Reviews from

in the past

Actually played this on my PC thanks to the Translation team (plus the H-scene), such a great experience thou some part of the VN can be a little drag on but I have a fun time with it

can't say the same thing about the H-scene, great ero art but god those dialogues are just hell to read (I'm looking at you Sakura H-scene)

"I'll try my best from now on, too."

Vou deixar esse aqui pra representar tudo.

Ótima visual novel, história competente, personagens cativantes, e um bom desenvolvimento de personagem.
A evolução do Shirou é impecável, ver a construção dele durante cada rota é gratificante.

PEAK but would be better with less cooking scenes also I love kirei kotomine so much

Genuinely one of the greatest works of fiction I've ever read, despite some of is flaws it has.
Definitely Nasu's Magnum Opus
Played it on PC with fan patches, saying this since there is no PC option to choose here.

I Absolutely love this visual novel. Honestly its insane how much i love it. I don't think i can really describe my love for this very well but i will try my best. This is not really a review but just a small summary of my feelings.

Plot/Concept I absolutely adore the plot and overall concept of Fate stay night. 7 legendary heroes from different time periods/mythologies are getting summoned by 7 magi to fight in a battle royal to get their wish granted? This is so RAW. But while i do love this a lot, i would lie if i said that this VN doesn't waste a lot of potential this plot has to offer

Slice of life: This might be the worst part about this vn for a lot of people: But for me its up there with the best things about it. I enjoyed almost every second of the SoL part. My emotional connection to the characters and my overall investment wouldn't be this high without it. The SoL gives the writer a good chance for info dumping, developing relationships, build up and it helps the pacing a lot.

Pacing: I like the concept of days a lot. Each day has a reasonably length. It never feels too long and never too short. The balance between SoL and everything else is almost perfect.

Music: This is insanely underrated. All the soundtracks are amazing with some of the most memorable tracks i've ever heard. It is honestly perfect

Characters: This is one of the biggest strengths and weaknesses of this VN. It has some absolutely amazing characters like shirou, kotomine, sakura and archer but it has also quite a few bad characters like hassan, medea, medusa and kuzuki. There are also some character that aren't bad but just very badly utilised like shinji and kojiro.

Overall: This is an amazing story about characters fighting for their ideal and what they believe in. A clash of different truths if you want to call it that. It is beautiful. It took me along time to finish it but i enjoyed every second of it. I will miss this stoy a lot but hey i still have hollow ataraxia so its not completely over :)

it was beautiful seeing shirou's growth over the routes

One of the best visual novels ever created and it still holds up beautifully to this day. Loved the Fate, Unlimited Blade Works, and Heaven's Feel routes and they do a great job developing it's main character Shioru in various ways per route. I love Stay Night and it's easy to see why its praised by people.

i love to shit on the fate license but holy shit i love it im so sorry

Tiger Dojo is the greatest thing to be featured in a video game.

definitely way better as a read than by watching but i'm glad the anime got me interested enough to go read it

Timeless. I'm very new to Fate so this is my first experience with the franchise but I'd compare this to something like Evangelion in that it feels very deliberate and meaningful, and also impactful. Did not realize how many stories I enjoy have been influenced by it.

Regardless, it would be a bit dishonest of me to rate it 5/5 because I found HF and Fate routes had some pretty frustrating and slowly paced middle sections, that, even if they were meant to build to a later payoff, felt a bit too long. Also I wish that HF route felt more relevant to the other two. A lot of stuff from the routes gradually builds to each other for the intended order, but I feel the other routes didn't foreshadow it nearly enough.

Aside from that the only other issue to me comes down to the censored versus uncensored versions, as I feel that some things that were changed were better in the original, but some stuff in the original is pretty cringe at the same time, so there's no real ideal version.

Top 3 characters for me: 1. Kirei 2. Issei 3. Shirou

Fate/saber butt ass naked in 17 pieces no kyoukai EXTRA

There are 37 days until #shirouday

кирей котомине и я любим тофу

Peak fiction (especially since this is the Realta Nua version)

I really tried giving the visual novel a chance, but ended up getting annoyed with the choices & routes gimmick. Had a much better experience just watching the anime.

I didn't expect to love this this much (rating this to rate the whole VN)

I received psychic damage while reading this at many points, it does cool things, but the narration couldn't be worse even if tried, the best things are the characters by far, and it even fails on that sometimes. I did enjoyed it as whole at the end, but I can't recommend it.

this is such a complete package of a story, the characters genuinely great all around some of my favorite in recent memory

[Oque é Destino/Fique a noite?]
Para o cego, é a luz.
Para o faminto, é o pão.
Para o sedento, é a fonte de água.
Para o morto, é a vida.
Para o enfermo, é a cura.
Para o prisioneiro, é a liberdade.
Para o solitário, é o companheiro.
Para o viajante, é o caminho.
Para mim, é tudo.

Melhor experiência que eu já tive em toda minha vida.

Oque falar da melhor obra já escrita na ficção?

Peak História
Peak Escrita
Peak Personagens
Peak Trilha Sonora
Peak Mensagem
Peak Profundidade
Peak em TUDO!

Fate/Stay Night é o ápice da ficção, o ápice da literatura.

