Reviews from

in the past

A evolução da complexidade da história é muito legal de ver, além das melhorias de qualidade de vida da interface. Layton cada vez melhor!

It's not too different from the first game. It has more content, and the story is decent. A few of the puzzles, imo, were a bit too vague or frustrating, but the majority were okay. Like other Layton games, it's worth playing if you like brain-teasers.

I liked this game a lot, particularly the soundtrack. Some of the puzzles were really good.

100% puzzle completion (excluding dlc)

A beautiful game. Full of charm, uniqueness, and fun. The puzzles can be challenging, but that’s the beauty of it. The ending is a great ending and I personally loved this installment, although I slightly prefer the first game to this one.

Overall, it’s a game full of charm and delight. Most definitely worth it if you’ve played Curious Village and would like more content. 8.5/10, 4/5

Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box is a great follow up to the Curious Village that improves upon some of the issues I had it. Firstly I feel like the story is a lot more engaging in many ways than it's predecessor, especially when it comes to the big twist at the end which was my biggest issue with Curious Village. There is also a lot more variety in the puzzle selection with this entry which allows for a more interesting game play session every time you boot up a save. This game is not without it's flaws however, as the start of the story felt incredibly slow, especially when in comparison to the previous entry. Despite this once the story gets going, you are in for a great time full of mystery, intrigue and heartbreak. I can't wait to see what the next entry holds as I can only see it going up from here!

Pretty cool puzzles and its got trains good stuff

this was the best one because it has a music box

Much like the first, this game still slaps. Puzzles rule

Second in the series a bit worse, steps around a bit in setting, but good emotional beats towards the end.

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I can't believe some old dude farted so hard, everyone thought he was young

My introduction to the series and a fine puzzle game with great art and anime cutscenes.

The weird using the manual to get the ticket thing blew my mind when I was like 7, this game rocks

You could say this isn't much of a game and is more of a digital logic puzzles book but that'd be ignoring the gorgeous art style and hokey plot which are both big mood boosters.

Also the logic puzzles rule obviously I gave it 5 stars, c'mon.

My dad had to help me with this game (very often) when I was a kid.

La verdad los puzzles de este juego se me hicieron más fáciles que en el primero y el doblaje estuvo buenardo

i honestly forget the story but i remember me thinking it was okay. once again loved the puzzles :)

El tema de los créditos me hace llorar un poquito a día de hoy.

Just the first game but better in most regards. The kinda crappy movement controls are still here (and from what I've heard they're here to stay), but thankfully puzzles are a lot easier to come by with much better minigames and certainly a more interesting narrative. The ending hit hard, but I have some small criticisms of it that I'd rather not get into here since I'm not in the mood to make a spoilered review. The general pacing of this game was both better and worse than the first in that this time there was way more actual plot going on at any given time and the mysteries were spaced out far better... but like with the first game, the final area with the final twists hit all at the same time riiiight at the very end, with barely any time for a resolution. Also like the first game, the sheer volume of puzzles began to feel fillery after around the halfway point, but I'd chalk that up more to me binging these games. In any case, the half-star up from the first game is a very big half-star up. I just hope the next games will be even better.

This game's UI is better than the first one, but i didn't like the puzzles as much. The presentation is great and so is the voice acting. Waiting for the next installment.

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You can tell Level 5 reused a lot of puzzles from Curious Village. It doesn't help that the big mystery twist felt like a cop out.

A nice little game, I liked the atmosphere and the puzzles kept me hooked for hours at times.
I can't compare it to the first one as I played that one too many years ago.

Creo que me ha gustado menos que el primero porque ese lo jugué de chiquito pero aún así buena mierda mi pana

Its twists are a little more absurd and 100% is the literal worst requiring RNG even with a guide that you would have no clue of even knowing without a guide and it doesn't even make sense after knowing the plot revelations why is the tea minigame so baaaad. Also if you're a hintcoin person you are locked out if you miss some at the halfway point lol.

But it's still Layton and I'll take that with a tip of the hat.

Of course a Layton game was going to use that twist eventually, but hey, love those puzzles! Let me stack more pancakes.

first game? that was a dessert of a game man from the art style to the puzzles it really felt like a great start of a series

this makes it look like a bitch

THIS kinda fucking murders it just based on how much they improved the story, last kinda felt like a background to the puzzles now it might make you think the other way ocassionally

beautiful music, cutscenes, puzzles, themes, characters, style, I think I like everything about this game, even the holy-shit-so-complex tea system they barge in randomly into your briefcase (works like a menu in a charmful way) kinda makes me feel alright

this WILL sell you on the other games

this game makes me happy and has no faults that I can point out fuck this is why I like gaming


as mecânicas são as mesmas, acho a história levemente melhor que curious village