Reviews from

in the past

si es tan malo como dicen,no entendi nada

I hate this game so much...

It all started with the E.T. movie, I saw it with my husband and 3 children (1 girl and 2 boys) and we loved it, it was a very nice memory, we even bought a vinyl with the OST made by John Williams, it was amazing.
So when a game of the movie came out in 1982, we were all very excited!
My husband, Harry, worked at Atari, Inc. so he asked for the game to surprise us, but he decided to try it first, that's where the tragedy began...
He started playing a lot, I told him that he was going to hurt his eyes if he continued playing for so long, and he responded vaguely by saying something like "I'll be done soon, honey." Considering his frustrated dream of playing basketball, and not being able to due to a childhood injury, I ignored it at first, and was glad that he found a hobby.
I realized something was wrong, when one day I saw him at home, when he was supposed to be at work, carrying a refrigerator to the game room, I asked him what he was doing and he replied: SORRY, HONEY, I HAVE TO FIND THE PHONE PIECES, E.T. NEED MY HELP

I was so shocked that my head started to hurt, I didn't believe what was happening, I told him to go pick up the kids from school today, and after him whispered "sure" I went to bed. Later I woke up because someone was calling the phone, it was one of the children's teachers, asking if something had happened, because no one had come for them. I quickly went to get the children, and when I returned home to ask Harry for explanations, I found him drinking liters and liters of milk, non-stop, like a vampire sucking blood from a young lady, or a viking bathing in the blood of his enemies, while playing that damn game, he ignored my words, If I moved him away from the screen he would reposition himself to see it, if I stood in front of the screen he would move me away. Suddenly he stopped drinking milk and started mumbling something, it sounded very low, so I approached him to listen, and he was humming the damn song from the fucking video game. I got angry, I took a broom and broke the television, then he started crying and hugging the television shouting: E.T. E.T. E.T.!!!!
He asked me to do something, because E.T. needs his help, but I took the children and went to my mother's house for a few days.

Some time later, having assimilated everything a little, I saw news about E.T. game, buried in the desert, I laughed ironically thinking that the devil's game deserved it, but that was when I realized that among the images on the news, there was him, Harry, digging with his bare hands to look for the game, he even had blood on the tips of his fingers. How long were he digging? What was he doing there? How was it possible...

In the end I decided to forget about it and continue taking care of the children as a single mother, but seeing this game on my favorite website, backloggd, has brought me very bad memories...

not the worst but not at all a good experience either.

Não é o pior que o console tem a oferecer, na verdade diria que é apenas um puzzle mais complexo do que deveria.

ET anda sobre um grande cubo que é todo o mundo dele. No topo está a floresta, no fundo a cidade e nos lados o campo de dezenas de buracos. Um dos dilemas é como sair dos buracos que parecem feitos de manteiga de tanto que se cai deles. Uma dica é quando subir de volta, mirar para a direita o esquerda do buraco, as chances de voltar a cair a partir dali são mínimas.

Dito isso, o objetivo é encontrar espalhado aleatoriamente nesses buracos os 3 pedaços do telefone para ligar para a nave-mãe lhe buscar. Para te atrapalhar estarão os cientistas que te levarão pra cidade a troco de nada, é só voltar pra onde tava, e o detetive que vai te roubar uma peça do telefone, esse é muito mais irritante.
Você tem um total de 9999 passos para completar a missão, ao acabar, o garoto irá acordá-lo com mais 1500 passos, o que francamente é quase nada.

A grande confusão que assola este jogo é como saber onde estão as peças, o que fazer com elas e como terminar o jogo. Aí que entra os ícones que aparecem no topo da tela. Eles não são aleatórios, tudo depende de onde exatamente está o ET, e cada um decide o que o botão de ação fará. Setas te transportam para a tela naquela direção, interrogação te revelam onde estão as peças e 3 romano (cidade) manda os inimigos embora. Os ícones que você está procurando é um que parece uma batata com janelas, é a nave-mãe, neste ponto você deve ligar para eles com o telefone completo. Após isso uma contagem regressiva começa, e você deve achar o último ícone que é um alvo quadrado, ele é o ponto de pouso, esteja ali para ir embora, normalmente é pra ele estar na floresta.
Com um pouco de sorte de nenhum cientista te tirar do lugar, você terminará o jogo.

A ideia é muito mais complexa do que muitos jogos do 2600, e eu na verdade parabenizo o Howard por ter conseguido fazê-lo em 6 semanas. Mesmo sendo um jogo extremamente confuso que retornaram quase todos na época, é uma ótima peça de colecionador

Even knowing how to play this game, it's bad.

Even if you manage to stick with it for long enough to figure out how to make your way around, nothing you actually do in this game is fun. It at least digitized the theme correctly.

me play game, me have brainrot

not anywhere near as bad as ppl make it out to be just mid

Fall in hole - die in hole.

Game winds up same.


It's probably not the abomination many people want it to be. But it's not a lot of fun nonetheless.

Esta culero, pero no tanto como te lo vende internet

Oyun dünyasına yön veren ve kurtaran bu oyunu herkese tavsiye ediyorum. Adeta bir başyapıt ve bu oyun binlerce ödül almıştır.

اتاري أقسمت على صناعة أسوأ لعبة في التاريخ تبقى حاملة لهذا اللقب مدى الحياة

Sure it's bad, and it's partially responsible for the infamous video game crash of 1983, but the game itself isn't THAT bad. It feels more like an "attempt" than it does a "game," and I can't help but laugh when I play it just to see how incompetent it is at, well... everything.
I honestly recommend trying it out on an emulator, it should be entertaining for a few minutes... If you don't take it seriously and try to finish it like I did.

It's probably not the worst game of all time, but once you play it you realize why people called it that for so long.
Play it for the bile fascination or curiosity. Or don't waste your time and boot up a nes emulator instead and play better games.


I feel so bad for Howard Scott Warshaw.

I played this at a friends house as a kid thinking "The internet was wrong, this game is O-KAY!". I was a stupid kid

It's a bad game. It's a convoluted and bad game. It's still better than some of the chaff out there. Not even near the worst game ever made.

I played this at an arcade up in PA called Timeline Arcade. This game makes no fucking sense and it nearly killed video games as we know it.

At this point, the legend might have overshadowed my memory of this game!

Look, everybody knows this is the worst game of all time. I'm pretty sure we had it at our house at one point, but also I've watched so many documentaries and what not that I think memories have been implanted in my brain of having played this as a child. Probably because it was cheap to buy, I'm sure. I seem to recall moving lil' ol' E.T. around and not knowing what the hell was going on.

Which basically describes the game, am I right?

Review from

It's really not that bad. Yeah it's a frustrating mess to learn, yeah once you figure out how the game works you can "beat" it in 5 minutes or less, yeah a lot of it is RNG bullshit, but there are truly worse games out there. You cannot look me dead in the eye and tell me this game is worse than Superman 64 or Bubsy 3D

Much like a good portion of people who played this, I couldn't tell what I was doing the whole time. Guess I should've read the manual. Honestly, though, is it the worst game ever created? Eh, I've played more agonizing titles since.