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The base levels are actually a bit tighter designed than base Doom Eternal - The story is a little more nonsense and not conveyed very well, and i do miss having access to the doomslayer's base and progression, but nonetheless The Ancient Gods shows a promising path for Doom Eternal.
Ancient Gods part one is only mostly let down by a poor final boss fight, but i was surprised to see the base game's most annoying enemies used a bit more cleverly this time around.

"Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should"

Fewer, yet longer and more detailed, levels (good!)

Plot (bad!)

Doom Eternal, much like its 2016 predecessor, was a complete package and one of the best first-person shooters campaigns ever made. But id Software has found the urge to expand upon Eternal, a feeling it did not have with 2016’s reboot, with The Ancient Gods Part 1. This debut episode continues where Eternal left off and instead of feeling like a half-baked WAD, it ends up being one hell of a satisfying, challenging expansion.

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Base game was merely building your arsenal, but this cleverly nudges you to master it. Beating TAG 1 on nightmare means you got in the proper reaping and tearing zone. Play in moderation slayers.

Oyun için söylediğim her şey geçerli ama bi yarım puanı kırıyorum çünkü kısa sürsede kompakt bir hikaye yok hadi o neyse doom bu ama oyun düşmanları boca edercesine üzerinize salmaya başlıyor hatta kombo yapamıyorsunuz. Baya sinir oldum ama genel olarak güzek bir deneyimdi.

The ancient gods parte uno me gusta porque es más doom eternal. Mantiene el núcleo jugable prácticamente intacto, ya que si algo es perfecto para que lo vas a tocar ¿verdad? Pese a todo, esperaba un poco más de novedades en este DLC. Tres enemigos nuevos, junto a sus respectivos tres niveles es prácticamente lo único nuevo que trae consigo. Me parece algo escueto, además de que el concepto tras esos nuevos enemigos me parece regulero. Sobre todo el espíritu, nacido con la idea de darle uso al disparo secundario más infrautilizado del juego base. Reconozco que está bien intentar buscarle un uso viable a las partes menos poderosas del juego, pero creo que el rayo microondas tiene problemas desde su nacimiento. No puedes pretender que esté quieto varios segundos en un juego como eternal. Por eso creo que el espíritu debía de haber venido con un cambio directo a ese accesorio del cañón de plasma. Se hace muy frustrante matar al demonio controlado por el espíritu en un lugar equivocado, ya que posiblemente no lo puedas rematar por la naturaleza lenta del arma. Sobre todo en dificultades altas se incrementa esa frustración que se podía haber solventado de otra manera.

Quitando eso, creo que el resto de Ancient Gods es bastante bueno. Hay una buena progresión en cuanto a la dificultad respecto al juego base , y el diseño de niveles sigue destacando como de costumbre. No solo el diseño puramente jugable, si no de nuevo, el diseño artístico de escenarios sigue siendo sublime. Es simplemente precioso.

Por otro lado es difícil hablar de Ancient Gods sin entrar en el mal trato que recibió Mick Gordon por parte de Bethesda, que tras no recibir parte de la compensación económica por su trabajo, fue difamado y acabó abandonado ID software. Es genuinamente una lástima y le deseó suerte en sus próximos trabajos. Sin embargo, creo que han encontrado a la persona perfecta para hacer este trabajo en la ausencia de Mick. Andrew Hulshult entrega una banda sonora absolutamente sublime, caracterizada por ese heavy metal industrial que casa perfectamente con Doom, y en especial este DLC. Es alguien con experiencia en este género de videojuegos y se nota.

En definitiva, Doom eternal : the ancient gods parte uno me ha gustado. Echo de menos más novedades y las que hay no me emocionan precisamente. Pero sigue siendo más doom al final del día. Me alegro de haberlo rejugado con un ordenador capaz de cargar la cantidad de demonios del juego de forma fluida, ha mejorado un poco mi impresión de este título.

I feel mixed on this, I might have to replay it to see how I feel, but throughout most of it (especially the 2nd level and the final boss) I was extremely frustrated due to the difficulty. Keep in mind, I beat the entirety of the base game 100% on Ultra-Violence twice. It just reaches a point where it doesn't feel quite as fun, mainly due to the scenarios they set up for you and the lack of real new enemies.

Beat the living shit out of me and made me learn to Quick switch, the level of challenge this offers compared to base game is insane and my god it was truly Fun and something Special. 10/10 would Kill demons again

Honestly found way too much, it feels like it was designed to be hard and that's it. Some of the encounters in this were so miserable I could not believe that it passed testing, maybe it's a skill issue but this was overkill for no reason.

this dlc is easier to play on pc than on nintendo switch. who wouldve thunk it?

pretty solid expansion, the new levels are great, they look fantastic and have some really fun encounters

bit light on new mechanics, really its just the support rune and a few new enemies
speaking of enemies, oh my god these new ones suck
their weaknesses are just kind of not fun to deal with

When you think the base game is good, and this rolls around. 7 stars!

