Reviews from

in the past

Absolutely bizarre. Like an absolute time capsule of everything old people thought teens would find cool in the mid-2000s.

It wasn't.

Pure nostalgia rating because I haven't played it since release and I don't plan to change that. But I remember it being okay enough for a playthrough.



It's shit but we all love some good shit sometimes

Anyone that thinks 06 is worst needs to realize one thing:

I didn't have to beat 06 10+ times to get the good ending and have to deal with Rareware collect-a-thon type missions

I got this once as a teenager thinking I'd get a pretty sweet shooter game with the edgiest Sonic character.

This was also the game that taught me Sonic games are pretty garbo.

All things considered, it isn't falling apart like Heroes and the abundance of EDGE is really endearing. The branching story is actually really ambitious for a platformer in 2005. I feel like everyone needs to try this game at least once in their lives.

I saw many people hate this game and I didn't understand but I saw the flaw to much grid to get a "TRUE ENDING" but I did enjoy this game was a blast wish we could get remake of this game without the grid for the ending

Sonic fans when I say the game they've been saying is god's punishment to humanity is just mediocre:
Tbh with a few exceptions the one consistent thing with Sonic games is that the OST slaps and this is no exception

Again not too bad once you get used to the gun structure. A good concept that could've been handled much better. fun for speedruns though but the ps2 version's load times rival GTA V in length

Music is pretty good. Everything else is pretty awful.

this game couldve been fucking amazing

i havent played it in years, but i remember liking it and completing it multiple times. Ill play it again soon and update this lmao

A baffling game. 9 year old me thought it was cool tho

It's bad, but it gave us good memes. Some absolutely great theme songs though.

The control was slippery, the camera was bad, and there were way too many missions that I couldn't possibly finished all of them, but let me tell you, I don't /think/ it was the worst game I've ever played....

First game I ever played in my life that made me realize games could be bad.

I remember nothing about this game but shadow is cool

Shadow the Hedgehog is a video game you can play.

I don't know why I even decided to play this knowing full well I'm probably not going to like it that much anyways