Kinoku nasu maldito, você é um GÊNIO! Como você me fez amar tanto assim uma obra? Como.

Fate stay night vai ser algo que jamais irei esquecer, é uma recordação e experiência pra lembrar até o fim da minha vida, é uma das coisas que me da prazer em viver e experienciar, leiam Fate/Stay Night🙌

Petição pra rota da saber receber uma readaptação em anime🙌

Simplismente Perfeito em todos os sentidos possíveis, existem poucas coisas que se enquadram no "Perfeito", mas nesse caso... O perfeito se torna Fate/Stay Night e Fate/Stay Night se torna o perfeito.

Rota Fate: 11/10 foi a melhor experiência que eu já tive, uma história sobre aprender a seguir em frente e deixar seus arrependimentos para trás, aceitar o agora e ir em rumo a utopia distante, saber é de longe a melhor personagem feminina já escrita, um rei altruísta com arrependimentos e que não suporta viver sobre a marca de um passado cruel e imutável.

Rota Unlimited Blade Works: 10/10, talvez a rota mais profunda.. Desconstrói o conceito de verdadeiro herói, acreditar em um eterno salvador e em um eterno sacrificado, ideais falsos, ideais que não passam de fantasia, sonhos distantes que jamais serão alcançados por emiya shirou, porém com resiliência ele se recusa a aceitar a realidade imutável que são seus ideais, pois ver o sorriso daquele homem que o salvou(Kiritsugu) foi oque o despertou o desejo de que todos sejam felizes, mas é impossível salvar todos, ser um herói significa aceitar que uns terão de ser sacrificados para outros viverem, emiya shirou busca alcançar os sonhos de seu pai, seus ideais não passam de fantasia e gradativamente ele se conflita consigo mesmo durante a rota, "provar o valor de quem você é" viver por um ideal falso que jamais será alcançado, Emiya Shirou é o meu protagonista favorito e ver o seu crescimento durante as 3 rotas diferentes foi muito incrível, um personagem trágico mas também um exemplo de resiliência e humanidade.

Rota Heaven's feel: 10/10, a terceira rota desconstrói tudo oque vimos até agora, é uma rota sobre um herói egoísta sacrificando tudo e todos para salvar somente aquele que ele ama, Emiya shirou destrói quem ele é e quem ele sempre foi, Emiya Shirou traí a si mesmo, trai seus ideais, trai seus sonhos pelo bem de proteger uja única pessoa e essas ações ao longo da rota vão tendo consequências que aos poucos vão quebrando o personagem, é a rota mais sombria das 3 e tem um dos confrontos finais mais simbólicos e épicos que eu já vi, Shirou Vs Kirei é LINDO! dois opostos mais ao mesno tempo iguais, o desenvolvimento de kirei vem a tona nessa rota.

Conclusão: Fate é uma obra cativante, muito BEM ESCRITA, que aborda abruptamente diversos temas profundos, personagens cativantes e profundos, a novel da ênfase para o pensamento de cada personagem te permitindo se conectar com eles, compreender seus sentimentos e absorver cada mínimo detalhe, é uma experiência incrível! Eu amo demais essa obra e para todo sempre amarei♥️

Eu vejo essa review como uma carta de amor que eu fiz para a série, dedicando o tanto que eu a amo e como ela me moldou como pessoa.

Antes de terminar a review só gostaria de destacar que

a saber é a melhor, e a rota fate é a melhor rota👍

Fate is a work that asks yourself to think of a dream, something you want to achieve. An ideal.
Only when you understand your ideal (Fate); sees him confronted by its consequences (UBW); See him confronted by reality (HF), and still keep moving forward, you will see him fulfilled. Fate is about idealism, the ideal of happiness. And we see how it can hurt us and even destroy us, but despite that it is something truly beautiful and worth pursuing.

This is a very special work for me, as a fan of Type-moon and Nasuverse. This is the work that opened all the doors for the Type-moon and Fate series to be what it is today. Nasu's writing is so magical and unique that they don't give exactly what is needed for a good story; the discovery of a world we do not know. And in this strange world, we find ourselves. Within these characters and their conflicts we discover our own humanity. He didn't just create a world, he created an entire and unique universe, with stories so rich that they warm the heart, with concepts so human that they touch us, with ideas and questions that make us reflect for days. I love Fate and I love Nasu.

Nasu is a mixed bag of a writer. He can make excellent characters, a varied and interesting world, and a pretty good story. However the constant 30 minute exposition dumps and cheesy ass Servants explaining their powers mid battle hurts it a lot. The first half of Fate route is some of the worst pacing I've ever seen, and yet I somehow ended up liking it more than UBW. If you can get past its flaws, it's an excellent story with compelling characters. Sakura and Shirou were my faves.

A pesar de venir de donde viene, es una obra de literatura singular.
Magos cabrones, adolescentes salidos, protagonista tontísimo y una variedad de personajes creíbles y bien desarrollados entrelazados en una trama que va más allá de lo que ve el protagonista.
Nasu cocina un plato raro, pero cocina un plato que a mí me gusta.

Fate: 7
Unlimited Blade Works: 7.5
Heaven's Feel: 2.8

King Arthur has lived rent free in my head for six years