um im a girl who like piggies and games preferably at the same time.

Like if you've ever seen the Wind Waker piggies, they're some of my favorite creatures on the planet

anyway games. i forget games that i play a lot so i figured id log them here. i don't really do ratings, honestly i think reviews are better off without them.
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Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles - My Life as a King
Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles - My Life as a King
Shadow of the Colossus
Shadow of the Colossus
The World Ends with You
The World Ends with You
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward
Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward


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why was this game so divisive it was so fun what the hell like unironically the concept is solid and works really well with the controls which aren't even that hard to understand

Growing up I was never really big on shooters. Occasionally you'd have your Goldeneyes and your Halos that would grab me, but I remember all my school friends being into Call of Duty etc and me just. Not.

It wasn't the genre I didn't like, but if you were gaming back then you probably remember how things were.

Anyway, Titanfall came out and I was HOOKED. Even as someone that wasn't really into competitive online, this game had me hooked and I honestly believe a lot of why came down to the fact that this game just felt. Feels. SO damn good. The wall running, the sprinting, the sliding, it had an understanding of mobility that FPS back then didn't and largely still don't, and that made it crazy fun, especially with the addition of titans.

The game just felt fun and the use of NPC soldiers as "minions" and the story sort of...existing in the way of which side won more often gave this game just such a unique feeling. It was fun. Still one of my favorite shooters.

Imported this game for my PS3 for 80 bucks.

Was it worth it?

LOL fuck no this game had me convinced buyer's remorse wasn't a real thing.