This is how you make a DLC. every single aspect enhanced and with a twist, i like being happy

(Review of just part 1)

More Doom Eternal which is a great thing.

The encounter design is great, and arguably better than the base game due to it being balanced around having your whole loadout from the start. It definitely is balanced assuming you've mastered the game loop though, as it's a lot more difficult than the base game. A couple new enemies are thrown into the mix which serve to make old enemies more interesting as well as spice up the combat in their own way.

The sections between big combat rooms feel a lot better here too due to more intermittent enemies and more engaging platforming puzzles.

Really my only complaint is that there's no new weapons and that a couple of the arenas feel a bit too cramped. Looking forward to part 2.

Exploration and progression from the base game trimmed away exclusively in favor of stringed-together combat arenas, paired up with some obnoxious enemy design. Story beginning to hit the shitter big time.
Feels like a $20 canonical nuts.wad.

It's DOOM alright. The story is not why you should play this, but more shooting and slashing isn't the worst thing in the world.

Felt it was decent but was pretty short for the asking price. Not too many stages, but the stages here felt like they dragged on for too long. It’s great for eternal fans, but that’s really about it.

Ancient Gods - Part One é como uma grande Master Level. Sério, é bem mais difícil que o jogo base e você precisa ter dominado o combate do jogo na campanha principal pra progredir na DLC.

Com isso dito, essa DLC é foda demais.

yani yeni bir şey yok sadece hikaye devam ediyor, üç yeni boss fight var o kadar. daha fazla doom eternal'dan fazlası değil

Hacía tiempo que no me daban tantos palos en un juego. No sé si es que se perdió algo de balance respecto al original, o que lo que los nuevos enemigos no están del todo bien integrados, pero lo sentí distinto, menos 'justo'

(Part 1 review, idk if backlogg'd will seperate part 1 and 2 when it comes out)
All the good stuff in Doom Eternal is back, kicking you straight into 3 levels of endgame doom eternal. Mandatory sections of this game feel like base game slayer gates, and its fuckin tight.
However, every new enemy they added to the DLC is unbelievably annoying. I don't think I ever enjoyed seeing any of them show up. Turrets are an honest waste of time, spirits are a cool idea but the embodiment of DE forcing you to fight things a particular way that's kinda a drag (also fighting two of them is hard pullingly annoying), and whatever the last thing was also Just Annoying I Dont Have A cool Phrase For That One
All of this cumilated to an unbeleivably frustrating final boss, but maybe thats just my salt speaking as I got fucking pissed at not one but two double spirit phases.
On another note, I know people dont play doom for the story but the story of doom 2016 was honestly pretty interesting and it's really disappointing that basically everything from that game was tossed aside and everything that happened in that game was actually done by super angels. everything. was always god plans. thank you drake.

DOOM Eternal's first expansion is quite possibly one of the hardest bits of video gaming you will endure. Although there's not much new in terms of enemies, mechanics, nor anything all too breathtaking in level design, the sheer challenge of this expansion will bring experienced DOOM players to their knees.

There's not much to really complain about with The Ancient Gods besides a lack of original enemies, weapons, or anything else. A new "support rune" system is implemented that's really nice, the new slayer gates are absolutely bonkers (especially gate 2 post patch), and the new story details of this expansion are pretty cool.

Expands on almost everything the base game has to offer, by building on the combat loop we all know and love. Difficulty is ramped up with more challenging arenas, encounters, and the new Spirit, which buffs demons it possess and must be prioritized once killed unless it does it again. The lore was introduced well and mostly makes sense, but will still send you searching for a wiki to make sense of what is going on. The two boss fights were high energy and chaotic, and seemed much more true to the game than the ones in the base game.

Basically, it's more Doom! What's not to like?

Pues al igual que el juego base me ha gustado mucho, concretamente porque es exactamente igual. Es tanto su virtud porque sigue teniendo todo lo bueno de eternal, como su defecto, ya que echo de menos alguna cosa nueva.

Solo añade 3 enemigos nuevos, uno chulo , otro intranscendente y por ultimo otro bastante malo. Basa su existencia en convertir a enemigos regulares en esponjas de balas, justo lo contrario que lleva a haciendo el juego hasta este punto. También me ha dado la sensación que hay demasiados enemigos por combate, satura un poco.

A nivel estético sigue al nivel, siendo increíbles. La banda sonora cumple bastante bien aunque se nota que no es mick gordon, pero sabe transmitir la misma sensación que la original.

Tougher than the main game to the point where the former looks easy. Nice surprise at the end.

This review contains spoilers

the slayer gates in this DLC make me feel like the coolest person alive (i am)

Very epic dlc, I have to say some or the new enemies are very annoying so I played it on easy mode and still struggled (especially those damn spirits) otherwise that ending is an amazing reveal.