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in the past

genuinely how the fuck does this even work

In the past 3 years, I've felt I have been losing interest in all video games and growing out of them. I played a lot of titles this year and I have begun to feel saturated and exhausted with them after minutes.

This has not only been the most meaningful experience I have had in several years but is the only thing that even comes a close second to Celeste. It is not to say it is the second best "video game" I have played in my lifetime: It is the second most meaningful THING I have witnessed in my lifetime. AND ITS A FUCKING DOOM WAD.

Happiness has to be fought for...

Pretty cool but I think it's a bit overrated.

Really cool stuff, but all style, little substance. (The additional documents and shit that come with the .wad don't do much for me. I'd rather just read House of Leaves instead of HoL fanfic.)

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taking the whole creepypasta thing aside (ooo so scaryy.. like C'mon) the environments created are absolutely fantastic. the non-euclidean architecture paired with the eerie-yet-beautiful music ON the field of liminal spaces is just best described as (figurative) aphrodisiacs for my brain, and i'd love to see more stuff focusing on that in the future of vidya. this review may be biased since i got spoiled on the game by fully watching decino's livestream of the wad, but i think i'd come to the same conclusion anyway

ngl was expecting some shitty "liminal space" horror game and then i played it and was like "woah.... atmosphere...." the shrek took me out though that ruined stuff but i kinda understand the inclusion.

Good luck to all the Cacowards people who are going to have to find WADs to post alongside this fucking thing at the end of the year. Also, this is the better 2023 game with Literal Backrooms in it.

Does occasionally feel more like a proof of concept but really this is just as cool as everyone is saying it is! Don't want to get into really anything that happens to avoid spoilers but there is some incredible atmosphere and imagery going on here and i love it. the mod that boldly dares to ask what if madotsuki from yumme nikki had a chaingun and fought demons

Absolutely mind blowing! I experienced this primarily through videos and Let's Plays on YouTube but I have begun playing through myself. It opens very unassumingly but gradually becomes more and more unsettling as it slowly begins to reveal itself. Once the band-aid's off however all bets are off and that's when this game begins to really open! This mod has a lot of hype surrounding it for a reason. If you love horror in any way you owe it to yourself to experience this at least once. Easily one of my favorite things to come out this year!

Noo he jugado solo me he visto el vídeo del jambo ese pero si es para dioses

best backrooms experience, AND doom wad!

this is a perfectly fine map/arg in its own right but it gets an extra star for getting me to read house of leaves

crazy that a DOOM MOD has one of the best storytelling to come out of video games in recent memory

what a fucking mod, man

"There's no good outcome from a house fire."

No puedo expresar lo que senti con este mod, la verdad me rompio la mente que un mod para el doom tuviera esta calidad y que haya salido el 2023. Simplemente es algo que debes probar y punto

É bem confuso em certas partes mas foi sem dúvidas uma das experiências mais memoráveis que eu já tive com video games

The kind of game that's best to just go in blind for. It's really unlike any other Doom mod I've ever seen: a haunting and sad "horror" game in the creepypasta mold. Smartly pulls from the classic "I made my house!" type of Doom mods for its basis before twisting it into an original horror tale. Can't recommend it enough. You won't play another game like it this year.

Only knock I can have against it is that it's a little too easy to lock yourself into a "bad" ending without even knowing it. First time I played this baby I "beat" it thinking I'd seen everything, only to go online and find out I'd merely locked myself out of half the game on accident. Oops! Had to go back and replay it with a guide to see the rest.

What an amazing mod, this is probably the most geniusly done map macking in every game or mod that i know.
The story is really hard to understand, i dont even know if someone has make sense of it, but i want to make some sense out of it someday, like in a yt video or smth.


Unfortunately one of the best recent horror games to come out /srs

didn't expect one of the most interesting game experience i would get from mod to Doom II

still got one issue - after i've played 5 or 6 times and just went through final gate, i've opened walkthrough, because i'm dumb. it's hard without full research and attention get to main part.

This is the craziest arg I stumbled into for like 3 hours holy shit

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I know it's a meme and I hate the parts where it explicitly does meme stuff like shrek and the backrooms but otherwise, gosh damn this is a monumental project and it makes me want to give in to astonishment.

Me encantó dedicarle una tarde a pasármelo, ver sus secretos, lo que opinaba la gente en youtube... Es un juego muy especial.

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High-effort interactive creepypasta that's clearly (and unashamedly) very inspired by House of Leaves. The packaged writing is unimpressive & uninspired, and its tricks are a bit spoiled if you're aware of other things that use invisible, subtle warps to create the illusion of paradoxical geometry. I don't want to be overly harsh - it's a fun way to spend half an hour, well worth a spin for those intrigued.

- One of the most interesting Doom wads.
- Recommend playing it before knowing anything about it.