Reviews from

in the past

This is probably the game in the series I've put the most hours into. I put 150+ hours on the 3ds and around 100 hours on Ps4 and Xbox combined. On 3ds, I grinded both Sora & Riku to level 99 just for the hell of it when I first beat this game.

Compared to Birth by Sleep, this game is not perfect, but an improvement in most aspects. The worlds do look a bit better compared to it and it has my favorite world in the entire series, Symphony of Sorcery. It's a beautiful world and the music choices for it also elevate its enjoyment to me. The combat is more fun in this game too. Flowmotion is an absolute blast to use and the different minigames you can use against enemies are a cool way of using the stylus but also was able to carried over in the console versions without it being clunky. While it is somewhat better balanced than Birth by Sleep, its still pretty broken since Balloon exists and you can endlessly spam flowmotion. Despite this, if you want to be able to beat Julius or some of the harder story bosses without cheese, it is still entirely doable compared to Mysterious Figure who is far more difficult without cheese.

The story in this game is where it jumps the shark for the series' whole story. The time travel aspect is a cool way to bring back past villains, but its where it starts to make things confusing for people who would be interested in the series.

Another huge aspect of the game I really enjoyed were the dream eaters. Unlocking everything on a spirit board was kind of annoying but overall a minor complaint since your dream eaters are useful companions and petting and playing with your dream eaters is also super fun too. Flick Rush is a solid minigame too that I found to be pretty enjoyable. Naming dream eaters was another aspect that is simple but goes a long way in customizing them. Speaking of that, I named my Tyranto Rex on my Xbox playthrough Sexy Rexy. Out of my entire time of playing through Dream Drop Distance, he was the only one I was sadly not able to save because he died just moments before I got the last achievement on there. Can we get an F in the comments for Sexy Rexy?

Out of all the handheld Kingdom Hearts games, I'd say that this one is my favorite despite its flaws. It's no console Kingdom Hearts but it's a step-up from Birth by Sleep.

Arguably the greatest pleb filter in the history of modern media, potentially dangerous to sub 130 IQ consumers.

Birth by Sleep was the beginning of the end for the KH franchise but this is the game where I really started to realize how out of touch it had become with what made the first few games great.

honestly this is the best kingdom hearts game, second only to kingdom hearts II

O jogo é muito limitado por ter sido lançado pra 3DS, e eu não gostei da mecânica de Spirit, achei muito fútil e chato de jogar, e DE NOVO droppei o jogo e vi as cutscenes no YouTube.

Mas meu amigo... A história dessa parte foi a loucura! Escracharam até demais a história num nível inimaginável, os plot twists e as conexões de tudo foi absurdo!

Abertura 10/10.

I mean, the combat actually isnt half bad here considering how hit or miss the handheld games are in that department - but DDD's issue is that it wastes so much time on fluff systems like Flowmotion and the Dream Eater pokemon shit. I would have been happy with a focused competent game.

i cant relate. i loved this game a lot. amazing story that made me hyped for 3 even more and the worlds were amazing. fantasia being one of my all time favorites here.

I think it has one of the roughest start of the franchise and i honestly wasn't even in the mood to play after the first world because how boring the process to go through the worlds over and over and it honestly? it gave me a PTSD whenever Sora sleep and i have to re-do it in the same world but with a different character.

Thankfully this game has TWEWY characters so that kinda stinks up a decent chunk of the game, it's probably a game that after going through the endgame it makes it worth but i wasn't in the mood to play and instead watch a playthrough.

idc what anybody says this game is a good sequel to II. the drop system is actually really cool, riku's playstyle is wonderful, the story gimmick is cool and so is the plot. eat me.

this game is good actually people are so mean to it but like, its fun. you can do parkour and get to play with cute little pets what more could you want

Wow guys Mickey Mouse is so badass

almost threw my 3ds away bc the young xemnas battle made me mald

this game fucking sucks dog doo doo

the bosses are stinky and they made some retarded pet waifu mechanic. movement mechanics are also weird and stupid, and the music is mediocre

Throw your hatred at me. This is the best Kingdom Hearts that isn't KH2.

