Reviews from

in the past

A gameplay é divertida no começo, mas com o tempo começa a ficar meio chata, e não ajuda tendo bossfights que vão entre sem graça e maçantes.
Porém, quando se trata da história é o contrário, essa desgraça me fez gostar de um personagem que é político.

Didn't have high expectations, so while P5T is no Atlus standout, I wasn't too disappointed.

At least what P5T gets right is not having levels that are extremely long. The downside is that levels fluctuate from being decently stimulating to slogs.

Persona 5 Tactica (PS5) [Terminado]

Como spin-off que se aleja de la jugabilidad clásica está francamente bien. Además volvemos a vivir aventuras con este elenco, pero, para ser un juego estratégico, peca un poco de simplismo y poca profundidad. Aun así, es muy disfrutón.

Persona 5 Tactica is an amazing spinoff. It is immediately charming as expected from a Persona game, as it's cute artstyle and well crafted gameplay almost immediately made me fall in love with it. Erina and Toshiro are both absolutely amazing characters who I grew attached to by the end.

Its alright. Looks good, gameplay is good but id like a little more depth in the rpg mechanics later on. It is challenging but never really hard or too easy. Story is non existent and would love more characters beeing fleshed out except the two they added, but thats a theme in p5 spinoffs so really nothing new here.There are better Tactical RPGs out there but if you like persona 5 id try it.

No right being this good. Toshiro is one of my favorite Persona characters now. I wish the final world had some story bits, but the gameplay is so good.

Easily the lowest point of the Persona 5 journey. Why we needed XCOM: Persona 5 Edition, I don't understand, but we have it now, and I want it to go away forever. And why was I lied to by every single guide claiming that you're not level-gated for fusion after NG+ WHEN THEY STILL TOTALLY DO THAT?! Thisnis getting traded away once I have that final platinum trophy. I'm one away, and I'm NOT stopping until I have it out of sheer spite. Atlus, fo BETTER, NOT GREEDIER.

Oyunun yazımı 4-koma manga serileri gibi ard arda espriler silsilesi olması çok sinir bozucu. Oynanış fena değil ama baygınlık geçirtti 4 saat sonrasında

A very weak game by Persona 5 standards and a pretty mediocre game overall. The core gameplay is not rich enough to justify its length and while the story is good overall it does drag sometimes. This is in part due to the game having far more dialogue than it needs and a final act that was at least twice as long as it needed to be. Not a bad game, but not a particularly necessary one either.

More of a puzzle game than a tactics game, unfortunately. However, probably the strongest story of them all because after 2 previous games, they get to focus it down on one central character and make it that much more powerful.

Que joguinho gostoso de se jogar, apesar de achar o final um pouco repetitivo. História bonitinha.

While this game doesn't expand much from the original cast of P5, what it brings new is all incredibly well done. Erina, Guernica, and especially Toshiro are some of the best characters not only in the "P5" series of games, but the series as a whole. The art style is striking and an improvement over that in the Q games. The gameplay took a long time to get used to, but once it hits, it hits hard and it makes the game addicting. Overall its in the upper tiers of Persona spin-off titles.

It’s a Persona 5 spin-off, but it has remained a weak one. The gameplay mechanics feel fresh for a Persona game, but it gets boring after a while due to repetition. The boss fights were also weak, and in terms of characters, it was far behind Persona 5. It’s an average game; if you’re a hardcore Persona fan, you might play it, or you can give it a chance since it’s available on Game Pass.

I mean…it’s fine but maybe not full price fine

Despite having a cast with unique and different movesets, the goal always boils down to Triple Threats which ultimately leads to every character playing the exact same way. Not a fan of the story either. Go play Strikers instead.

They should give us 10 character slots for naming persona protags i think

Tried on Gamepass but didn't really like it. Might try it again later.

competent and (mostly) engaging game with a story that is not quite interesting until it picks up a bit after the halfway point, just to drop the ball and never attempt to do anything particularly interesting. love the two new characters though!

Very Solid Tactical RPG from the Persona franchise, It has a good story, a bit predictable once you understand where it is going, however when it's good it's really good.

