Reviews from

in the past

ultimately underwhelming, but the taking photos and creating new dungeons out of them thing was neat

no começo é bem divertido e a historia é bem legal, mas ele fica cansativo com as dungeons super repetitivas e chatas.

I did NOT like the partner's personality in this game.

I would like to preface this with the addendum that I bought a 3DS solely to play this game. In fact, I bought the game before I owned the system. That is how much I missed Pokemon Mystery Dungeon and couldn't wait to play it. But I was let down to the point it does not feel like the same franchise anymore.

The most striking difference with this game compared to its predecessors is the lack of any post-game content. Explorers of Sky set the bar extremely high, and some may argue it could never be topped. However, many thought the same of Explorers of Sky when it was first announced after the Blue/Red game, since it was just as beloved at the time. EOS ended up surpassing its predecessor in so many ways that made many (me included) convinced that we were going to have an amazing story with a lot of new, crazy, and interesting content (and pokemon!). The EOS postgame is vast and interesting, and you can find new things to do and discover that you didn't find before, even if you go back and replay it today. I thought GTI would follow in EOS's tracks like EOS followed in BR's.

Instead, it disappointed me in so many ways I did not think possible, both gameplay-wise, and story-wise. While it has its charms, the charms can be counted on one hand while the flaws need a pair.

Strong start, boring middle, bad ending.

The gate feature with the camera was fun... the first three times. Afterwards, it feels like a useless gimmick. Has charming characters, but none are memorable or heartfelt save perhaps 3 pokemon. A lot of the characters feel gimmicky and forced.

Perhaps the most pivotal part to Pokemon Mystery Dungeon is the fact you are a human turned into a pokemon, and how the world around you reacts to you belonging in the human world. In BR, you suffered tremendously and only had one partner to turn to. In EOS, you are deeply afraid of what your friends (your partners in the guild, your family at this point) will think of you as you reveal the news, and it takes a lot of mental fortitude to endure confessing something so deep and vulnerable about yourself.

The idea that you, the player, confesses a secret to people you trust (or thought you could trust) only to have them turn on you or be sceptical before reaching acceptance, is a feeling everyone can relate to and feel connected to (especially if you only have one person on your side, or none). However, this event was bastardized in GTI.

Not only is you being a human not a big deal, but every last character has the same reaction to you being human (this was never the case in the two earlier installments) but none of them find it strange, doubt you, or question it. An unrealistic and forcefully glazed over issue that they simply did not want to address in the story (which there is very little of).

I have played this game to the fullest over 2 times to completion, and the second time I replayed it, it was because I genuinely could not remember the slightest thing about the story save the first two missions which had a decent character and buildup to them. Thinking about it now, I can at most remember 3 scenes, and I do not remember them for the right reasons.

The game is not unplayable- it is enjoyable (during the scenes with characters that actually are interesting), but if this is not your first experience with Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, chances are you are not going to enjoy it. If this is your first entry into the franchise, I would advise you to look at the two games prior to this one for better content and story, as well as characters and gameplay.

I think this game can only be enjoyed by someone who has no experience with the franchise what-so-ever or how the two games before it tackled the themes and topics, but I will never, not ever, recommend someone start with this game over BR or EOS.

I apparently completed this game but I remember nothing about it. I think that is one of the biggest clues that I did not enjoy or care about the experience.

Demasiado hateado. Tiene una buena premisa y sigue con todo el esplendor de un MM, pero es el peor porque está desaprovechado y peca de lentitud, además de faltar algún momento de epicidad. Overall no me parece para nada malo.

el unico mistery dungeon mid.

Good story paced terribly and the gameplay's simplified to hell.

dogshit i regret buying you digitally 10 years ago

it's more mystery dungeon. i like it. story's a little shallow, but it has it's moments.

YEAH!!!!!!!! i love u gates to infinity

pokemon but they can think and are alive and they want to challenge god or something

good i think people hate on it too much its basically the same as a ll the other ones with a goofy story about a kyurem or something idk i forgot. I think the hydreigon was eevil but becomes the homie? Is this game real?

Rips away basically everything good about its predecessor. The story feels like it was written exclusively for five-year-olds in a way that isn't at all charming and instead feels like it's talking down to you. The resource management aspect feels largely removed as well. I see no reason to like this game.

My first mystery dungeon game. I enjoyed it the first time, but not as much the second. Kind of lame story and characters. Didn't love the gameplay.

oh god the text speed
enjoyed the story and music but oh god

Tutorials were unbearably long.

Who's IDEA was this? I am just... man. I can't believe I wasted that many hours on this game. Go play a better entry in the series. PLEASE.

Where the hell is Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon?

nem lembro dessa merda, toma um 3 de consideração

Greatly improves graphics, moving from 2D to 3D with the new operating system. Slightly stiffer animations however.

this leads you to the gates of not getting any girls

Needs a replay from me. I don't think I ever beat it. And it sucks too, cuz gen 5 is my favorite gen.

I think I enjoyed myself when I played the demo. Can't imagine I would've enjoyed it too much if I played the full game, given that I'm not usually into stuff like this.

Estaba aburrido y he dicho ''Pues voy a dejar claro que este es el videojuego que más odio en la historia de los videojuegos''

A little bit better than I expected and definitely not a bad game, but it has some issues that lower it for me.
TLDR This game suffers from poor mechanics, despite some neat ideas and good story.

-The story is surprisingly very strong. I didn't anticipate enjoying it as much as I did, with some genuinely good twists and theming.
-Building a town is a neat concept.
-Shared experience removes the stress of having to carry a low level mon any time you want to change up the party.

-The gameplay is stripped down considerably from other titles. The lack of a hunger system removes challenge. Lack of starters removes party variety for most of the game. You can only perform ONE MISSION at a time.
- The story is too easy. You get high level story additions early on, most of the bosses are fodder (the final boss is pathetically weak). You get a PP refill way too often in dungeons. No hunger mechanic, etc.
-Base building is a grind that isn't worth the rewards, mostly thanks to the poor mission system.
-PAID DLC. Locking content that is normal in future entries behind dlc is just scummy. Furthermore, this dlc is now unobtainable due to Eshop closure (although you can use certain alternative methods I am not at all suggesting...)
-(Worth Mentioning) Streetpass is dead in all but theory, so Streetpass related content is no longer accessible.
-(Uncertain, may be bias) The dungeon floor generations feels worse in this game compared to other entries. Like it is way more nonsensical and longer to traverse than usual.
-(Uncertain, may be bias) Text boxes and cutscenes feel way slower than other entries as well.

Personally I am just glad Super and DX fixed a lot of gameplay issues this game had (even if Super does it at the expense of the entire first 2/3s of the story)

doesn't compare to the old OGs but still fun

I enjoyed it as a kid but something felt missing compared to Explorers of Sky
Maybe it was the lack of a guild with its cozy atmosphere or the fact that the ending didn't really manage to move me as much as it should have