I was gonna have some stuff here discussing the gameplay, but I mostly just want to talk about the story, so I'll just post some quick thoughts and then Drop into the story discussion. Short answer: I like it! Dream Eaters are cute as heck and a fun way to represent Sora and Riku growing stronger through their bonds with their friends and each other, but the system is really grindy if you want to get the best abilities. I enjoy the command deck system broadly but the actual combat still has the BBS problem where the player movements require commitment that enemy moves do not, so it often feels like you are dealing with enemies who are designed to fight a moveset 50% faster than yours. Still, I have fun with it, and I especially like how this is the first game since the original to really put a lot of thought into level and world design, with spaces that actually feel like spaces that can be explored and characterised, something that has been sorely missed in KH2 and BBS' mostly empty combat arenas. Oh, and Flowmotion is just a lot of fun. I wouldn't play it over KH1, 2, or 3, but I think it does it's own thing pretty we-


>GAY - 100DP

-eam Drop Distance's story is possibly the single most ridiculed of the entire series, and almost certainly marks the point in the popular consciousness where the series became a parody of itself, but sue me because I really enjoy it. The character work for Riku, in particular, is great, watching him grow more self-assured as the game progresses is truly heartwarming and it's an effective arc, especially as his feelings about Sora bubble to the surface more and more. Regardless of whether you are willing to interpret those feelings as explicitly romantic, it's very clear that throughout the series up to this point Riku has simply never been comfortable with how he feels about Sora, a discomfort that manifested as jealousy in KH1 and shame in KH2. Throughout this game, we see him work through that, and it's remarkably subtle and well-played. Seeing him talk openly about why he cares about Sora before diving in to save him at the end affected me a great deal. I still relate strongly to Riku's struggle to express his feelings with sincerity, and it's difficult to overstate the impact his scenes had on me when I first played this game.

Sora's side of the story is more concerned with the wider series plot, and is therefore, in typical series fashion, the less interesting side, but it's still extremely engaging thanks to some careful foreshadowing through the disney worlds (Prankster's Paradise and The Grid) about the loss of self and at what point one is considered "human" culminating in a series of late-game reveals that recontextualise the entire franchise in exciting and interesting ways, that manage to achieve the rare feat of introducing retcons that enhance the story rather than detract from it. Sora acknowledging Roxas' personhood, Roxas admitting that he's not sure he would do the same, Xemnas making textual that the Organisation were gaslit and emotionally manipulated, and the reveal that Xehanort became evil because his future self forced him are all fantastic turns that are sold by some of the most arresting imagery we've seen in the series. It's the Xehanort stuff that will be picked up on the most for the sequel, but it's remarkable how much 3D is willing to engage with and interrogate the series' history. Roxas chapter aside, I don't like KH2's story and find it's ending thoughtless, and I appreciate 3D's willingness to tackle the uncomfortable implications of Roxas' lack of personhood head-on. This, coupled with the barrage of spin-off suffering Sora is presented with in the endgame, reveals Dream Drop Distance to be a game that sees Continuity in a critical, almost negative way, and I find that really fascinating. It's extremely back-loaded, but if you've got far enough in the series to be playing this you're likely able to deal with that. Kingdom Hearts has changed so much since the first game that I don't think it's capable anymore of delivering a knockout narrative the same way that game did, but for what it's worth I think this game (and 358/2 Days) come the closest to it.

Ironically, Dream Drop Distance ultimately reads as a game about the act of Waking: to truths that have been staring you in the face, to things you were unaware of, to the person you are becoming, and to your own innermost feelings. It's an incredibly messy, strange, flawed game, but it's one that convinced me that Kingdom Hearts still had more to tell me about myself, and that's all I can ask of it.

