Reviews from

in the past

JÄgged Alliance is back Baby. when Igor drank from his magical vodka flask that refills on kills to grant himself an energy shield I was like "They Nailed It!!!", but as I found myself pulling off flanking attacks for that sweet +20% damage buff for my boolets I knew I was playing a Tactical Combat Simulation unlike any other.

a bit janky at times, but pretty fun. love the flow from going to a couple of mercenaries to have several crews, training militia, ordering stuff, arming and upgrading your guys, being an accountant
i did use the mod to show shot probabilities though. i know it was not intended for gameplay, but it feels so weird without it

What's up my fellow RPG (Rocket-Propelled Grenade) enjoyers. I am indeed a fan of mowing down african insurgents with a kitted out FN FAL and profiting off of blood diamonds alongside my band of soldiers of fortune gamers as much as anyone else. My favorite part about this budget bulgarian fangame is that the orchestral soundtrack is almost 4 hours long and of a higher quality than Starfield's or Divinity Original Gate 3's, not to mention that unlike those two it's an actual free-form sandbox adventure with Choicez&Consequencez™ but that's besides the point.

Actually really good! Better than I thought it was going to be especially at the price point of £22.
Will definitely finish this game this year and possibly go for all achievements as I'm enjoying it so much

A decent game, all in all. On normal difficulty becomes pretty trivial if your whole team is snipers. I liked the sidequests and the combat system. A good sequel

Interesting tactical game but not for my moment.

fantastic sequel! lives up to 2 in my mind but i know many don't agree.

If you don't do it right, it can become incredibly tedious by the end.

surprisingly alright!
I was presuming a horrible nu-xcom game, but I get an actually decent jagged alliance game, forget anything you hear about it being xcom like, it has a CTH system, bullet trace simulation, lots of old JA merc with mostly great VA, and grity humor as well.
ok here are the cons:
enemy being braindead against stealth tactic
it does have some nuxcom horseshit mechanics: 1. the free move enemies get when entering combat. 2. the overwatch mechanic. they suck hard, I hope there will be a mod fixing them, especially giving the crossfire mechanic in JA2 1.13 back.
Last the real-time part is really hard to control if you are trying to get some simultaneous action going.
the good part is most of these cons can be fixed (and most likely will be fixed) with many mods.
will definitely replay it again when a mod like 1.13 out for JA3.

spent too much time on this shit