Reviews from

in the past

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Really short, but also kinda cool. If this is how people with schizophrenia see the world I really really don't want to have it ever.

Spooky visual novel heavily focused on metanarrative elements. Unfortunately, there's not much more to say other than that: seeing the main character converse with the player by breaking the fourth wall in the knowledge that she is living in a game is still kinda cool but at this point it's something that has been done over and over again.

guzel ama gelistirilebilir

i poopied my pants when the ''0"

"Milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk" is a pixelated 2D visual novel. The game features a color scheme of black, pinks, and reds, with eerie music playing in the background. The gameplay consists of mouse-clicking and occasional choices.

The only thing this game does is make people with similar experiences relate to the main character. That's why most of the reviews are "she just like me fr". The game has no deeper meaning or significant impact.

Providing more context to the story would have helped the game feel more meaningful and complete, and it might have been even better if it had acted as a free prequel to 'Milk outside a bag of milk outside a bag of milk'.

Also, it kinda reminded me of Mr.Robot, in how Elliot speaks to the viewer and refers to them as "friend". It also reminded me of "The Flowers of Evil" manga, in how Sawa Nakamura sees people as monsters.

Thinks it's a lot smarter than it is, or atleast the fans seem to do.

The writing is really heavy-handed with the metaphors, and it's constantly bashing you over the head with the meaning of them too because god forbid you have to cricitically think about it for a second. I also just heavily dislike this type of meta writing in general because it always comes of super pretentious and this is not an exception.

The atmosphere is great though, and I enjoy the vibes it gives off + the monster designs are fun (Thanks E.T. for letting me buy milk).

For a dollar I don't exactly feel ripped off, though this does feel like a game that should be free-to-play for how little content it offers. Maybe the sequel can improve the writing, because I do like the "world" that's being created here, but the writer seems more concerned with making sure that everyone knows whats going on at all times while feigning mystery, which just isn't an enticing read.

Unique concept that was very well written. A depressing, horrifyingly realistic lens on mental illness. Not only does it have some great psychological horror, but the true "horror" comes from reality, and that is used intentionally to add impact. Some great subversion of visual novel tropes. Really loved the atmosphere and style. Too short to fully display it's qualities, but didn't feel lacking. Looking forward to seeing some of the themes and style more fully realized in the sequel.

review of game inside a review of game inside a review of game inside a review of game inside a review of game inside a review of game

The game is short and you can feel her pain if you have feelings.
I paid less than a dollar so that was definitely a great experience.

é um jogo su-real , eu não posso falar nada por não ser um psicologo/psiquiatra

5/8 - Acho necessario para todo mundo jogar

eu não entendi porra nenhuma, mas foi legal

A surreal visual novel that does little to grab the players attention and is over before you know it without ever having made any impact.

Idk what this was but it was creepy

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I would be a shitty medication lets be real

A short, strange and interesting experience of a game.

Tomei um sustinho até, é uma experiência curta e interessante.

Short visual novel. Art is good. Theme is also typical for indie games, but well executed that you dont have to speak it out ingame. Overall it is pretty good.

I actually don't understand how so much anxiety and stress can fit within such a short game, felt like I was on the verge of tears the whole time which is a hell of thing for a 12 minute long visual novel

One of the most different and unique visual novels I've ever played, a short and good experience.