Reviews from

in the past

This game is so fucking fun

If you have half a brain and you love Zelda then play this game, you'll easily put 100's of hours into this absolute love letter to the Zelda series and it's addictive gameplay loop.

I have sunk like 30 hours into it and eeeeeh...

I was really into at first. The core gameplay loop of mowing down enough goons to fill the population of a small country and then leveling up and buy skills for your characters got its hooks in me good. But the longer I played the more it felt like a chore.

I was reminded of how similarly I felt playing Hollow Knight earlier this year, but whereas Hollow Knight’s core gameplay was fun and the filler between those parts were boring, Hyrule Warriors’ core gameplay got bogged down by its own breadth of content, making it feel worse. I was gonna 100% the campaign until it locked collectibles behind exclusive characters and events. Then I just beat the main campaign and quit two levels into the FIFTH postgame campaign. I was gonna complete at least the first Adventure Map but the mechanics suck ass.

My biggest regret is not being able to unlock all the characters (I wanted to play Yuga damn it) but I just COULDN’T be fucked anymore.

There are some cool shit like the remixed songs, the attention to detail on characters, and the original designs (HW Ganondorf best Ganondorf).

I wanted to make Hyrule Warriors my grindy no-thinking stream game for when I start streaming later this month but after two negative experiences with the game today I am officially burnt out. I hope Age of Calamity focuses on quality over quantity.

Super addictive core gameplay loop with a fanfiction-tier story and wears out its welcome. You'll never run out of content with the adventure maps. You'll also never run out of ocean water, but I wouldn't advise drinking it.

Only played the first few main missions, a rebuy on Switch to give it a fair chance feels needed

This is a No Mushou Zone. No Mushous allowed.

I really like hacknslash games, so this was right up my alley. It's a pretty simple one. If you like Zelda and are okay with the Dynasty Warriors gameplay style, you'll like Hyrule Warriors.

Shockingly good for a game like this.

Despite not really being a Zelda fan, I got damn obssessed with this game back when it came out, and dumped around 300 hours total across it and all its content. I often played it in two player with friends as well. It was a generally good time! Though I doubt I'll ever go back to it after how long I put into it.

This was my first experience with a Musou game and it was pretty damn good. Very great story, fun gameplay, and great characters.

Very nice game, cool visuals and interestinf story, the gameplay is wha you would expect from a warriors game

Played this game when I was younger and I was blown away by how well this game was made and I remember being younger playing as link and taking out all the enemies made me feel like I was watching a movie

peguei odio de hack n slash por causa dessa merda

Kinda gets by on the Zelda content, but a solid action game on its own. Generally, the Warriors games are very "if you've played one, you've played them all," but the Zelda coat of paint makes things a tiny bit more interesting here.

Truly the peak of the "clicker games" genre

i went feral for linkle lol shit game doe

I have put way too much time into this game


Com uma história ridícula e mal aproveitada, HW compensa com o core de musou bem refinado e acrescido de mecânicas inspiradas na franquia da Nintendo.

O modo extra de aventura adiciona mais conteúdo à campanha principal, e seu aspecto tático são bem mais interessante que a o modo básico da campanha.

El mejor homenaje a la saga Zelda que hay en la vuelta

Achei muito divertido e gratificante,amo esse estilo de jogo,ele nao chegou nem a ficar massante pra mim como as pessoas normalmente reclamam

wish it was more diverse in its gameplay, but it's really good at being what it is.

Was a cool hack and slash game.

Pretty fun, but also incredibly mindless. I'll probably never play another game in this style again

so much time spent in this game, bought every dlc and the adventure maps are literal hell, so great I hate it

i dont remember anything i beat this when i was only 5 (9)

Love the idea, love the gameplay, will not go back to 100%