Reviews from

in the past

The best Pre-Insomniac Spider-Man game. The combat is a blast, the swinging fast, The branching story could've been elaborated on more but worth a chance if you see it.

A história é um gato de Schrodinger, ela é boa e ruim ao mesmo tempo. As escolhas são meio merda pq a única coisa que muda é os dois finais após a última boss battle. Mas tem seus pontos altos, I mean... A ideia foi boa, só a execução que às vezes ficou a desejar.
A gameplay por um outro lado MEU DEUS. De todos os jogos do aranha, esse é meu favorito nesse quesito. Só tem UM jogo do aranha que você se sente bem lutando no chão, na PAREDE e no AR e é esse.

Better than it has any right to be, and frankly underrated. Combat in a Spider-Man game will never be as good as this one.

recuerdo este juego con muchisimo cariño

Spider-Man: Web Of Shadows is one hell of a game for the 360/PS3 era. The greatest thing about the game is the gameplay. It is so addictingly fun. You feel so powerful, but your enemies can still give you a good challenge. The symbiote is handled perfectly in the sense that it's so addictive to use (which it's supposed to be). I will praise this game for being the only one that allows Spider-Man to fight on the walls. The web strike is in other games, but it is at it's best here. Along with the already great gameplay, the game has destructible surroundings, which makes getting thrown through poles and etc. AWESOME. The web swinging isn't the best here, but it's still very very good. The best part about the swinging, which I hope future games take note of, is that to go up easily and efficiently, just hold X for 2 seconds. Now onto the story. The story is okay, but it's not exactly good or great. The choice system is cool, but I feel like they could've made better choice options. Other than that, this game is great and I give it 4/5 stars.

This game is amazing. End of story.


one of the worst pc ports known to man.

spider-man 3 but good, or idk spider-man ps4 but slightly worse

particularly liked the choice system even if it was shallow, wall combat babyyyy, web strike babyyy, city changing is so sick, two different movesets, it's unpolished but it's got it allll

i take that back what i said for spider-man 2, THIS GAME got the best swingin no cap

Not as fun as later titles, but still neat in it's own rights. Mostly lower due to how you'll spend time doing the same things over and over.

It's actually a pretty decent game. Story is pretty eh, just some generic stuff and padding out to throw in extra heroes or villians for no reason but having them there was pretty cool. Now the being able to change between normal suit and black suit at any time even during fighting to chain combos or use abilities only the black suit has in tandem with the normal suit was really cool. Swinging was pretty bad when it came to webs attaching to buildings but it was still extremely fun. This game had lots of stuff that spider man games these days just dont have like the wall combat was super fun and just chaining web strikes in the air was really cool. The choices system was also enjoyable although a lot of the main missions were just repeat side content which was irritating. Summary : Combat and swinging was fun but the story and missions were eh. Symbiote variants of each villians and their henchmen was kinda cool ngl and the ally system was too. Pretty decent for its time tbh and I had a fun time with it.

It was better than I remember.

probable my second favorite spider-man game just for the awesome combat and the insane story.

for a 2008 game this was ground breaking fr fr

ok this ones not very good

This game is so underrated. It has 13 years on it's back and animations of Spidey himself are great even by today standards

An insanely good time waster. has some of the best web-swinging in a spiderman game and include comic characters that aren't well known by the common crowd. Honestly a great game through and through. My only problems are the voice acting and the corny dialogue. every spiderman game should use this as a model.

uma das raridades diante de tanto jogo ruim desse desgraçadinho vermelho.

combate maravilhoso e gostoso de evoluir, dificuldade bem desafiadora e o web swing é daqueles de vibar enquanto passeia pela cidade.
a história é boa até, mas nada tão grandioso ou épico, tem personagens interessantes e pouco conhecidos pelo grande público.

em resumo, o jogo ainda é fantástico e vale muito a pena dar uma testada.

A versão de PlayStations 2 é horrível.

Homem aranha trsite fds e vc pega a black cat se vc for do mal, melhor miranha

O melhor jogo do Homem-Aranha já feito. Não só torna a experiência do mundo aberto mais interessante pelas notárias mudanças que vão acontecendo durante o jogo, como possui um sistema de escolhas simples mas genial pro plot principal

We need more games like this. A lot of great memories with this one. It also made me realize how much I like Black Cat (a lot more than Moon Knight, I can tell you that).

I should get this on PC. I wanna see Black Cat's milkers in H D.

But also the game lacked polish. Wanna know why?

Fuck Activision.

Top 3 jogos do aranha fácil fácil, o jeito que o simbionte te afeta aqui dando a possibilidade de ter 2 finais é uma das coisas que eu mais amo

O melhor homem aranha que eu já joguei