Reviews from

in the past

Really fun, "jump in and play" style of indie game. Only required two buttons, but was frantic as hell and required insane amounts of focus all throughout. Soundtrack was good overall, nothing amazing, and I like how the game's tone revolves all around parodying Chinese kung-fu flicks. The announcer especially was a great touch. Dope game overall, well worth the $1.00 I spent.

All those bad-ass stickman fight animations you watched when you were a kid have been turned into a really frantic videogame.

super addicting to play and fun but it got boring for me after a little while

Play it if you really like fantasy martial arts movies

One Finger Death Punch занимает всего 220 мб на диске, использует минималистичную графику и требует лишь 2 клавиши для управления. Несмотря на это, игру можно назвать наверное самым захватывающим и интересным симулятором бойца кунг-фу, который дарит ощущение силы, мастерства и всемогущества.

Не перестают радовать мелочи: режим битвы на световых мечах; замедление времени с рентгеном и ломающимися ребрами; мяч-убийца; легендарный меч, который тебе даруется небесами, когда остается последняя жизнь; навык мощного удара, сила которого буквально сминает изображение на экране.

Но как бы хотелось иметь возможность в этой игре самому выбирать стиль боя и настраивать свои удары.

Но все равно получилась замечательная игра, в которую можно играть в перерывах, а можно засесть и проходить неожиданно длинную "кампанию".

5 джеки чанов и 4 брюса ли из 10

buen juego que te recuerda la epoca de flash donde muñequitos mal dibujados peleaban a muerte

love games like this. this game was a relatively big part of my childhood and i like it a lot

This sends you back to the web flash games of my childhood, but it's very polished and fun.
This is so fun to play while you can't decide what you want to play.
You know that feeling that you have to start another 20-30+ hours game and you are likeee naaah, this is where this game comes in

Surprisingly difficult game, but not in the annoying way. This game is incredibly fun and is reminiscent of the old early 2000's flash martial arts games. I've never had so much fun aimlessly brawling with people to "beat of music". There are a lot of very unique skills and weaponry that make this game even more interesting. Lots of replay ability here and a truly magnificent gaming experience.

It's fine, lost all my data so I'm probably never going to finish it, but it's a good time killer if you really have nothing else to play.

really addicting 2d fighter

Hours of quality entertainment for a very small price. Absolutely worth it!

Super fun. There really isn't much to say about this game, it's snappy, it hits that old kung-fu movie vibe, and it's really simple and fun to play. It was one of my "I'm bored" go-tos for a long time.

Two Button Bliss

With a good clicky mouse, it plays like a dream.

I like the challenge and fluidity of the combat. Gets stale fast though. If I play too long it honestly just becomes "how long until I get to do another lightsaber level" (the lightsaber levels are pog af)

Simple and yet so satisfing!

Simple and fun, but overstays it's welcome a bit and absolutely obliterates your hands.

Good for a lark, announcer voice is incredibly grating. Wish there were volume controls more than just "on/off."

Amazing concept which also works very well on extremely low end hardware. Goes on a tad too long and I had no need for survival mode or replaying on harder difficulties, but would recommend.

You know what happens when you choose to make a game around one simple concept and you nail it? I give it a 9 and buy the sequel on release.

If you grew up watching stick fight videos as a kid, you need to play this. A fighter where the fighting is refined to just two buttons, left click and right click and lives by the rule of cool beyond that to deliver a super entertaining experience for a very low price point.

unique lookign and playing ...rhythm game

This is a fun little 2010s game styled after those stickman fights of yore from the mid 2000s. All gameplay and mechanics, no plot, but really gets you into that flow brainstate to just be clicking away without thinking. A Rhythm game without music, in a way. I only got through the Student mode levels, I have no idea what it's like playing master mode, but i really got my fill after the one run. Can only feel so engaged with exactly one way of playing for so long.