Reviews from

in the past

Знаете категорию mindf*ck фильмов с неожиданными поворотами? Эта игра что-то вроде того.

a very cool idea and not much else

really really good experience before they shut the servers down

A very small pixel mini-game, spoiler ahead. A good experiment, now no longer available.

Очень небольшая пиксельная мини игра, дальше спойлер. Неплохой эксперимент, ныне более недоступный

foi foda quando isso aqui lançou

Out of all the games out there you can play this is certainly one of them

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Queria ter conhecido esse jogo na época em que ele explodiu, ou até antes disso, fico triste com que fizeram com o jogo, ele tinha uma ideia MT interessante, e consegue te entreter com o mistério envolta do jogo mesmo em tão pouco tempo. Aquele plot twist do final é MT foda, onde o player finalmente entende oq tá acontecendo e o pq daquele dialogo da caverna, é simplesmente MT FODA, eu amei esse conceito. E pra contribuir com esse mistério o visual ajuda bastante, transmite um certo ar de estranheza, e todo o mistério envolta da mulher da caverna (Julia) que contribui ainda mais com o terror, te fazendo questionar oq aconteceu com o marido e o filho dela, ficando curioso e indo atrás doq aconteceu. Um ótimo jogo e experimento social q infelizmente acabou, seria bom ter tido a experiência na época q o jogo saiu, mas felizmente ainda se pode jogar ele pela versão de Speedrun. Quem quiser saber mais sobre o jogo recomendo o vídeo do @BrunoRataque q foi quem me fez conhecer esse jogo e me fez criar interesse em jogar ele, mesmo bem atrasado e já sabendo de td sobre o jogo, ainda foi uma boa experiência

An experience I'm glad I got to participate in as you cannot play this game anymore.

Short and mindblowing. Unique would be an understatement.

Shame we can't have good things.

i played this i think the person who wrote the answers for me was taking the piss

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never got my email saying if i lived or not

You had to be there when this game was still online. It was a experience that I will never get to experience again. Well, I might not be able to play but I think videos exist of gameplay out there.

If I tell you why it's so good, it'll ruin it.

It's a shame this went offline because it was a very cool premise.

I got to play this and I'm glad I did

Check it out, it's free and takes like 15 minutes to play at the most.

A ideia obviamente ia dar errado, mas era muito boa. Pena que o jogo morreu né...

I don't remember much about this game, it was a about some kind of mistery and you found messages from other players, I think? You can "beat it" in less than an hour with no effort at all so I don't remember a lot of it. It was weird.

I remember having this in my Steam wishlist/library for years but never got around to playing it until now which is a shame because the offline version doesn't have the same impact. I am a sucker for a concept like this though!

most of the people in these reviews haven't actually played moirai. myself included

This game is awesome. It is only ten minutes long, but the wow factor in those ten minutes are pretty cool. There isn't much to the game other than the wow factor, but I'm a fan of the wow factor. Play this game if you haven't been spoiled yet.

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A strange, short, sweet video game. Its main gimmick largely revolves around it secretly being a survey. Can literally complete it in 15 minutes.

legítimamente un concepto copado que no se puede volver a vivir porque no sé qué

while it was up it was a really interesting experience that didn't take too long to get through. it's a shame that it ended up dying in the way it did.

this game was very interesting,its sad that no one can play this anymore

A short but interesting experiment, where the ultimate outcome of the game was out of the player's hands. I think for anything of a larger scope than this game was, that might seem unfair, but Steam reports I cleared this in 8 minutes - perfectly fair length for something like this. The experiment was of course not immune to pranks or trolls, which is probably why it's down now, but it was kind of neat to be a part of it for a brief moment.

There isn't much more to it than that, and I'll admit that I didn't really feel what I'm seeing other people felt from this. But it's fun to think about from time to time.

Moirai was an absolutely fantastic game ruined by humans' cruelty to each other.

Rest in peace, Moirai. The world did not deserve you.