Reviews from

in the past

Elements of jank but feels so true to the Robocop atmosphere and the gory violence is nailed perfectly

I don't really need to say much about this game. One of its antagonists said exactly what I was thinking the whole time.

"This is unreal! He's like the little engine that could!"

Rogue City does to RoboCop what Ghostbusters 2010 and Alien: Isolation did to their respective franchises, astonishingly translating the film's world to a video game. Certainly rough around the edges, but I have to assume most of its budget went to licensing and Peter Weller, so it's amazing what Teyon were able to accomplish with what was left over. Now that, between this and their Terminator game, they've got a proven track record with games based on '80s action movies, I just gotta ask...

Teyon, Escape From New York when?

I expected this to be as shit as any other Robocop title that isn't the original film. I was pleasantly surprised to be proven wrong. The gameplay and story actually go pretty hard. Jank as fuck though.

The future of law enforcement from the 80's has come back in style.

Great AA game. My only complaint is the bugs

100%'ed and platinumed. Genuinely adored this game, stupid dumb fun with gratuitous gore and a surprisingly indepth skill tree and weapon balancing system. The story was very gripping and makes you legit care about the characters. Robocop's one liners are fucking badass and cheesy as hell but in the best way possible.

The only thing that really lets the game down and stops me from giving it a full 5 star review would be the constant crunchy laggy sound issues and face animations that look like they're from the PS2 era oops...

Extremely faithful to the first two films. If you're not a fan of the series, it's a decent first-person shooter, but a must play if you're a Robocop fan.

Enjoying lighthearted schizo gameplay; also likes Robocop.

I was so happy this game wasn't ass

pretty good but extremely repetitive so far :/

RoboCop has good graphics, but the weird characters give it an indie vibe, possibly due to the Unreal Engine. Shooting is fun at first, but it gets boring because the game feels repetitive. Most importantly, it is not worth your $50.

A faithful love letter to an iconic 80’s franchise. Playing as a slow tank robot never felt so good. The story is an amazing sequel to Robocop 1 and 2 and respects the source material and characters immensely. The only issues I felt were some enemy types being very frustrating to play against like the snipers, some skills in the skill tree never really showing any value to the core gameplay which is 80% combat, and a crash during the final boss.

Full disclosure, I'm absolutely obsessed with Robocop, so this game was already right up my alley. But it all honesty, it feels like this was a labor of love for the devs. I was also pleasantly surprised by the amount of time I spent not shooting creeps, and instead exploring the city and completing side quests.

My god what a game! this is exactly what you would picture as a kid when thinking of the perfect robocop videogame after watching the movie.
Maybe rough around the edges but the jank works in favor of the cheesy story and dialogue. The shooting is absolutely top notch.
You knocked it out of the park teyon

Raw RoboCop vibes and ballsy gunplay makes this the surprise of the year, but it is not without ... trouble.

"see? this is what male fantasy appeals to"

i consider this to be the western equivalent to musou/dynasty warriors games, complete mad chaos except this one has a quite fun story, it is well optimized and the gunplay/hit feedback feels GODLIKE, damn the gore in this is so satisfactory

totally worth it, a really nice surprise in a year full of nice surprises

They've nailed everything that I loved about the movies; brutal violence, one-liners, and even the movement of Robocop himself. While the acting can be stiff in some spots this feels like a worthy entry in the series

This is dumb as hell. It’s Perfect.

Graphics - 4/5
Performance - 4/5
Main Quests - 3/5
Side Quests - 3/5
Characters - 3/5
Combat - 5/5
Mechanics - 4/5

A ambientação do jogo é muito maneira e fiel com o filme do Robocop. É a melhor continuação possível.

A jogabilidade propositalmente parece meio travado (lembrando fps de gerações passadas), mas aqui funciona muito bem pela temática do personagem.

O jogo nem de longe é perfeito, mas mata a saudade de um personagem tão foda quanto essa.

Excelled at what it set out to do. Had a good amount of variety in gameplay, absolutely nailed the feeling of being a robotic police officer, and didn’t overstay its welcome.

Partant du principe que ce jeu ait été développé par un petit studio (Teyon), Robocop : Rogue City s’en tire selon moi avec les honneurs. En effet l’univers est fidèlement respecté et le style FPS convient parfaitement à celui-ci. La lourdeur de Robocop dans nos déplacements, le bruit assourdissant de ces pas ainsi que le fait de ne pas pouvoir s’accroupir même durant les multiples fusillades nous immerge totalement dans la peau de ce personnage mi homme mi machine. Le scénario est digne des films originaux et la durée de vie est tout à fait adéquate pour ce qu’il y a à raconter. Malheureusement nous ne pouvons pas nier le fait que le jeu souffre de nombreux bugs, d’un framerate inconstant et et même de temps de chargements pour ouvrir de simples portes… Malgré tout cela, j’ai quand même passé un bon moment devant ce jeu, on a l’impression de voir parfois un ancien jeu mais un ancien jeu qu’on avait bien aimé. N’est pas là le plus important ? Voir une suite (améliorée) à ce jeu ne me dérangerait pas.

Basic first person shooter. Great if you loved the movie.

Didn't expect the budget Robocop game from 2023 to be so damn fun.

A real underdog story.

The game is really fun and truly manages to put you in the shoes of robocop.

On paper, this game should not be as fun as it is. Video games from movie franchises are usually destined to fail and a SINGLE PLAYER FPS at that. That being said , Game was all fire. Killing Enemies (and there are plenty) never stops getting satisfying. The level up system keeps you engaged and toward the end I felt like the game threw just enough at you to feel OP but still will punish you if you play too reckless ( I played on Hard) . I did every side mission and beat in 25 hours but if you do only main missions you probably would finish way sooner for the game is not long. FUN ASS GAME

Leshoid Gives it a: nice!
Beaten on the: 7/06/24
Platinum gained on the: 11/06/24