Reviews from

in the past

I was a real Marvel nerd, so I'm pretty sure I set my family back into poverty wasting money on these figures (please note I have never actually lived in poverty, this is a joke)

This is one of those cases of "a few steps forward, a few steps back." It made some much-needed and welcome changes to the Toy Box, but the Playsets were kinda hung out to dry, and that's sad.

Marvel carries so fucking hard.

Avalanche Software returns with Disney Infinity 2.0 with the Marvel Superheroes that only leads to three play sets with The Avengers, Spider-Man and Guardians of the Galaxy but they are longer with more characters to play with.

As you face and defeat enemies you level up and gain skill points for a skill tree with Health & Defence, Special Abilities, Melee & Range skills allowing you to upgrade any of these abilities. This is an alright feature that didn't need to be added but they did.

A few characters like Iron Man and Thor have a unique ability exclusive to them. They can fly around and find other items. This is a fun feature that can only be done by them.

The three play sets have character tokens. Collecting 10 of them you can use that character for a few exclusive missions. Avengers has Nova & Rocket Raccoon, Spider-Man has Iron Man & Hulk and Guardians of the Galaxy has Iron Man & Nova.

This is a fun sequel with tons of characters. A few more play sets based on Marvel Characters would be good like Ant-Man and Doctor Strange could have been a good idea.

I understand that this is maybe not a good video game, but I don't care I freaking loved it. As a toy collector, I loved these games and the figures were really well-designed collectibles with a great aesthetic. Disney Infinity 2.0 adds some nice improvements over the first game but doesn't really push the game forward that much.

Disclaimer: These are my brief thoughts based on my memory of playing this 8 years ago:

This is the worst of the Disney Infinity games as it tries to be more complex than the first one and losing its charm while also not being nearly as complex enough like 3.0. It's fun if you like Marvel though as that is most of its focus, but if you don't then it feels very bloated and I'm not a huge Marvel fan.

When I watched Monsters University, I played Disney Infinity 1.0 since the starter pack came with a level based on that movie.
When I watched Inside Out, I played 3.0 since a play set for that movie was produced for said game.

Since late 2015's The Good Dinosaur had no videogames or Infinity playsets, and it had a convenient slot between my previous two Infinity games and the few upcoming eight gen games, I thought it was the perfect place to slot 2.0, even if it doesn't really make sense.

Since this is the one I have the least amount of interest in, I don't really have much for it - just the Avengers playset and the other stuff that comes with the Marvel Starter Pack.

The Avengers playset feels like a bigger, emptier version of the Incredibles set from 1.0, and at times feels like the hub world of a LEGO Marvel game.
I started playing as Iron Man but he felt super clunky and a bit weak so I switched over to Thor.

The previous owner of Thor actually got pretty far with him as he was at Level 9 and had a bunch of his skills unlocked already, which helped me get the most fun out of this game (is this cheating? It's basically the only way you can play this nowadays).
Despite that I feel like you could reskin this world as any other IP and it wouldn't really change much.
If you like 1.0's Incredibles section you'll definitely enjoy playing this.

The Toy Box is pretty much the same as the other two so I can't talk much about it, although there is some kind of "introduction" level called "Disney Treasure Hunt" that seemingly doesn't require the base. I guess it was meant to be the first thing you got when you booted the game but since it told me to put a playset piece on the base I was thrown into Avengers instead.

The starter pack comes with a new disc type - "Toy Box Game Discs", hexagonal discs that you place on the pad that unlock minigames.
They're slightly raised up so you can't stack them.

The starter pack comes with two; "Assault on Asgard" and "Escape from The Kyln". There's also two similar ones that come with the Toy Box Starter Kit. They're both identical to each other, gameplay wise.

"Attack on Asgard" is a tower defense game that's entirely self-contained. You use coins to buy turrets and other defensive objects that kill enemies in waves. You can also fight them with your combat skills if they manage to slip through.
If they destroy the thing you're guarding, it's game over.

There's ten levels, each with six waves. Enemies drop coins you'll need to buy more defenses between waves, but you only get ten seconds to collect any stragglers, which isn't enough time due to how big your area is.
You'd think that using your roll would be faster but there's gaping pits of lava with no fences, so it's incredibly easy to accidentally roll straight into one and die instantly.

