Reviews from

in the past

the only KH game i couldnt stand to beat

Este juego es raro de cojones incluso para lo que es Kingdom Hearts y además se caga en todo lo que viene a ser la saga pero oye Riku es jugable y eso siempre mola

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Mickey mouse

This game was a fever dream start to finish

Game's okay, pretty mid-tier but I like the aesthetic and it's much more enjoyable than most of the other portable KH games (miles better than BBS)

Do you like balloons? No? Too bad!

when I sleep I tell my emo bff to go and put in work

fun. parkour is cool and i like the funny dogs

My very first KH game, loved it

Agarra BBS toma todo lo malo y multiplícalo por 4

This was such a great kingdom hearts game, I personally enjoyed this a lot because of how fun it was and the decent soundtrack it has (plus the combat). I found the swapping between the two characters unique... It was kind of annoying at first but I started to not really mind it. In most KH games the story is pretty straightforward but this one was quite complicated yet sooo good

I've always found this game to have a very interesting concept overall. I can understand why people don't like this game at all but I also kinda find it to be quite overhated.

There's a lot to love in this one, I think. Some parts of it can be a little obnoxious but there's so much overflowing charm to the dream eaters that I found it almost impossible to ever actually nitpick those issues.

Honestly, this game embodies almost everything that is so great and unique about the series and its a shame that people couldn't see it. Riku was also the main character and hero so its goated

Worst entry in the series. Yes, worse than chain of memories.

The story completely lost me here. From this point onwards, I've simply been going with the flow.

Forgettable choices for worlds too (Tron Legacy, really?)

Only KH ive beaten, I honestly thought it was alright but i gave no fucks about the story.

The game plays really well and finally exposes Sora's personal arc and struggles to the surface. Here I feel like you gain the strongest understanding of his character. He finally feels like he stands alongside the other fleshed out protags. The gameplay is pretty nice too, I love flowmotion. The big hold up for me in regards to this game is how barren it feels, I get it because of the console it was originally released on, but when you play the version in collections, it really stands out.

playing this game made me feel like i could chew through military grade steel

As goofy as the story is, I liked this one. Maybe because I didn't know about Balloon until year later, but yeah.

Couldn't beat Riku last boss.

Having no partner characters besides those blobs was kinda dumb. This was a weird flaw that carried over all portable Kingdom Hearts game series. Otherwise I suppose the gameplay was good.

Having to stop playing the game to level up pokemon so you can get basic abilities to prevent being one-shot is BS

O maior problema dessa entrada é a repetição, esse jogo segue o mesmo padrão de todos os outros jogos da franquia, já estava enchendo o saco. Melhoras na movimentações são uma das coisas que eu mais gosto nesse jogo.

Complete shit.

The story became poorly written fanfiction.

The official "death" of the series as far as I'm concerned.

I want to like this game more because of TWEWY but I found it really tedious more than I would like to admit. The game is fun on its own, but the levels that aren't the TWEWY ones aren't memorable, and the gameplay grows a bit stale after so long. It doesn't feel super rewarding when the story is a very small piece of the whole picture