Reviews from

in the past

My childhood. Words can't describe what this game means to me. Grant Kirkhope's music makes my heart swell when I listen to it even now. Just playing this game illicits feelings from me that nothing else really can.


Kind of a chore, but I remembered this as actually worse than it was. Tighter in scope than Banjo-Tooie, a pretty fun/unique excursion. The characters play differently in fun ways, and there's some pleasant art direction in this game.

kandi has awesome knee slappers

Basically got to where the last zone or whatever, but I wanted to get all 50 blueprints. I only had a few of those left to get, but they were too hard.


more things to collect than any game ever made.

she doing a 64 on my kong, call her donkey

There are only so many times that you can see a switch with a character's face on it before you say "yeah, I get it" and move on.

you take a barrel full of monkeys and you make it boring

I was far too young and dumb to get anywhere through the story but the local co-op is fucking hilarious.

Get mario 64 as a base and more things to collect... and more things... and more things... add extra character with their own things to collect... that's really the game, it was not a bad game but the repetition can get to you real fast if you don't like that sort of game. It took me a while to finish because of burnout but it was a fun ride. Ooooohh Banana!

What a nostalgia trip! After my first time playing this and actually beating it, I feel so proud! So much fun. And so charming. (The full 101% run is totally worth it)

I'd say it's a 3/5, but I gave it a little extra for the DK rap

this is the definitive title if you wanna hate and love something at the same time

I was just shy of full completion but short some haunted house bananas. Spent hours hunting for them but it turned out you had to get a simple puzzle incorrect to get those last 4 bananas, as a consolation prize. I'm still in a huff about it 20 years later.

Pretty unexciting game overall though I did love the Rambi minigame and the Donkey Kong arcade port.


The most fun game that just got too big and ambitious for its own good. It felt like Banjo-KAzooie series on too many sterois, with big ass maps, and having to constantly switch between 5 characters. Sounds nice on paper until you get later in the game where figuring out where to get all collecathon stuff to beat the game gets frustrating. Maybe if they ported it to Switch, I'd replay it.

As a kid, this game was big. It was so big! Big enough to drive a car through. And it still is. But is it good? No, but it's still pretty big!

Played this when I was too young to understand what to do. Usually just wandered aimlessly randomly collecting whatever I found.