Reviews from

in the past

I'm split between which NMH game I like more. This game took out the tedious open-world sections and turned the jobs of the first game into retro-based arcade games, which were huge steps up. This game also doesn't make you grind for money to proceed with the story either. The bosses aren't as memorable this time around though. Playing as Henry was nice, but Shinobu controlled awkwardly and the New Destroyman fight was a grind because of it. The conjugal visits in between levels were dumb.

It lacks the high quality writing that came with the first game and Suda's heavier involvement, but I feel like the gameplay also smokes the original at times.

Still good, but a bit of a miss

Not as great as the first game, felt too short and didn't really have a sense of progression like the first did.

However, it's short comings don't take away from the fact that it's still more NMH content and an important part of Travis's story, I recommend it if you liked the first one.

while the gameplay is actually slightly better than the first, the story is kind of what ruined the game for me. it's still really good though and worth checking out.

Writing and bosses aren't as good as the first one but the gameplay and minigames are better. Pretty good time still though

The lack of an explorable world as well as a smaller list of other activities outside of the main story drag this game down for me. But this game still has some of the Suda51 charm despite him not actually being super involved, still worth playing if you liked the first just not quite to its level.

Esse não é tão MOE quanto o primeiro.

Buen homenaje pero como secuela es algo decepcionante
Si bien mejora el combate y minijuegos, todo lo demás se siente como un Downgrade en mayor o menor medida, sobre todo los bosses re inconsistentes
El mayor pecado que comete es la crisis de identidad cabrona que tiene además de no ponerse de acuerdo en su tono
Aún así lo considero decente, la historia también tiene sus cosas buenas como el desarrollo de Travis y siento que lo redime lo suficiente como para gustarme

It’s an okay game. It honestly took away what made the first game special. Yeah some of the bosses are fun but most of them are shallow and uninteresting. I also don’t know how grasshopper managed to step down in gameplay from the first game.

genuinely the most miserable final boss ive ever fought in any game ever. what the fuck was that

The game is fine, but compared to the first its shortcomings are extremely apparent.

This game was absolutely not for everyone, however I love the improved gameplay and the boss designs and OST once again are amazing.

this game started this weird trend where like, i'll play a game in a series i love that i think is the weakest but not an actual Bad Game, but i'll still give it a lot of shit
in the context of like the no more heroes series as a whole this game's kinda stinky, but it's still a no more heroes game so this shit fly as hell
also i know everyone sucks it off but that soundtrack good christ, perfection

It is still No More Heroes, but the atmosphere we had in the first game is not 100% present here. Still worthy tho.

Somethings I like more, some things I like in comparison to NMH1. I think combat is overall better, but ecstasy guage is too easy to get and kinda wipes the floor with most of the game, and I never found like I got a boss fight that really needed me to use my full kit like Henry did (though i appreciate bosses not having a brickshit ton of health like NMH1)
I like that the story is more... there and an actual story with progression, but a couple of boss assassins in this game really get sidelined and it sucks, because the assassins who do get their piece in this game I like a lot. It doesn't have to be a lot but characters like Margaret just being there going Hey Whats Up Lets Fight and then you kill her and move it feels like such a missed opportunity when u think about the NMH1 assassins.
The between fights stuff is fine, I kinda miss the overworld but I also don't think I miss actually driving a mile between the places so whatever.
It's a flawed but cool game, but thats the mood of suda51 games isn't it?

Oh yeah, switch port is great. I got frame drops (particularly in the overworld in NMH1) but this game is smooth sailing all the way through.

While it lacks what the first game had in dialogue and story, it certainly makes up for it with gameplay and visuals. All in all, I find the two games to be equally as good as each other. Hopefully No More Heroes III is the best of both worlds!

I have mixed feeling about this one. On one hand, I had fun playing it, but there are things that's missing from the first one (like driving and drive your way to the stores / ranking matches at Santa Destroy).

Also, this game is more serious, even tho at the second half gets a little more "weird" in a funny way, but, still, I think it lacks part of what the first game did so well.

Still, a good game. Travis Strikes Back, here I go!

travis part 2
nmh 1 but even better with more fun characters and more epic music

This review contains spoilers

the greatest 5/10 video game ever and guniuly one of the games i wish the most i could get a lesnse into the devlopment of genuinly feels at points its zombie no more heros and then during the final 4 bosses it goes back to nmh1 levle. also i like the final boss kinda and think its better than most stuff in the first half of the game with the fact that its like "oh the sidequests in nmh1 that seemed like nothing well they were something" at the least activated nurons. another thing that i feel like really was focoused tested out of the game was the whight of the job games. while i really dont like any of themand the one that they brought back from nmh1 that there like "haha we brought back the one that sucks" was legit my favorite isnt a good thing.

a little smoother than the first game in terms of combat, a little better in terms of side content and that's how it all is tbh.
It is better than the first game in every way but just by a little.

Not as kino, but like 3/4 of the way there.

the lack of suda really is noticable tbh

I enjoyed this more than the first game. The open world in 1 was fine but I definitely enjoy this more streamlined approach. There's a fuckton I could right about the game but really, it's as simple as the gameplay being super fun. Loved the motion controls so much