Reviews from

in the past

Llegó sin traducción al español, cosa que me extraña ya que es algo que se suele tener en cuenta en los juegos de licencia. Curiosamente, pese a que la peli es bastante regulera, el juego que salió de ella es decente, incluso me atrevería a decir que es bueno, y sobretodo muy variado.

This game sucks. Play Chicken Little Ace In Action instead.

true to the game's title, he is very little

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this game is terrible, no surprises there. The Story is the same as the film, with a few deviations for gameplay. The Graphics are alright for what the game is though, they have a similar color scheme and models look like what they should be. The Gameplay has you climb, bash, and go along the world around you to get from point A to point B during some segments, but these aren't interesting since you just collect Acorns for health, coins for buying necessary items, and the direction and pointlessness of the cards makes them boring, get attacked by clockwork Chicken Little, because they were programmed to do that, how bad are these people? some parts are too open for the small task they want you to do, to continue the story, makes levels sometimes feel dragged out. Also, Chicken Little instead of just using a soda to fly through the window, instead takes a long way around the area before going into the window after he should have lost all that juice by now. You also go through corridor sections to avoid what around you, whether it makes sense for the things to have fallen or not, a dodgeball match where you can't see the entire screen when you go back to get your balls, even though the characters would when you turn around, also I never laughed at the loading screen saying hatching instead of loading, and these mixed with the bad story and movie designs makes lowers the bar even more. The Music is also bad, nothing you will care about at all. Chicken Little is a terrible kid's game that only avoids half a star is because, it is possible for kids to like and play this game.

Used to hate this game on GBA, I dunno why, maybe its cause of the movie itself, but its a really solid licensed movie tie-in game all things considered. Quick and breezy game.

fuck that Goosey Loosey hallway chase. fine until the alien stuff kicks in, good for the first five or so levels.


The movie was awful enough.

First PC game I ever played. Nothing but nostalgia for it, but the latter half of the game is so much weaker than the former

One of my childhood games. I never managed to complete it fully when little.

This is surprisingly good for an old movie tie-in game. It's a nice platformer with a crazy amount of variation from different gameplay scenarios. I unironically recommend it if you're looking for a kind of short game with lots of variation.

I played the GBA version as one of my first games, I remember the alien part scared me ;-;

I regret to inform you that Chicken Little the licensed game is not very good...I know, I was just as shocked as you all are.

It's an alright platformer at first but then it tries way too many different gameplay styles that honestly don't work. The final two levels in particular are when the movie it's based on is already over so it's obviously an attempt to try and make the game last longer. The only reason it doesn't get a worse rating is because, well, it at least functions and doesn't bug out. I'll also admit I had fun with some segments like the Dodgeball part of the game...that's about it.

Surprisingly attempts a lot of genres though it never feels that fleshed out. Even as a kid I noticed some of the missions and moments don't at all connect with the movie, which is strange as this is supposed to be a retelling of the movie. Pretty alright gameplay though and I can't say I didn't like it a lot as a kid.

(PlayStation 2)

Movie tie-in shovelware I played as a kid.

I got this game for my birthday one year and beat it on my birthday. It's a short game like the movie is short. At least it made me realise as a kid that games can be bad.

Only redeeming factor is its not the worse graphics or physics I've seen in a platformer. That isn't a compliment though.

I hated this game as a kid but holy shit the nostalgia

Was fun until the devs got lazy and made the last half of the game the longest mini games ever.

Delivering surfboards since 2005. Also Goosey's kinda hot...

Eu comprei esse jogo por nostalgia, eu tinha um ps2 com esse jogo e adorava, agora como um jovem adulto fui revisitar o jogo e me decepcionei, a gameplay das partes de plataforma funciona muito bem, já as partes que controla veículos é horrível, além disso tem fases sem graças e repetitivas, eles LITERALMENTE REUTILIZARAM a mesma fase no jogo, a única parte realmente boa é que a versão de PC está totalmente traduzida.

Tenho certeza q no off essa galo safado bota essa pata para mamar firme