Reviews from

in the past

It's got lots of issues and you have to approach it from a very specific mindset but god damn when you have the right mindset it can be great fun. The plot is ok but the sheer amount of campaigns makes the main story mode drag on and on. Side stories, meanwhile, require grinding for cash so you can level up the side servants to an actually acceptable level. Nero is annoying.

That being said if you enjoy anything related to the Fate series and don't despise the Musou genre, I'd recommend it. It's a bit of an oddity and you need to focus on territory rather than just killing hordes but it can be quite fun.

Fate/Extella: The Umbral Star is solid musou game in the gameplay department, and can be enjoyed if you happen to be a fan of the genre, but the game greatly suffers in the story department, which is weak, unengaging, and full of fanservice that may turn some fans of, especially if your a newcomer to the Fate games, or not a big fan of Nero, who will be your servant during your first playthrough, before you can unlock the two other branches.

Quite the simplistic Musou with some interesting gimmicks involving each of the characters to not make things completely dull, mostly being carried thanks to the story which is interesting once you adapt to it's own set of in-lore terms (and if you actually played Extra, because oh boy, they not gonna help you if you didn't)

I still need to play Golden Poem Arc but because I've skipped all of the dialogue I don't think playing the same fucking game for the FOURTH TIME will change my rating. Gameplay is ok, pretty repetitive and gameplay wise almost all servants suck ass (Rip Karna) Idk anything about the story but who gives a fuck about the Extra plotline.

But slaying robots as Gilgamesh is pretty fun tbh but please WHY DID I HAVE TO PLAY THE SAME FUCKING FINAL BOSS THREE TIMES

even less of a fan of musou here

not a great game but it was alright I guess or maybe its because I'm a sucker for musou game so there's that

I dropped this game half-way through about 4 years ago, and after about 5 minutes of picking it up again i could immediately tell why.

Gameplay-wise this game is.. not great. Not even in the usual way too mindlessly easy way that Musou's tend to suffer from, it's just incredibly one-dimensional.
Extella Maneuvers and Moon Drive are so much better than anything else you can do that you're solely using regular attacks to build those up. It's mindnumbingly boring.

The writing is also.. questionable, to say the least. It's rife with weird fanservice and bizarrely raunchy descriptions to the point where nearly the entire game reads like a censored h-scene. And sure, i know Fate fans love to defend that kinda stuff as "well ackshually it started out as an eroge it's always been like that" and well, you're not wrong - but the series is honestly at it's best when it's as far away from that as possible.
Fate/Extra and F/HA's Bazett being, in my opinion, the perfect examples of that.

That aside, from Altera's route onwards, the story ends up being surprisingly good - and Altera herself is a really great inclusion to the Extraverse, so it's not without it's merits. Soundtrack's a goddamn bop too. That rendition of Cosmic Air? Godly. Wish it played more often, probably one of my favorite Fate themes.

So TL:DR; it's allright for it's story if you're looking for more Extraverse content or want to properly prepare for Extella/Link's story - but if you're looking for a genuinely fun musou experience.. well, you're better off looking elsewhere.

This was a game that while playing it, I loved it. It seems like that was more just due to timing. This came out when actual Musou games were at an all time low, so this comes out and it's quality really boosted. Sadly for this one, most characters are boring. The plot is uninteresting and absurdly fan-service filled. It's not bad, but there is no reason to play this over the much better Link.

Weak game with a weak story and weak graphics, with some characters looking particularly bad and some animations being particularly cheap. One day I'll finish it just for the gamer cred but it's honestly not a game I look at and ever feel like playing even when it's in the shelf directly in front of me or on my desktop staring at me.
And I generally do enjoy musous.

I genuinely thought this game ended on three different occasions and it made me want to die. I do think the concepts here are neat but it definitely feels like a handheld game reusing assets and calling them different routes. Altera cute.

pretty button mashy combat, and nothing worthwhile outside of altera's route. much better tm entries to read/play

Very story based warriors game featuring the cast of the Extra universe with a few extras.

Story is nothing special, has a few fun moments but largely destroys the main 2 characters from Extra, taking away all of the bad parts of Nero making her more of a "good" character, and doing the opposite with Tamamo making her one of the villains.

sometimes a family can be three moms and attila the hun

it's like okay if you're a fate fan otherwise this kinda stinks lmao

This would be so much better if Tamamo no Mae wasn't a major character in it that you have to put up with for a third of the game.

That aside, despite the relative simplicity of the combat, this was a fun little title with a reasonably good story and a nice variety of characters to play with. I've definitely played worse than this.

I recommend the game to people who already know something about Fate Extra games, a newcomer would be too easily lost in the lore and jargon. But I guess you can still enjoy the melee fights without understanding all the storyline subtleties - which even I find rather far-fetched...

The gameplay is repetitive but has the merit of letting off steam. Increasing difficulty makes the fights much more epic and engaging. Defeating HORDES of mobs with the heroes of not only the Extraverse but also Stay Night, Zero and even Apocrypha is a dream come true.

The game itself is full of fan service: whether it be the interactions between iconic characters of the license, the multiple references, or the warm moments with Nero and Tamamo (Sakura Tange has never sounded this cute), everything is here to satisfy the fans. And, thank God, all the game has kept from CCC is one minor character: no more lewds or alter egos.

What in the fuck did you expect from a half-assed cash grab musou game made for the PS Vita

Good but Fate/Extella Link is better, also you don't have to play Fate/EXTRA to understand this, this is parallel universe...average anime stuff :|

Of the Extra trilogy (released in the United States) Umbral Star is middle of the road. The mussou gameplay is more enjoyable than Extra's rock-paper-scissors, but falls short of the improvements and spectacle of Link. The plot isn't deep as Extra's, but it has more heart than Link's. For some, Umbral Star will thus fall short in both regards. For me, I found it a nice middle ground. Tamamo is a yandere and Altera is a robot, but here was where my heart turned for Nero. Her affections for Haku were really at the core of the story, and it was here that I was really smitten.

Nonetheless, I'm hoping either Extra Record or CCC will be able to finally give us the definitive Extra experience whenever they become available.

i hate musou but at least is not as horrendous as link

this a great game, specially for fate fans.gameplay and graphics are okay for a musou game and story so goddamn good and emotional,you can feel the writing of nasu.

Gameplay is brain dead but story is great-ish