Reviews from

in the past

a primeira loggada a gente nunca esquece

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OH MY GOD. THIS GAME IS ACTUALLY REALLY BAD. besides the pink bird falling into the abyss, this game is quite short and feels like a rip-off of poppy playtime and rainbow friends.

Good start, has potential, too short

Quick cashgrab made to appeal to indie horror youtubers and make kids steal their parent's wallets
Even $0 is too much for this game

Nothing about this game is good. Its derivative nature extends several degrees out. Giving it one star instead of 1/2 star because it technically is playable. I'm scared Jumbo Josh is going to kill my family

Honestly shocked the game didnt destroy my potato Laptop after seeing how bad the models are

Guilty Pleasure game. despite a run time of 5 minutes I have around 4 hours in this game thanks to constantly beating it

This is, so far, the worst game I've ever played.

The performance is so bad I had to install an external program to increase my PC's fan speed. The drone mechanic is slow and annoying. The game as a whole isn't well designed, the part where you have to find all the objects (can't be bothered to remember what they are) is annoying, the chase sequence is unintuitive since there's an invisible wall where you think you would exit, you have to turn off the alarm that looks like a decoration. You don't even SEE BANBAN IN THIS GAME. It's not even "so bad it's funny," it just sucks. I'll still laugh at banban memes though.

Oh god. Here we go. This is the worst banban game. I get its supposed to be the introduction to the franchise but it's just not that good. The puzzles seem like they were made for 3 year olds. The egg hunt was way too easy. And the opila bird part was the only good part but lasted like 20 seconds.

Overall the weakest banban. 4/10

more like garten of the battle of waterloo

It's a free game so can't be too upset at it but there's really not much to it. It's also very basic and unpolished.

Decent graphics and interesting critter design is unfortunately not enough to save Garten of Banban from the limitations of poor design that undercut everything it tries to do, every step of the way. If it isn't running into invisible walls during dire chases, it's struggling to get the drone to land properly in the hitbox of the buttons.

isso aqui vale pela franquia toda: podre horrível não deveria existir

Five Nights at Freddy's impact on the horror game genre is one of the worst things to ever happen in gaming and this just exhibit A.

Still longer than the MW3 campaign

Bad game but its weirdly charming.

Apesar do que muita gente andou dizendo por aí na Internet quando o jogo foi lançado, (apezar de não ter jogado) achei um jogo incrível, muito bem feito, com diversos detalhes e uma história misteriosa e "assustadora". Sendo aquele tipo de jogo que parece que foi feito para crianças (com mascotes fofinhos), mas que na verdade esconde uma história bem legal e "macabra" por traz. Os mascotes realmente não dão medo, e o que me cativou mesmo foi a história do jogo que foi muito bem desenvolvida. E é até engraçado quando chega nas partes feitas para assustar, por que é tão tosco (num bom sentido) que é engraçado.
PS. Por que o Banban não ta na capa?