What happens when you lose your life?
You either have to place another figure on to finish the round you were just playing (most likely of a lower level making it much harder), or restarting THE ENTIRE LEVEL, from Wave 1. Also, only Marvel characters can be used in the Asgard one, so my plan on switching between Thor and Mr. Incredible is out the window...
Certain levels also have multiple items to guard, and I assumed you had to keep at least one of them standing to win like most other tower defense games, but no. One down, all down.

Despite this, it's still relatively easy to play through once you've gotten used to it and stopped caring about bonus shit (throwing townspeople into a safehouse grants you extra coins but due to the stress of trying to keep your defenses up and the fact that some of the safehouses require platforming over lava, I didn't wanna chance it), although much like Inside Out, the final level isn't great.
It more or less requires you to throw people in the safehouses, but you can't since the thing you're defending will get swarmed if you're not there for reinforcement, but if you don't you'll get swarmed anyway since you won't have enough coins to buy the defences you need. Like I did with Inside Out last time I decided to call it quits since I don't really need to complete this minigame for the 100% (although it did help).

The other one is "Escape From the Kyln", which is essentially a dungeon crawler a-la Diablo, complete with a horrific isometric view that's never used anywhere else in the game.
There's only eight levels here, and the goal is to defeat enemies, collect keys to progress and also grab some extra goodies on the way.

Unfortunately one of the main reasons you'd want to play through this outside of the two relatively easy trophies is bugged - you can't level up after a certain level here.
My Thor was at 17 and the Spider-Man I bought before I started my Kyln session was at 20 (pre-owned!). Neither of them have leveled up once.
Granted, Thor doesn't usually last very long in this game type (for some reason!) but I've literally been playing as Spider-Man for hours and he's still at 20.
Is this a bug with the Kyln pack? Or with the game itself? I mean, you do collect orange XP orbs in this mode so you must be able to level up. Iron Man (at level 4) does since his XP bar lights up when you collect them but neither Thor or Spider-Man do.
(Update: The max level is 20. Playing as Spider-Man and then leveling up as another character unlocked the "character at level 20" trophy I needed).

Completing a level automatically unlocks the following one, except completing Level 7 doesn't unlock the final level. I don't know what does and I don't really care considering I managed to get everything I needed by completing all the others and since the XP system is broken in this gamemode there's not much incentive to continue.

Completing the first level of Kyln unlocks "Exploration Survival Mode", a series of 50 randomly generated levels in which you just run around and defeat a set amount of enemies. According to the game, every run is unique - different skies, world themes, enemies and possibly layouts for every run.

Each level is huge, so expect to spend more time running around than actually fighting enemies.
There is a timer but it always ticks up while the level is loading, so it's only vaguely helpful.
Each level can take about 5 minutes to complete (including loading) but there's like 50 of them so it'll take quite a long time to play it to completion (a requirement for the 100%).
The isometric view from Kyln returns (which should be obvious) but it makes running around quite annoying, and using flying characters is basically useless since you can't really figure out where you're landing.

The rest of the game is mainly just grinding - this introduced the INterior but you'll be spending most of the time here just spamming stuff for feats, unlike the actually fun one used in 3.0.
Getting feats is okay but you'll be hard pressed to find any that don't require you to do something for an insane amount of time (I did find a guide that helped me get a few but it was unfinished and left me to my own devices for the last 20).

If you wanna get the most out of this game I recommend buying all the playsets (or at least buying the Hulk and Captain America).
The online is dead on PS3 so I'm not sure why you'd want to play it here honestly.

I did find out that they released completed versions of all three games with everyone and everything unlocked on Steam so if you wanna play Infinity I can't recommend that enough!

We collected ALL of the figures, or damned near all of them.

It was a sad day when they stopped creating characters for this game and shut down the online stuff.

A Disney-lover's dreamscape!

This shit was goated. Character mechanics were fire

Disney reminds everyone that they do indeed own Marvel for the 20000000th time.

i mean having actual playsets was nice ig