Reviews from

in the past

Really liked this game as a kid and thought it was genuinely good for the longest time. Tried busting it out with my friends recently and nobody liked it myself included.

looking into donald duck voice surgery

lowkey cool mario party substitute. not at all as competitive, but still a magical time

very funny in hindsight that hudson soft made this tbh

É uma cópia de Mario Party muito sem graça e muito sem alma. (olha só, quem diria)

puke emoji of mario parties

I will go to bat for this party game. It has a hilariously low review score for what is a well designed and fun party game with Disney Characters. It's balanced around traveling a bunch of different maps with a nice variety of mini-games, where you buy/win items to place on a board to create a 'bingo'. It's also got a neat card collection aspect to it that I enjoy where after the game ends (win or lose) You get random digital trading cards to add to your collection. It's fun. Not sure why people hate this one at all.