Reviews from

in the past

yeah this is pretty fun. And unlike the original, it actually grabbed me so much I played every stage with every character on S++.

got at least an S with every character on every stage because this is FUN and GOOD. I kind of wish you got more for completing the stages though, there arent even achievements for them for some reason


Fun mais le mercenaries OG est mieux

its re4 combat. therefore, its pretty damn fucking good!!

wow luis sucks but kramer has a stinger that is so opium

The characters are fun to play as but they should add more maps, there are only 4

muito divertido além de ser de graça

It's og RE4 mercenaries but missing characters, a map, and has a stupid enemy limit

I played very little, but it's fun.

queria que tivesse mais fases... mas é divertido pra caceta

RE4R's combat is peak, so so addicting

Severely easy compared to the original although the scores needed to unlock new characters are much higher. But they make sense in this version of the game. Unfortunately still missing a map even after the free update.

Just imagine capcom deciding to stop shitting out online multiplayer asset flips and instead revamping the revelations 2 raid mode gameplay loop with the assets from the REengine generation of games.

Don't make me use my WESKER PUNCH!!!!!!

This mode made me finally realise why HUNK is so popular, he's just a total badass.

Modo bem divertido pra passar o tempo e ainda dá recompensa pra usar na campanha, só queria que tivesse mais mapas, espero que lance mais pra frente.

Tenía miedo de que no saliera tan entretenido como en el original, afortunadamente me cerró el hocico. Adictivo y frenético, que mas quieres

I didn't really like this mode in the original version of the game, but I had a ton of fun with it here!

Since the moment-to-moment combat was my favorite thing in the remake, this is a perfect slice of pie for me. It feels great to take down enemies, no matter who you're playing as. And since the game is generally pretty nice with its scoring system, I can get a good grade even if I suck! Yay!

Still though, even if this mode allows for a ton of replayabillity with great gameplay, it isn't exactly something everyone will want to play. If you're not obsessive about getting high scores, you'll likely only play through the levels with whatever characters you unlock before you hit a wall and just stop, like I did.

Overall, this is a super fun mode and, in my opinion, way better than the original; but it isn't something I'd really sink my time into personally.

S++ everything in the matter of like a day I was so hooked

Easier than og mercenaries but still a ton of fun, if they keep all the characters for re5 mercenaries if they do a remake it might be the best re thing to exist

I might just put more hours into mercenaries than playing the main campaign a third time. This mode is too addicting it’s like crack. Trying again and again to try and get that perfect S++ Rank.

Pretty good score-based arcade-y fun. Love the individual themes, movesets, and gear for each character.

a fun little minigame that feels fast and frantic - combined with the excellent combat of RE4, makes for a good time. mayhem mode feels insanely fun to use and the game makes the most out of RE4's mechanics. despite all of that, the lack of the marine map along with cut characters is a bummer, and I hope to see them back sometime