KINGDOM HEARTS SEXISM WATCH: there are basically no female characters in this entire game, which considering the state of the female cast of KH3 we should probably consider a blessing

This game starts off by you inexplicably fighting Ursula as a tutorial, and then immediately goes on to spoil The World Ends With You, a game barely anyone had played up to that point, and that is only the first hour of the game. Baffled, yet admired by how much this one goes completely off the rails.

Regrettably, Dream Drop Distance showcases the most interesting, heterogeneous level design in the entire series since KH1, only for it to be trivialized by a broken movement system. Enemies are mostly well designed, and the combat system from BBS returns, but without its best features and suffering from even worse balancing issues. The plot retains the series' imaginative charm and introduces interesting new concepts, but loses itself to convoluted, terribly bad writing.

Dream Drop Distance é uma experiência boa, principalmente levando em conta o hardware mais simples do 3DS, trazendo um combate satisfatório e visual ótimo, mas principalmente a mecânica de Drop acabou com o jogo pra mim, você trocar de personagem do nada, no meio da batalha e até de chefe (e ter que voltar do início) é terrível, rolaram quedas de performance e os mundos não me cativaram, o que mais gostei foi dos 3 mosqueteiros e nem acho um mundo destaque da série e a história vish, KH já é famoso pela zona da história mas aqui deu uma bagunça ainda maior.
Acho que ainda vale a pena experimentar, principalmente na versão HD no 2.8 que é mais acessível, mas não espere uma experiência tão boa como outros games da franquia.

Of all the games in the series this one ranks the highest in my least favorites list. What the hell is a mechanic that makes you swap among the two main characters and their separate stories every 15 minutes, no matter what you are doing or if you are just about to finish a tough boss fight

Flowmotion is so fun to use, combat is super smooth because of it and I was a fan of the dream eater buddy system. Good story

funny five seconds but really five seconds not more

I'd almost deem this my favourite in the series if it didn't have the tamagotchi system attached to it. The worlds are amazing and exploration is a thing again and while the free flow movement is beyond broken it's insanely fun to use.

The level design is a big step back, flowmotion doesn't work well, the spirit management is an awful progression system, nothing happens for the first 18 hours. Stephen A Smith voice BUT!

the last three or so? Dude they slam. Had a great time. The take that this is the game where KH goes off the rails and up its own ass is really weird considering I think the story here is smart and fairly restrained? Obviously there's wild shit in certain scenes but it's mostly a lot of piece moving and heavy lifting in order to set up III as something with comprehensible and understandable stakes?

Anyway. Can't help but keep enjoying Kingdom Hearts. Gonna play III later this month and end this journey at last.

Honestly not a huge fan of this title. I got it on my 3ds years after it came out, and wasn't enthralled by it. The gameplay is a lot more fluid than BBS but I hate the boss design so much, and flowmotion, while cool, made this game way too one note for me. Despite some small bits here and there, the story isn't that great.

Depois de duas tentativas frustradas (com Chain of Memories e KH1), eu finalmente consegui terminar um Kingdom Hearts. Eu tava bem exausto esses dias e só queria um joguinho de apertar botão e bater, e funcionou bem. No geral tanto as mecânicas quanto os desafios do jogo eram bem genéricos e nada muito diferente disso também.

Pelo menos, quanto a parte de Disney (que é a parte que importa, ok), eles finalmente conseguiram trazer mundos diferentes, mostrando histórias de personagens que já existiam que não faziam sentido com a trama toda de KH. Eu acho que não faziam, sei lá, não me atrevo a comentar essa parte da franquia.

No geral, foi legalzinho, tinha uns minigames divertidinhos, eu gostei da parte Pokémon de pegar os Spirits e cuidar deles, mas no fim do dia, é bem genérico e a parte Disney (e minha exaustão completa pelo mundo ao redor) que me levaram até o fim.

tetsuya nomura please just smoke some crack instead of doing this please

Incredibly Underrated. I would give whoever came up with flowmotion the most insane head.

Acho q esse aqui se n tivesse umas coisas desnecessárias da gameplay seria mt melhor