I still think Strikers it's not only the better game, but also has a more interesting story that happens AFTER the game end it in the original game, Regarless of my opinions in the game in relation to other spin-offs of the franchise, I think this approach was the best one yet, the transition from a JRPG to a TRPG it's the smoothest one yet, and if is done again I will be happy to give it a try.

One of, if not the best persona 5 spin off.

It's a tactics game as the title says. Main missions are very easy, but there are some optional quests which are more like puzzles. Some of them took me a while to figure out, really glad they're there.

The new characters are the stars of the show. They have an interesting story and relationship, and the voice actors do a phenomenal job(played it with japanese voices).

The presentation during the story is mostly a visual novel style, but despite the simplistic art style, there is a lot of detail here, such as the lip flaps matching the voices.
During some of the more important moments, there are full-blown cutscenes, some of them 2D(usually shorter), some of them 3D, all of them awesome when you see them.

The game's length is just about right, it ends before it overstays its welcome. It's shorter than the other spin offs (mainly the persona Q games) at around 30 hours while doing the optional quests.

The music is also as good as you'd expect.

I played it on the lenovo legion go, I think this type of game is perfect for a handheld. So if you can, get it on the switch, or on a handheld PC. I feel like the character portraits and the chat boxes would be too big on a 4K TV.

i thought it was a free mobile game when i saw the trailer for the first time

downloaded the game

saw some weird pink lady

cringe af

deleted it

This review contains spoilers

I was pretty... unenthusiastic about this game at the start, wishing it could be a fighting game or something, but playing it, I had a lot of fun! The tactical gameplay is pretty easy to get a handle on, has a decent ceiling, and is quick and snappy, with most battles not taking that long. It may not be the most in-depth tactically at times, but I had a lot of fun. Stuff like sub-Personas and the skills menu giving you ways to build your characters early on are neat, but they matter much, much less later on, as you can eventually just unlock everything, and with all of the skills you can get, sub Persona skills become less useful, and passives feel far better.

Honestly, by the final battle I was mostly relying on gunfire to attack because with good enough guns you can just pile on the damage heavily on single target enemies.

The music was good, I enjoyed a lot of the vocal songs, though some of the other stuff kinda faded into feeling pretty similar to the other stuff, so the big battles with the vocal battle themes were pretty great moments.

I have to say though, in terms of story, it makes me wonder why Atlus isn't just making stories about middle-aged men, when between Persona 5 Royal, Strikers, and now Tactica, it feels like what they're best at writing. All of the Phantom Thieves are incredibly enjoyable, but the real star of the show is the new character, Toshiro. He's incredibly multi-faceted, far deeper than he appears, and goes through probably the best arc in the Persona 5 series of games (there are other characters I prefer more, but the strength of writing in Toshiro's arc, which is essentially the crux of the story, is FANTASTIC). I went from thinking "haha funny middle aged man character who's a fish out of water" to getting very caught up and choked up by all he went through. And to see his growth from spineless jellyfish to man who holds his resolve in the face of a god is incredible.

I enjoyed the game a lot, but some of the battles felt a little too short. The quests were fun, though, with a good mix between "this is like a puzzle" and a solid battle. I do have to say that money felt INCREDIBLY scarce, even with Personas that give you extra money when finishing a battle, especially in comparison to how much some of the highest power Personas cost to call out.

My other downside is I'm sick of Atlus just using surprise god at the end to be the final baddie. Please, something new, I beg of you. What could they have done? I don't know, but I just would've preferred to not have this so similar thing for the umpteenth time.

Overall, very solid, enjoyable game, I'd definitely recommend it, if only for Toshiro's great story and a lot of fun moments between the Thieves.

This review contains spoilers

I am as sick to death of Persona 5 milking as the next person, but I was pleasantly surprised how much I enjoyed this game. The story is the same persona 5 rehash only with 1 guy you explore the mindscape of instead of several but gameplay wise I really enjoyed trying to figure out the most efficient ways to complete the maps. The the one more mechanic of the base series carrying over very well into the tactics sphere, and it is very satisfying to chain them together to mow down multiple enemies and/or zoom across the entire map.

First two kingdoms are solid, third and fourth kingdoms are pretty repetitive and it leads to the game feeling dragged out, but the ending of the third and fourth kingdoms are both very good and save them for me. Overall the ending of the game is pretty heartwarming and emotional and serves as a really good conclusion to not just the game, but also as an effective swan song to the Persona 5 sub franchise. I’m definitely a bit biased considering Persona 5 Royal is my favourite game, but this game is getting a 7 from me.

