Reviews from

in the past

Doubt it holds up today, with all the other JRPGs I've played, but this was a decent game. Definitely nails that 'classic/traditional JRPG' aesthetic, as you end up traversing through some nice locales like a haunted forest, a desert, a ship voyage, and a gladiator tournament. Feels like a legit adventure. Combat's pretty basic but finding all the Djinn and mixing up their assignment to form classes was a nice touch. The story itself is interesting but its hampered by awkward dialogue and just being too wordy in general.

Way more oomph than you'd expect from a Gameboy Advance JRPG but still a lot of fun.

Can describe. It's almost very traditional but also almost not very traditional.

+Unique Battle System
+SNES like quality on a handheld
+Challenging Puzzles
~Soundtrack is hit or miss / Repetitive
~Made as half a game
- Story is generic

Están tardando en hacerle un remaster a este juego

Pacing is real rough when it's spaced between 2 games that didn't come out at the same time. It's probably the best looking game on the GBA, and the Djinn system is really fun. Isaac is a good character and I like the worldbuilding. The story really suffers from the format

It's cool that this game is so accessible to a younger audience. I wonder how many children/teenagers this game got into JRPGs?

I have played this game time and time again. My favorite game and one of the best JRPGs out there

muito bom mas to com preguiça de refazer o começo pela quarta vez

æ Cool mechanics Love the World

First game I ever completed! Began my love for RPGs.

Admittedly minimalist characters allow themselves to take a backseat to what is a fairly pure, elemental RPG story structure (go from town to town, solve little adventures along the way) - sort of like an early Dragon Quest game, but with far more mechanical depth and a very specific world-building vision.

One of the great video game scores and beautiful art direction makes what is on paper a pretty pared-down story into an intimate epic.

My biggest gripe with this game is characters keep asking you arbitrary yes/no questions that have no bearing on what's gonna happen. It feels like hanging out with a group of friends who you're not really comfortable with yet so you don't hop in their conversation too much but then someone randomly asks you something and you're like huh? oh yeah sure I like Bjork
The class system is also kind of a disappointment. It looked really exciting from the premise alone, switch Djinns and get cool spells. But realistically you're just better off staying with your own element because baring very few exceptions, you'll pretty much only get really meh moves and even if bosses have elemental weaknesses it's not really enough to justify it.
The presentation hardcarries most negative aspects of the game and really is what kept me playing. Hopefully the sequel is better

One of the best JRPGS ever :) Hard af tho :D

As batalhas aleatórias sem mecânicas de acelerar são chatas, mas o level design é maravilhoso, com bons puzzles. A movimentação pelo cenário no digital do DS é incômoda e a UX da batalha ficou devendo atalho pras últimas ações.

A bog-standard JRPG that ends with one of the worst cliffhangers I've ever seen. The nicest thing I can say about it is that the puzzles in the dungeons are pretty neat.

Takes literally aeons to get started. Not a huge fan of this cast, although Weyard is a fun place with many different kinds of locales and dungeons. Combat is shallow or deep, depending on how far you want to go into it. I love Psynergy puzzles. Looks and sounds phenomenal. Outclassed by the sequel.

It's probably not as good as I think it is, but I've played this game so many times. It was all the rage when I was in elementary school, and I love it so much. I can still hear the battle music in my head, and the pixel art was really incredible. I loved the idea of using your spells outside of battle to do environmental puzzle stuff, and I loved the djinni summon/passive/spell rotation system. It's very, very special. Just maybe not quite as special if you're coming to it for the first time now.

De mis RPG y juegos favoritos de toda la historia. Aparte del pixel art precioso de GBA y unas buenas mecánicas, se caracteriza por usar las habilidades fuera de combate para diversos usos, principalmente resolver puzles. La cuestión es ¿por qué no hay más RPGs que hagan eso? Es una mecánica que le va como anillo al dedo al género.

The pacing of this just ate away at my soul, I can't do it. I played about 5 hours, and all I was able to appreciate was its visual presentation and the initial promise of the djinn system for battles. Not a great first impression re: any characters, and the dungeon design is real discouraging since the early ones are VERY straightforward and they still feel unbelievably long.

oyunu ciddi anlamda bozdum ve geri baştan başlamam

An insanely fluid battle system and beautiful music is held back a tiny bit by a story that mostly sits in the background.

el mejor juego de la gameboy advance

What do I have to say about Golden Sun? is my favorite JRPG franchise the best Game Boy Advance game, and I say that without fear! think of a great and unique game! full of puzzle and original story.

This game feels like a spiritual successor to Lufia 2 because of the puzzles in the dungeon. I think the puzzle is the best part of this game, they even turn off random encounters when you’re in a puzzle room so that you can solve it peacefully. You solve the puzzle by using Psynergy, which is basically magic in this game universe. You can move objects, lift them (and move them in the air), freeze water, douse objects with water, etc. All this Psynergy made a lot of variation to the puzzle that it never really went boring. It’s also never get to be too confusing, unless you’re trying to get something optional.

The story is pretty simple but has a lot of minor subplots throughout the journey. Isaac and his gang are tasked to recover 4 elemental gems that were stolen by a group of villains. These 4 gems can be used to light 4 lighthouses, which if all 4 are lit, will release the power of alchemy to the world. The power of alchemy is said to be really dangerous and it might destroy the world if humans have it.

That’s just the basic gist of the story.

The battle in this game is your standard turn-based JRPG, you can attack, use Psynergy (magic), use items and defend. But you have one more command that you can do, which is using Djinn and then Summoning them (yes, it's 2 different things). Djinns are basically summons in this game that you can collect, some you get from stories, some are optional. This creates a bit of strategy on boss fights, but the random encounter never really gets too hard to demand using it. Well, this game in general isn’t really that hard anyway.

I don’t usually comment on graphics, but this game has a really good style and animation. The animation feels very charming and bubbly (especially the 4 main characters) and it’s really fun to see, even if sometimes the story is too serious for the style. The combat animation is also very good, you can really feel the impact of each hit in the animation. The magic and Djinn animations are unique and fun to see too, and of course, it’s still bubbly (even the enemies).

Overall, I enjoyed my time with this game, it’s a lot more linear than I expected but there is still a lot of optional stuff to do (mostly getting Djinns), the story is fun, the puzzles even more so, while the battle is okay, it got saved by the amazing animation.

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mixing the djinn to get different classes was genius. game is a masterpiece, absolute classic story. felix can catch these hands

This childhood classic holds a special place in my heart and the presentation is still wonderful. However, the fighting system and story seem a bit basic in retrospect.