Reviews from

in the past

There's not much to be said that hasn't been said before regarding the problems with this game. My wife actually enjoyed it in spite of all the badness, so good for her. For me, it's a train wreck caused by a dumpster fire.

Only thing holding it back from a half star is that music

Me bastaron solo 10 minutos de juego, no necesito mas

this game is fun to break and that's it

if someone invents time travel beat the shit out of 10 year old me for fucking getting every xbox achievement on it

genuine awful game but i had way too much fun

At The Very Least I Expected this to be a so bad it’s good game But no it wasn’t even that this game is genuinely horrible, And It Sucks Too Because it had potential to be a great game. But Sonic 06 where do I even begin? The Games Bugs And Glitches makes it very Unplayable,The Controls Suck Controlling Sonic Is Pretty Easy But Controlling Tails,Knuckles And Silver Isn’t Tails Is Slow,You can’t hit anyone with Knuckles And It Doesn’t Take long for Sliver’s Energy To Drain, I Felt Miserable Everytime I started playing this game. And I haven’t even gotten to the worst part The Loading... This Games Loading screens are so long and annoying and they come up every 20 seconds. If You’re Gonna Play Any Sonic Game Literally Play Any other than this one because oh my god it’s a painful experience

Sonic's Story
Sonic Controls fine, Tails is fine, Knuckles is bad, the bosses are not that good, Elise is not a bad character, but there's not much to her. The Stages are well designed. And the Story is fine, and I don't mind the relationship of Sonic and Elise. it's just there. 5/10
Silver's Story
Silver Controls Fine, Blaze is one of the better contorling characters, Amy is a piece of shit, The Bosses are not that good, Crisis City, Tropical Jungle, Wave Ocean, and Radical Train are good stages, Dusty Desert is bad. The Story has some cringy moments. 2-3/10
Shadow's Story
Shadow and omega are good to control, Rouge is one the low end, the bosses are sometimes fun, the levels are well designed, and the story is well told and really puts Shadow's Character into perspective with what Mephi8les is trying to do to him. 6-7/10
The Music is a banger, the game does run at 1280x720 and targets 60 FPS, but the textures look blurry, and the game chugs, the S ranks are easy to cheese in the stages.
Final Story
The End of the World is not as bad as I remember, THe Kiss is uneccesary, but I love that scene, the music that plays in that scene is amazing, the Solaris boss is the best one in the game and the ending is one I like.

Hab die Silver Story vor Ewigkeiten gespielt und muss sagen die hat mir echt ganz Spaß gemacht. Hab danach Sonic gespielt und aufgegeben weil es Scheiße war und Shadow gar nicht versucht. Hab letztens den PC Port gespielt und da die Sonic und Shadow Story gespielt. Was soll ich sagen. Das Spiel ist soo mittelmäßig. Wenigstens hat der PC Port nicht so viele Bugs wie die PS3 Edition. Aber die Level sind recht gut konstruiert und die Musik ist ein banger. Allgemein kann man dieses Spiel schon fast Sonic Adventure 3 nennen. Ist vom Prinzip her sehr ähnlich

i will never forgive my brother for buying this

It sucks. If you move past how awful everything is the story could have actually been good if it wasn't rushed back then and elise wasnt the biggest flop character. It has a certain redeeming vibe no other sonic game has had since.

Anyway Dreams of An Absolution changed my life and listening to it makes me feel like i can punch somebody gracefully, so I forgive SEGA.

Então, esse provavelmente é o jogo mais odiado da franquia, e tem gente que nem jogou pra testar ou nunca pegou na mão uma cópia do jogo.
A história do Sonic é ruim, o romance com a Elise é exagerado. com o Silver e o Shadow é diferente, eles tem uma história muito boa com o Iblis e o Mephiles. a gameplay é muito bugada, tenho de admitir. se você pegar a gema ciana(a que te arremessa para um determinado lugar), você pode passar a Kingdom Valley inteira, não, você não leu errado, INTEIRA, sem a ajuda do Silver.(eu fiz isso várias vezes na zueira) mesmo com isso, eu ainda gosto do Sonic 2006, mas infelizmente ele realmente é bugado.

I feel like I only played a very small amount of this game, but I feel like I knew I didn't like it even before I knew what a "review" was.

And yeah, I can comfortably say that if I ever did play the game, I'd probably find it to be garbage. Shame, because it should've been the revitalization of Sonic. Instead, it's the very reason every new Sonic game gets looked at with side-eyes and nervous skepticism.

"At least it tried." Yeah, tried to give me an an aneurysm.

I only gave this shit 2 stars cause the music slaps

It's not lower because it seems I can't put a zero to this abomination of game.
Imagine this being the first Sonic game you've played...
That's me

Yeah this is dumb. It's still saved by the sonic stages and being able to glitch/speedrun with the gem powers but it's still dull and the fact there are now people who prefer this over Colours and Forces show how all over the place the fandom is right now.
Still, the pc fan remake is showing some good promise.

its like actually as bad if not worse than everyone memes about

Historia da muita vontade de dormir.
Gameplay da vontade de enfiar o controle no cu(mas as vezes é legal... tipo umas 2 vezes).
Musica é foda.
nota final: 0 👌🐘

Maybe it's nostalgia but I don't think it's actually that bad

Played through all episodes on stream. I'll never recover from this. I went so insane that I made a rapping cover:

Eu não ligo pro que ninguem pensa, a história desse jogo é zoadassa em niveis absurdos, mas eu me diverti pra cacete

Não é tão quanto dizem... era que eu pensava antes de jogar.

sé que es una mierda pero igual lo amé, viciada total