Reviews from

in the past

A good entry for nostalgic Pokemon fans, but it gets repetitive really fast. I found myself getting bored after an hour of each play session.

This was equal parts delightful and annoying. The delight mainly came from the inherent nostalgia of the game, given that its essentially the third time that Red/Blue has been remade. So seeing this world thats basically been woven into my DNA in 3D was pure joy. I could gush about this but alls that needs to be said is that this world is still real great.

The bad, though. Bad might be too strong a word, annoyance is maybe more appropriate.

Ok so I still play the hell out of Pokemon Go, and as such was excited to take advantage of the fact that I could transfer my catches from Go into Lets Go, however you cant actually do this until about halfway through the game, which in turn maybe made me rush through a bit. Which then presents a number of other problems, such as the fact that, despite replacing Safari Zone which makes sense to gate behind later game completion, by the time you get to the Go Park you dont even have the benefit of having these overly powered Pokemon at your disposal since the other trainers accelerate their levels kinda quickly in the game, and the max in Go is level 40. So thats annoying. Also annoying is how hard everything you have to catch is if its above level 15, which is fine if youre battling the Pokemon to weaken them but in this game it truly seems impossible to catch anything without draining Ultra balls and berries. The fact that Im coming from Go rather than a main series game made this more annoying, since its not super hard to catch anything once you get to level 20. Annoying at times, sure, but not frustrating.

Another thing is that it does away with showing type effectiveness on moves in battle, which after 20 fuckin years of playing these games I still struggle with. Some are obvious like FireElectric but I dont remember whats better than poison or psychic, man.

Another thing with Pokemon games now, and with a lot of the other more cartoony Nintendo games outside Kirby, is that the antagonist is realllllllly softened to the point where your rival just seems like a total fuckin loser that you beat every time and doesnt seem to care that much. Which I guess sends a more positive message to children than ‘bully grows to grudgingly respect competitor’.

Also I’m really fuckin over Gen 1 at this point.

But all that aside, between this and Detective Pikachu, seeing this world come to life is kinda magical that you sorta forget the inherent annoyances that these games give

Remake Pokemon Yellow with some adds.

Divertidíssimo. Minha região favorita sendo muito bem remasterizada. Trilha sonora, efeitos, designs muito bem feitos. A gameplay "inovadora" realmente é divertida. Jogando no Joy Sticks é outro nível. Realmente Game Freak acertou em cheio neste jogo.

Kinda boring Gen 1 remake, idk why this needed to exist.

Buen juego de pokemon pero muy casual

I mean, I don't hate it? I'll just never want to play it again. It offers nothing to me. I don't like the co op, I feel like the aesthetics don't really do much to actually stand out unlike literally every other interpretation of Kanto. Oh, and also, for FUCKS sake we didn't need to see Kanto again.

Great graphics with the best following Pokémon in the series, too bad it had to have those stupid GO mechanics

The artstyle is really pretty, i dont like the pokemon go-esque mechanics tho

why do i keep coming back to kanto so easily while it has nothing to offer, me and kanto have a toxic relationship

I have sold my soul to game freak part 2340235

Completed Pokedex. May they never use this style of catching again.

I appreciate the Let's Go games trying something new, but honestly, it just didn't really do it for me. Seeing the world in gen VIII graphics was AMAZING, but I ended up missing all the mechanics that were missing from this game.

Overall, It’s an average Pokemon game, I think people will like it and enjoy it, as have I. I have over 90hours played in total as of now and think it is quite an enjoyable experience, but an enjoyable experience and a thrilling one are two different things. I think the game is okay and will bring in many new Pokemon fans, but it is obviously nowhere on the same scale as some of my favourite Pokemon games such as Diamond, Pearl and Platinum, Black and White and Heartgold and Soulsilver.

Some great ideas, but they went way too far with the simple angle.

Not bad if you've got that Pokemon itch. Not incredibly challenging, but it adds enough new stuff to an old classic to warrant a playthrough if you're a Pokemon fan. Controls are dumb.

Randomly decided to buy this after telling myself I wouldn't. Had a lot of fun with it, and even finished the Pokedex for the game. Not all that memorable in the grand scheme of things, but enjoyable while I played it.

Still enjoying the gameplay and adorable graphics. Really wish they'd continue this series.

I don’t care if this is a remake of yellow stop forcing me to use pikachu

nice art direction
actually kinda liked the catching mechanic
but kanto is still the most boring region

Ya know looking back I think this game was dragged a little too much. Its a cute way to play through kanto again ( not that we needed Kanto again) and frankly it looks nicer than some newer titles. still there's nothing new here if you don't wanna play through Kanto again don't bother with this title.

my first ever switch pokemon game. The graphics and mechanics are GORGEOUS. Too bad it's a let's go game and all you can do is catch and not battle the wild mons at all. The trainer battles are very limited in the post games and this is more towards really little children. Not bad but not good either.