Reviews from

in the past

a giant pile of jumbo joshy nuts plopped on the fckin table

it's definitely a game of all time


The best part about this game is that it takes 10 minutes to beat

Avoid playing this.
It is very obviously a way to get money from kids but ended up getting money from everyone on the internet because it became a ironic meme.
Gave it a 1.0 instead of a 0.5 because I think the concept has some sort of something.

it (and its sequels) are also fun to hate play lol

Você não precisa jogar pra saber que é ruim

Still longer than the MW3 campaign

Guilty Pleasure game. despite a run time of 5 minutes I have around 4 hours in this game thanks to constantly beating it

Bad game but its weirdly charming.

Apesar do que muita gente andou dizendo por aí na Internet quando o jogo foi lançado, (apezar de não ter jogado) achei um jogo incrível, muito bem feito, com diversos detalhes e uma história misteriosa e "assustadora". Sendo aquele tipo de jogo que parece que foi feito para crianças (com mascotes fofinhos), mas que na verdade esconde uma história bem legal e "macabra" por traz. Os mascotes realmente não dão medo, e o que me cativou mesmo foi a história do jogo que foi muito bem desenvolvida. E é até engraçado quando chega nas partes feitas para assustar, por que é tão tosco (num bom sentido) que é engraçado.
PS. Por que o Banban não ta na capa?

tem um pássaro maconheiro rosa... eu acho

Garten of Banban is an extremely half baked and outright poor attempt at horror. The game is meant to be "scary" but the only actual jumpscare I had was launching the game and having the main menu music blasted into my ears. The game stole half of it's models from the unity marketplace and the other half are extremely poorly made (the drone remote for example). The game is only about 30 minutes long and the "puzzles" are all basically just looking around for something and picking it up. The only reason I'm giving this game 1 star instead of 1/2 a star is because the game is free which means I can't complain too much.

enjoyment stemmed only from my friend's suffering

low effort garbage and jumpscares are overrated in indie horror games

isso aqui vale pela franquia toda: podre horrível não deveria existir

Five Nights at Freddy's impact on the horror game genre is one of the worst things to ever happen in gaming and this just exhibit A.

yknow i think this score is generous. i kinda enjoyed this.

This is, so far, the worst game I've ever played.

The performance is so bad I had to install an external program to increase my PC's fan speed. The drone mechanic is slow and annoying. The game as a whole isn't well designed, the part where you have to find all the objects (can't be bothered to remember what they are) is annoying, the chase sequence is unintuitive since there's an invisible wall where you think you would exit, you have to turn off the alarm that looks like a decoration. You don't even SEE BANBAN IN THIS GAME. It's not even "so bad it's funny," it just sucks. I'll still laugh at banban memes though.

Poor man’s poppy playtime ( that’s being nice)

Oh god. Here we go. This is the worst banban game. I get its supposed to be the introduction to the franchise but it's just not that good. The puzzles seem like they were made for 3 year olds. The egg hunt was way too easy. And the opila bird part was the only good part but lasted like 20 seconds.

Overall the weakest banban. 4/10