Reviews from

in the past

The best Pre-Insomniac Spider-Man game. The combat is a blast, the swinging fast, The branching story could've been elaborated on more but worth a chance if you see it.

Spider-Man: Web Of Shadows is a game released in 2008 that was made after the movie tie in game of Spider-Man 3, and I guess you could say this served as an apology for that piece of shit. This game makes up for it with the best combat on any Spider-Man before Spider-Man PS4 without having to worry to about providing realistic looking attacks. Gone are the days of Spider-Man feeling insufferable, and fat to control in SM3!, this game certainly delivers on the combat, but I can't say so much about the swinging since it's way too fast for my taste.

But what it doesn't deliver on is it's story, technichally the plot of this game is impossible provided with the lore from the Comics, in Venom:Lethal Protector #4, it's stated that a Symbiote can only spawn 6 offsprings all at random intervals with years in difference which means Venom cannot mass produce at such a rate, it's also out of character for Venom, or Eddie Brock to take in mass destruction, it's revealed in Spider-Man: Planet of the Symbiotes #3 that the Venom symbiote was locked away because it wanted to bond with it's host rather than consume it, and take complete control, and the final Venom boss fight is also impossible because in order for Venom to achieve such a feat, he'e have to consume another thousand symbiotes and this takes place after the device that eliminated the Symbiotes worked if you follow the Good path, so using the lore provided by the Comics and the lore the game should follow, none of this should happen at all.

The fact that this game offers you the choice to choosw your own path is very weird to me because it should've been where if you use the Symbiote suit way too much, you lead yourself down the path of darkness and the same should work for the classic suit, but maybe they were limited by the technology of their time, and you shouldn't be able to choose what outcome under following the game's choice system, you should just be the regular Spider-Man, not this purple bastard with tendrils, this game got the Combat right, and a little bit of the webswinging, but it never got Spider-Man for me.

yeah, it was fine, I don't think it's the best Spider-Man game or hands down a must play but it was ...ffffffiiiine. The Combat was fine, the swinging was honestly not awful. but the writing is not very good, the open world feels empty, and the "choice" is very lame and is only there for "do you the good ending or the bad ending" rather than it working into the story. Also about the story, it makes no sense for Venom to take over New York since in 1993's venom lethal protector #4 a scientist stated that the venom suit was only capable of producing a spawn about six times one be Carnage and the rest being the group spider-man calls the five Venoms in that storyline. So whether this story is in the continuity of the comics or not it's fair to expect that the same rules apply and the suit cannot create more than six total symbiote predecessors. Unless of course, the suits all spawned around six more of their own creating an exponential growth pattern population of one symbiote immediately producing six, though this is also highly unlikely because the suit spawn on completely random occasions with years in between, using Carnage's offspring Toxin and Scorn as an example we're both births several years apart. It's also unlikely that this is indeed the single Venom symbiote infecting the entire city because symbiotes can't grow and spread on this level without gaining mass. In Carnage USA #1 Carnage takes control of an entire town of people but in order to do so he must consume an entire slaughterhouse full of pigs and cows to give the symbiote more mass. Venom wouldn't have the necessary supply of flesh to consume in order to grow over all of New York unless he eats an entire city's worth of cattle first. It is also out of character for venom and Eddy to partake in such wanton destruction being that the suit was revealed to be sympathetic and helpful to its host rather than parasitic and harmful in 'The Amazing Spider-Man Super Special Issue #1 ‘Planet the Symbiotes’. Speaking of Planet the Symbiotes, symbiotes can indeed achieve kaiju status if they consume several hundred other symbiotes for mass which Carnage did in that storyline to stop the symbiote invasion and make himself powerful enough to kill all of New York. Venom will not be able to expand his suit to this quantity unless he had first absorbed several thousand other symbiotes. This takes place after the purge device The Tinkerer created went off killing all the alien in New York, where the rest of these suits came from, why Venom is not affected by the purge mechanism, and how Eddie Brock could exist inside that thing are all unknowns seeing as how the suit does drain life and we're after all. So in short using the lore provided none of this can happen this story is impossible if you do the homework.

ok this ones not very good

Better than it has any right to be, and frankly underrated. Combat in a Spider-Man game will never be as good as this one.

This game is amazing. End of story.


No es un juego largo, y me costo bastante terminarlo por la jugabilidad, pero lo que fuerte es el lore y su historia cruda, se podría decir que es el juego de spiderman mas sad. Lastima que no envejecieron bien los controles , pero para los amantes de los comic es una gozada.

It's simplicity on the PSP version actually helped it play better and made for a better experience than trying to preserve the controls of the original. The console version is way better though.

seria 5 estrelas se a história não fosse tão edgy e merdinha kkkkk
web-swing bacana e o combate consegue ser MELHOR que o do ps4 na minha opinião, a mecânica de Web-Strike é sensacional.

I still have a crush on symbiote Black Cat.

probable my second favorite spider-man game just for the awesome combat and the insane story.

for a 2008 game this was ground breaking fr fr

I haven't played 2018 but so far my favorite Spider-Man game.

A história é um gato de Schrodinger, ela é boa e ruim ao mesmo tempo. As escolhas são meio merda pq a única coisa que muda é os dois finais após a última boss battle. Mas tem seus pontos altos, I mean... A ideia foi boa, só a execução que às vezes ficou a desejar.
A gameplay por um outro lado MEU DEUS. De todos os jogos do aranha, esse é meu favorito nesse quesito. Só tem UM jogo do aranha que você se sente bem lutando no chão, na PAREDE e no AR e é esse.

This game is so underrated. It has 13 years on it's back and animations of Spidey himself are great even by today standards

Homem aranha trsite fds e vc pega a black cat se vc for do mal, melhor miranha

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Muy buen juego, tiene decisiones muy complicadas que te dejan con la espalda contra la pared, como si quiero que mi acompañante sea un psicópata con personalidad múltiple que es capaz de estrellar un avión en tu casa y arrancarte la cara solo porque lo miraste feo, o el viejo choto con demencia senil que mató a la pareja de mi única figura materna y que eventualmente me va a terminar traicionando.

Lo recomiendo incluso si no te gusta Spider-Man o Marvel.

one of the worst pc ports known to man.

I should get this on PC. I wanna see Black Cat's milkers in H D.

But also the game lacked polish. Wanna know why?

Fuck Activision.

It was better than I remember.

Top 3 jogos do aranha fácil fácil, o jeito que o simbionte te afeta aqui dando a possibilidade de ter 2 finais é uma das coisas que eu mais amo

Fun Spider-Man game which makes good use of the Symbiote suit.

Juegazo, tiene un grandes combos y la mecanica de elegir tu bando es geniaaaal

O melhor homem aranha que eu já joguei