers as much as I could.

He's nothing to scoff at either. Man he plays so well in this game that I squealed like a twink bouncing on dick at his gameplay. If I'm honest Dante can be very overwhelming due to the fact that you're given a lot of options regarding how you want to play it but once you get it down he's a god.

There's also the newcomer, V. I didn't know if I'd like V, but after beating the game I can say I really enjoyed his characterization as well as his gameplay. When it comes to my group of friends I'm in a very weird position with V as I neither wholly love him nor do I find his sections boring. It really is commendable that V is a very large departure from the usual Devil May Cry gameplay yet he still ends up being a great deal of fun. Although it really should be addressed that on a whole, V is pretty easy. The problem with V just comes down to there being a lack of skill when it comes to his sections at his part as without even trying I was hitting SS ranks easily. I'm not gonna say that a character of his playstyle doesn't belong in DMC as that'd just be wrong, but I would really love to see if they ever build on a character that plays like him if they ever make a DMC6.

Level Design is where I'm left confused on the game. The levels are indeed fun but something I realised very early on us that a large portion of them are missing the puzzles you'd find in earlier DMC games. Do I like this change? Well I can't say I dislike it but I do think it can take out the uniqueness of levels, although I can't say I much enjoyed the puzzles I encountered in DMC3 and 4 that much. If I had to guess I think this was done so the game would be accessible to newer players

In my DMC4 review, I talked about how that game lacked a strong atmosphere of earlier DMC titled and has aged the worst graphically in my eyes. DMC5 fixed this for the most part, the levels really are pretty immersive to the point where I could almost feel the cool morning breeze of Redgrave City, but I can't say it's as strong as earlier DMC titles. Also it remain to be seen if this game ages graphically as much as DMC4, but I don't think it will if I'm honest.

Did I talk about the story yet? The story really rocks I can't lie. Narratives haven't been this franchise's strong suit but I will admit I never minded that as it really was apparent that it was not one of the core focuses of the franchise. DMC3 relies on a lot of subtext and symbolism for its narrative which I've spent a lot of time analysing but I can't say I was ever moved by it or fell in love with it but I can appreciate what was there. DMC5 on the surface isn't much different as its still a pretty fun action story yet there's a greater deal placed on the narrative this time, and while yes the later section can feel a bit contrived I really do like it. I love the fact that they didn't toss DMC4 aside and continued Nero's story. I love the fact that the game acknowledges the series history to the point where it's pulling in references from the DMC anime and even fucking DmC of all things. What a wild ride.

Oh yeah, this is the Special Edition so there's also Vergil's campaign which I played through. Gameplay wise, Vergil's very fun but he's also pretty easy, not as easy as V I'd argue but I don't really mind it as his campaign is something you play after the game has finished and I don't think it's a big deal to have an OP character as post game content. Something I should address about Vergil. He's hot as fuck. I've battled with the feeling of whether I want to FUCK Vergil or be FUCKED by him. Knowing Vergil you'd assume that he would refuse to bottom and obviously choose the latter, right? Well, I disagree. Reader, have you ever heard of the term "power bottom"? I heard it the other day. I don't fucking know what it means but I assume it has something to do with sex, and it has power in the name. Power... Vergil loves power...yes please bust this twink down NOW.
Oh yeah also Mission 20 as Vergil is the coolest thing ever lmao

There's a bunch of shit that I didn't get the chance to talk but I don't wanna drag out this review for much longer. I really do feel confident that this might be the greatest action game ever made and I tip my hat to Itsuno and his team for giving it their all. Playing this game made me wanna replay the franchise all over again and I'm sure I'll revisit this game countless time over the years, slowly trying to master it to the best of my ability. Until then, goodbye Devil May Cry. It's been a blast.

Okay this is the best DMC game hands down. Somehow this beat out 3 as my favorite.

I'm not super great at action games like this, but I do enjoy this series a lot, so having 3 characters to mess around with was a neat change of pace. Nero's devil arms are neat to use, and having so many to choose from allows for a ton of interesting builds centered around him. V's gameplay takes some getting used to, but I grew to enjoy how he played, getting tons of high ranks as him towards the end.

The absurd amount of stuff in Dante's kit this time around is amazing. While the guitar from 3 will always be my favorite goofy weapon of his, switching from a sword to a motorcycle is just too crazy (and that's a good thing). All of his weapons feel great to use and switching between melee weapons and guns and styles on the fly to build up style points is more satisfying than it has any right to be.

