Reviews from

in the past

The gimmick was super fun to mess around wtih but the game has like no content.

best fighting game i have ever played

there's a photo of me sticking my ass out and farting a fireball

A bout of extremely dumb fun. There's really not much here for anyone who isn't interested in the "turn photos into fighters" gimmick, but that charm kinda does carry the whole game. Plus, it's cool that you can play multiplayer on just one system, but the way it's done is a tad awkward.

was a good idea though the DSi camera sucks so you gotta force your friends to hold uncomfortable poses for extended periods of time while you try to get them in frame and then you finally get everything you need and then play the game for like 2 minutes then get bored and turn it off

i don't have any friends that will hold the camera for me

The best fighting game ever made

one time i brought my friend carter over and instead of doing something fun i took pictures of him in photo dojo and then he left. i deleted his character like a month later to make room for my dog

The protagonist was literally me and it was pretty sick

I got it for free and I had a good time with it. It has zero depth and nothing to offer outside the "put pictures of yourself into a beat 'em up" gimmick. But it is a pretty fun gimmick.

What I really want to talk about, though, is Nintendo Week. If you've never heard of Nintendo Week, it was a weekly (advertising? sketch comedy? game news? fever dream?) video series released on the Wii's Nintendo Channel that was, in hindsight, kind of a proto-Nintendo Direct? But, like, if the chaos energy of that one E3 Nintendo Direct with all the puppets was just a standard feature. A "this is bad but I sort of love watching it" kind of show, you know?

Anyway, one of the episodes featured an extended segment covering a Photo Dojo tournament at the Nintendo Treehouse offices. Whether this tournament was already planned by the staff or was just a bit for the show was unclear, but what was clear was Bill Trinen winning the tournament and being declared something like the "Photo Dojo Champion of the World".

As far as I know, this title belt that's officially recognized by a Nintendo publication has gone uncontested since that one tournament over a decade ago. And while this is totally understandable considering nobody plays (or cares about) this game anymore, I still jump back into it from time to time to keep my skills sharp. Because if somehow, by some strange sequence of events, I run into Bill Trinen, and I happen to have my 3DS on me...

That title is mine.

An extremely basic fighting game with a simple yet fun photo and recording mode. The real fun was being loud as possible in the shitty microphone.

It's easy to disregard this as a shallow fighting game with little content, but I think that the most enjoyable parts come from the fact that you can not only put yourself and your friends in the game, but also anything you screenshot. For instance, I took a few pictures of my Ness amiibo, did a terrible impression of his voice, played as him for a bit and laughed my ass off from hearing my shrill voice. I've even added Goku and Joe Biden to the game, giving them the most nonsensical audio imaginable. As a fighting game it's mediocre, but I'll look past that because the game's too funny for me not to care about it.

when i was a kid i made my stepdad bring out one of his chromakey screens to take pictures of me with this and i would use orange markers to draw out the stages to fight on. i also made my friend come over to do the same thing so i could have him in the game too and he hated it

Back in the day I had a collection of empty soda cans, and at one point, my Photo Dojo roster was made entirely out of Pepsi cans. I needed a death animation for one of them so I crumpled up the can, and I got really sad because it was part of my can collection and was now ruined. I don’t know what I was thinking.

PC port with Rollback and the Guilty Gear series will be in grave danger