Reviews from

in the past

Stream this in VC for the funniest 15 minutes of your life

nem perca o seu tempo jogando esse Scam

Jumbo Josh's journey is much like my own

holy kino and 'ryanified gemmy...

very good game i really like banban but graphics could be better but gameplay is 4/5 i liek the puzzles

What a horror, I don't know if this game is trying to innovate, just profit, or sell ridiculous action figures... I must mention horrible designs, constant bugs, and man... Man... What a mediocre story, the game is bad, the essence of bad and poorly made.

Played through it as a joke, the only thing that kept me going was how insanely stupid the game is in both concept and execution. The central drone mechanic feels extremely unresponsive and is, at times, broken by small hitboxes on buttons.

Not worth anyone’s time.

O pior jogo que eu já tive o desprazer de jogar, gráficos horríveis, sons inexistentes, e game play 0 (rodou a 13 FPS no mesmo celular que já rodou jogos ultra pesados como geinshin impacto), não tenha a audácia de jogar esse jogo nem de meme, ou você vai sair decepcionado ou puto pq o seu mesmo pc que pode até rodar 3 abas de GTA 6 n roda esse jogo de tão mal otimizado.

Obs: só não deu 0 pq não tem no site.

If these games were just released for free or for really cheap (like, 1 or 2 dollars a chapter cheap), while making most of the cash from merchandise or something, I'd honestly find this series enduring. Cause like, there are some genuinely cool ideas in this series here and there (for example the press the clock to progress time thing), as well as just a really enjoyable (though mostly ironically enjoyable) story.
Though despite that, its creation is so obviously meant for the sole of making a quirky and wacky horror mascot game to make money with little care that actually making people spend 30 dollars for the entire series feels like a money laundering scheme.
It's made specifically to be a product, but it's also just genuinely incompetent. And like, I love terrible and weird storylines, I do, and if these games were free or cheaper, I'd rate the different chapters something like a 3 or a 4, cause again, there is SOME value to get out of them (Probably not the first chapter tho cause honestly it's just bad all around). But when you combine that with something that was made most likely just to appeal to a market, as well as just making it more expensive than games that like, actually care, you're left with something that just feels gross

probably the greatest game ever created

I'm #Freaky 👀 for Jumbo Josh

It gets one star for that.

if my son made this game i would slam him into the ground until he exploded

Feels like you're about to get a lobotomy, but you never get to that point

Jumbo josh is cool

tem um pássaro maconheiro rosa... eu acho

Poor man’s poppy playtime ( that’s being nice)