If you're a Devil May Cry fan and you somehow have not played this game, do it. Right now. By reading this sentence you are now obligated to play this game. DO IT

>entran al salon
>sacan el mejor videojuego de acción de la historia POR SEGUNDA VEZ
>crean el mayor banger jamás concebido por juego alguno
>dejan el salon

>se rehúsan a elaborar

When you hit your deadbeat dad with da R2 buster move

Edit: After replaying this game basically constantly for the platinum for like two months and finally getting it, I'm pretty content saying this is the best action game ever made

The most stressful platinum of my life.

Meu primeiro Devil May Cry e MEU AMIGO, é diferente dos outros jogos, dá pra matar demônio dando grau, jogar de vergil é muito satisfatório, gostei do que vi e aguardo pelo próximo!

Fucking phenomenal. Just perfect.

Just another couple playthroughs of this gem. While i am bit disappointed that Vergil is once again just a playable character with no real extra story, this game still rules.

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Devil May Cry 5 is a truly special culmination for what this series has done for me. Despite struggling with the overwhelming awfulness of DMC2 and the generous mid-ness of DMC4, Devil May Cry 5 manages to stick the landing and bring the series into a great conclusion for the Sons of Sparda. It's fairly controversial to rank this above the classic of DMC3, but I think I'm fairly capable of explaining myself.
Yes, DMC3 is incredible, and I appreciate so much of it and hold it in very high regard, but DMC5 feels every so slightly more polished and adds so much to what I already loved with this series' gameplay with the addition of Nero. I never expected to like a DMC character more than Dante or Vergil, but it really is because of Nero and what he means to the series that I came to love DMC5.
Vergil and Dante are two halves; Vergil is representative to the demonic heritage of the line of Sparda and Dante the human half. They are two opposing ideas, each believing the other to be mutually exclusive, two ideas in constantly conflict. This is the conflict at the core of the series.
...And then comes Nero.

Nero is the rejection of that exclusivity. The perfect synthesis towards why Dante and Vergil find themselves fighting against each other with no end. Where the conflict of the brothers previously was equal to destruction, with Vergil's appetite for power meant the careless sacrifice of many innocents as Dante races to stop his twin, DMC5 brings this conflict to equal creation; The brothers fighting against each other to further their skill and ability in tandem with the other. And this is all because of Nero.

Nero's reasons to fight can also be seen as a synthesis of the motivation of each brother; Vergil fights to hoard power to prevent himself from being hurt, Dante fights to protect those that he loves and cares for, but Nero here fights to gain power not in service of himself like Vergil, but to protect his loved ones.

Even the awakening of Nero's powers here are different. Whereas Vergil and Dante awaken their devil powers through their respective acceptances of their demonic halves, Nero finds his full power awakened when he rejects the conflict of the brothers and embraces his humanity. It's through his sense of humanity and desire to protect Vergil and Dante that he's able to unlock his Devil Trigger at the story's climax.

I've yet to find another game with themes of brotherhood and love in a better capacity than Devil May Cry 5. That really is what these games are about; love. The Sphere Hunter had a really great interview with the creative heads behind DMC5, and everything will really click into place with this series if you see it for yourself (

I don't know how to properly close this review out besides saying that I love this game. It connects with me in a way that few other games have in the past. I find every aspect of this game truly beautiful, and I can't wait to see what Capcom does with Nero in the future, as his story is clearly far from over.

Epic ass game but the story is almost too fan servicey. I get why they'd do that though since its the first DMC in a decade they need to get that audience. Combat is really fun with all the characters but V who is fun but not as fun as the other three. Art direction took a step back with all the muted colors and effects as well as the generic looking levels and the cutscene direction is not as epic and crazy as previous games but I can forgive that cause this is a meaty ass action game I will be playing for quite a bit


Now I know I'm speaking from the perspective of someone who got into this series a year ago, and didn't have to wait for this after 4's release... but that 11 years was totally worth it man, oh my god.

This is a fucking video game right here

Somehow making a game that’s already amazing even better. Whilst there are some things I wish got changed in Special Edition, such as S ranking Mission 18 being less harsh, playable Vergil manages to become the best part of the game as always. Looking forward to attempting Legendary Dark Knight mode eventually

1 star off for anything with V

Me ha parecido un desastre. En todo. El combate es deficiente, los niveles son excesivos, la narrativa es desastrosa y la dirección artística es genérica, cuando menos. Siento que no me haya parecido el Videojuego de Acción Definitivo™ que llevo oyendo que es desde que salió; todo lo contrario, muy a mi pesar.

Salvo que yo qué sé, por lo menos no se me ha hecho bola y he pasado el ratillo, pero no vuelvo a tocar este juego ni con las manos de otro.