Reviews from

in the past

Perdeu quase todo o hype por demorar atualizar

Played on PS4
Playtime: 50 Hours
Play Status: Mastered(Maxed Battle Pass)
Completion Date: December 15th 2020
No Spoilers

Bigger and Better
After spending 100 hours on Fall Guys, I started to get bored with the game. Same rounds, battle pass is finished and it was like I saw it all. Yeah, the connection issues and some other problems were being fixed but I needed new content to continue playing the game.

Well, Mediatonic must have thought the same thing because here they are with Fall Guys: Season 2. And I have to say, it's a very well made update.

The whole UI is redecorated with the theme of this season, Medievil. And of course, the big new addition here are the 5 new rounds. 4 launched with the season while the fifth launched mid season.

My favorite round is definitely Wall Guys. It's a race where you have to create yourself a path by dragging some crates to ascend some huge walls. Of course, the random placement of the crates in each round as well as the struggle of 15-20 different players makes it difficult. But no matter what, I always found it really fun.

Knight Fever is another race but this one is an obstacle course similar to Hit Parade or Dizzy Heights. The obstacles here are great with axes and some interesting torture devices trying to make sure you fall off and return to checkpoint.

Big Fans is the third and final race added and it's definitely the new Slime Climb. Not that hard but it's still harder than the other race rounds. It basically only has one obstacle but patience is key here and of course, there are lots of grabbers.

Hoopsie Legends is the new hunt round and it's sort of similar to what Tail Tag is to Team Tail Tag. This is a free for all version of Hoopsie Daisy. You need to go through the hoops to collect points. And the sooner you reach to the goal of 6 points the better because of course other players are trying to do it as well. It's definitely a fun round but it's a different version of an already existing round.

Speaking of different versions of an already existing round, enter Egg Siege. The worst round of this season in my mind and it's a team round by the way. I really don't like those. This is a different version of Egg Scramble and I think it's a worse version.

Why? Imagine Egg Scramble but instead of your little caves to store the eggs, you have huge castles. And in order to steal from another castle, you need to jump down to their castle, grab the egg and you need to scale one of the 2 very small ledges.

It's a big map which helps in trying to steal from other teams but I still think that Egg Scramble is the better version. One thing I can't say anything about though is the art design.

All of the new rounds looks incredible. Not just the rounds, the new costumes are incredible as well. We have a 40 tier new battle pass and it's a blast to go through it. I loved that bearded viking outfit.

Speaking of rounds, the mid season update introduced the variants. It's the same rounds we know and love but they have been altered. The biggest and best example I can give is the Perfect Match. Now there is a spinning thing in the middle of it so you are both trying to jump when it comes near you and you are trying to step on the right tile.

We also have a new, mechanic? System? It's called the shows and basically it's like developer created playlist. There was one that only had race rounds for example. Or the one that only had the hardest variants of every map.

The secondary shows rotates so that you can have different experiences but if you want to go with the classic, The Main Show is always there. All rounds, all variations, everything the game has to offer. But I found the secondary shows to be a nice way to keep the players engaged.

I gave the original experience 4 out of 5. I have to say, with the new rounds, with the show system, with the variations; this is the way. This is the way for Fall Guys to thrive for years to come. And I truly believe that this, is an amazing game and this season is an amazing content update.

Possibly the best season in terms of mini games. Some really fun ones in here.

A little light on new minigames, but the ones that were added were solid (Wall Guys is a personal favorite of mine) and this season included some desperately needed quality of life improvements and customization that were vital to the game's longevity.

Was a lot more fun than the first season, but the beginning of fading to obscurity

Top 50 Favorites: #27

Peak of the game right here imo. I'm sure we can all agree that Season 1 - despite having easily the most iconic games - was stretched thin for content after a certain time, leading to its first big (unfortunate) fall off. But the first span of its three original seasons is where it really found its sweet spot: this only lasted a couple months so it didn't overstay its welcome like newer seasons have done; it felt way more rewarding than now in its F2P days; added classic masterpieces like Knight Fever, Big Fans, and Hoopsie Legends without overbloating the game with too much extraneous content (Wall Guys still mid sorry); introduced nicknames, banners, and the show selector; and honestly just felt like a downright good, wholesome theme all-around. I'm not at all against its bigger, more complex setpieces but I'll always say that this game shines its brightest in its simplicity - feels like they started sincerely expanding here without going too far with it. Plus it still retained all the original Season 1 maps, can't go wrong with this.