Reviews from

in the past

IDK why they decided to make the only ways to use the slide and charge shot were for you to not be able to access the shop and take double damage on every attack, in Mega Man 9, a game that gets a lot of somewhat deserved flack for being a little BS hard at points. But I guess I'll take the chance to play a harder Mega Man 9 without playing the actual harder difficulties in Mega Man 9.

i forgot that proto man could only shoot 2 bullets why the fuck would they do that he already takes 2x damage and shoots lower

Playing as Proto Man made me turn on this game. Taking double damage while not having the ability to buy more lives or E-tanks is too rough a challenge. The annoying boss in Wily's Stages really stood out with how hard the game is.

I used the Collection's save features to get through this game– saving up lives and E-tanks for the finale– and even then it was still rough. I wonder how tough it's going to be to finish MM10 with Proto Man?

EDIT: Looked it up and I already beat MM10 with Proto Man and I bet it wasn't nearly as difficult as this one!

objectively the better gameplay style compared to the base game. double damage and no shop makes the game a drag though, especially towards the end.