It's generally a pretty decent game. I don't really understand why they went the strategy game route with it but I felt it was fine enough as strategy RPGs go. It is nowhere as in-depth as you might find with others in the genre, but as an additional piece of Persona 5 it is perfectly fine. It overstays its welcome a bit too long for my liking, and the plot gets really silly towards the final act, but it was never really a deal-breaker because I enjoyed the combat.

Persona 5 Tactica Review:
Hours: 30
Spoilers: 0

We have hade the original Persona 5, Dancing in Starlight, Royal, Strikers and now we all have Tactica. Atlus has milked and continues to milk the Persona that hit the mainstream crowd and the real question has to be, does Tactica justify the milking?
Let’s moo-ve onto the review and find out!

If you have played X-Com or Fire Emblem you will be already quite familiar with how this game operates except this is absolutely a more dumbed down version of that. Think Raving Rabbids but not THAT obsessed by the French. Tactica is a HEAVILY cover based strategy game relying on moving the characters you know and love on a grid based map to defeat all the enemies.
For new players of the genre, this game absolutely can operate as “My first tactics game” and does a good job of elevating the difficulty making it more of a Hitman styled puzzle box. If I move my unit here, and press this elevator button, will the enemy be taken out of cover for me to get a critical hit and have another turn?
The elevation is really gradual and I think that if people have issues with how easy the game is at the start, it does become more of a strategy game in its later portions. Other than this, it is a Persona game. You take turns with each character (up to 3) to attack using guns, melee attacks and persona skills now just with a cover twist as a mission based puzzle box.

I assume if you have played Persona 5, you probably enjoyed that sweet, sweet narrative. I gotta say, I really enjoyed the plot that follows Tactica. I have a lot of issues with the ongoing narrative of this series of games as they all ditch Royal and seemingly do not connect with Strikers at all. I understand they are side games to spin off from that main game but the fact there is no consistency at all is painful because it does feel like none of it was worth it.
However, if we look at the game in its own box without any other elements, Tactica is a beautiful narrative and though it is obvious from the get go, the game also realises that you will get what is happening really quick. Leaving you no spaces where you feel the characters aren’t catching up as fast as you.
I adore where this story goes and made me genuinely cry so hard. I haven’t cried this hard since Final Fantasy 16 but this felt even more intense. I love what this narrative represents and gives a great spin on what they were going for in the base game.
Just like all the other spin off games, I absolutely love the new characters and how they blend with the existing Phantom Thieves. It is just a shame on narrative level that they will be thrown away not to be seen in another P5 game unless we get a fighter.

Bruh it’s Lyn, what more do you want. Of course it is fucking good.

This is a short review compared to some others I have been writing lately and I think that is because there isn’t too much to say. If you love Persona 5, you are going to play this and most likely enjoy it. However there is that chance which is likely, that you are just tired of this being milked to hell and back which is fair criticism.
I myself, think Tactica is a fantastic game for those who want to see these characters interact more and enjoy a concise tactics game playable at multiple difficulties.

Disclaimer: I do however need to point out that the game has day 1 DLC that costs $30 AUD to play as the best character in the game (Imo) and best girl from Royal (imo) which pains me because you just know this could have been baked in on the disc or AT LEAST, came out a week or so after. Not day 1.
Stupid practices and really shows Atlus greedy little milking hands.

snooze, I'm snoozing. This is easily, the worst spinoff.

A decently fun Persona 5 spin off that does tail off a little bit near the end.

Definitely one of the more unique spinoff ideas for Persona. Wasn't expecting to like it pre-launch, but once I got to finally play it, I loved it. The gameplay is addicting, and the story is fantastically written. While the music doesn't quite hit the peaks of other Persona games, it is still a very memorable soundtrack, with quite a few bangers.

As for negatives, the game is extremely easy on Normal mode. Though, that is in part due to liberal use of the Undo feature, even without it, the game is fairly easy. Furthermore, the game feels a little "low budget" at times, and is very linear. However, these are minor flaws on an otherwise amazing game.