Reviews from

in the past

Small Radios Big Televisions is an odd surreal indie title with puzzle elements. It looks almost psychedelic at time, especially when watching the tapes that are the games' collectibles. The visual design looks good and the soundtrack is fitting.

The story is.. odd and you're not really explained anything besides a vague conversation at the end of each chapter. The ending was confusing but I won't say more than that.

If you'd want to try out a short odd indie title, this is for you. I'd recommend perhaps buying it on sale though as the game is quite short.

An odd little game. Light puzzles, but it's really more about the vibes. And it's full of them.
Unfortunately only learned about this because WB is delisting all the Adult Swim Games. So the admittance price is $Free. But for that price, heck, there's worse ways to spend an hour.

Really cool art direction and sound design. Some neat puzzles, although there are a handful that still don't make any sense even after I stumbled through them. Felt like half the time I was fighting with the controls.

Good game, immersive and moody. But I didn't particularly enjoy the puzzles or the backtracking.

an underrated charming puzzle game.

Wonderful locales, and wonderful puzzles, and wonderful music. Total vibes.

This game must be pretty fun when you get high

put me back son c'mon I radio
or I'm gonna miss my favourite tv show