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É meio que um walking simulator de horror. A história é muito boa, e meio aterrorizante. Tem uma bela mistura de ação e horror e o ritmo é muito bom. A ambientação é maravilhosa. Meu único problema é que eu não fiquei com tão medo assim, talvez pq passar dos monstros não seja tão difícil, embora o design deles seja ótimo.

The developer released an alpha version of the game to "free" Xbox Game Pass without half the graphics settings, without DLSS and FSR support. GFE doesn't even recognize it as a game. Steam and EGS have a finalized version. This is nothing but a scam. Shame.

não faço ideia do por que decidi jogar esse sendo que é terror e eu odeio jogos de terror mas ainda bem que joguei!! confesso que o jogo em si não é nada muito inovador, na verdade chega até ser chato algumas horas com chase scenes meio porcas e só ficar correndo de um lado pro outro. PORÉM, a história, a arte e o final especificamente são incríveis.. chorei muito com a sequencia final inteira! acredito que ela sozinha fez o jogo ganhar mais uma estrela aqui.

My time with The Chinese Room started with Dear Esther, followed closely by Everybody's Gone to the Rapture. After that, nothing. Compared to those games, which are good in their own way, Still Wakes the Deep is a huge leap forward for them.

Still Wakes the Deep is a psychological horror/character drama, and a brilliant one at that. The whole game reminded me of a good action horror from the 80's, The Thing is a clear inspiration, and they nailed the scares, atmosphere, and horrifying visuals so well. Not to mention it's a gorgeous game from the attention to detail to the world, down to the facial models of the characters.

Soma is another clear inspiration I think, another deeply psychological game, though quite a bit scarier than this one. In terms of gameplay, Still Wakes the Deep is pretty simple, I hardly ever felt stumped, and it really felt too easy to be scared. Any feelings of fear or tension was due to the incredible atmosphere and monster designs.

It's a walking sim horror through and through, with very simple puzzle solving. But what it lacks in simplistic gameplay, it more than makes up for as a cinematic horror piece.

I'd totally watch a movie of this, but it's already pretty close to a film. Not to mention the voice acting was very well done, and aggressively Scottish.

Enjoyable but not The Chinese Room's strongest work imo. What their games have lacked in gameplay depth, they've made up for with rich and compelling narratives. Still Wakes The Deep lacks that although I did really like the protagonist and his interactions with the small, principal cast of characters. There was a grounded realism to the dialogue and characters that I really appreciated.

Unashamedly linear and held up exclusively by painfully standard 2010s horror game mechanics, with a nice coat of yellow paint at every step, but it still manages to be quite an engaging 5 hour thrill ride. The great art direction, sound design, voice acting and small but tight plot really sell a specific experience of comradery and simple but strong relationships between everyday people that find themselves in a truly terrifying situation. The oil rig itself is also very accomplished, with convincing connected interiors that you get to re-explore multiple times.

Worth a shot for the right price, especially inside Game Pass.

historia bem legal, protagonista muito cativante.
o final foi bom, mas para mim poderia ter tomado um rumo mais feliz que me agradaria mais.

Super fun horror game. The environment was beautifully crafted, and the monsters were creepy. You had to crawl through narrow vents, balance on high beams, and swim through dangerous waters, all while avoiding the dangerous monsteres. The stealth missions and chase sequences were also very thrilling.

The game was a bit on the short side (I completed it in 5 hours), but I personally see that as a plus rather than a minus. I'm afraid that if it had lasted longer, it would have become boring.

The one thing they could've done better is the story. It wasn't very interesting and lacked depth.

Still Wakes the Deep is another great work from developer Chinese Room. I loved Everybody's Gone to the Rapture and, while this isn't quite up there with it, it is still a very solid game and one of the best story driven games of 2024.

If you like Lovecraft and The Thing, make sure to play this as it takes a lot from both. Of course don't expect any complex gameplay systems, this is a "walking sim" at heart, but exploring the beautifully rendered enviroments of the Beira oil rig and its terrifying otherwordly elements is plenty fun even if sometimes way too linear for my taste.

Overall Chinese Room only needs to prove themselves with a gameplay dense game, because writing, sound, visuals and voice acting are absolutely strenghts for the studio. In this sense, Vampire The Masquerade 2 will be a crucial test for them.

SCOTLAND FOREVER!!! Nah, but seriously though, played it through Xbox game pass and thought it was a neat horror game (We don't get a lot of horror games that take place on an oil rig.). Some gripes:
- Really short horror game, beat it in less than 2 hours. Didn't ignore looking for notes, picking up the phones or talking to the crew.
- Gonna have to agree with another reviewer here, wish they added a bit more context on what this eldritch monstrosity was. Unless there was a piece of lore that I missed that mentioned that digging at this oil site had some bad juju and the company just dug anyways despite the warnings. Seriously anything that would of gave this a bit more context to imagine what type of monster this is (Dormant within the earth or it came from space.) would of bumped my grade a bit higher.
-Didn't really care that much about the side cast.
Despite that, I hope they can pull off an interesting experience for Vampire the Masquerade 2 whenever that comes out.

Still Wakes The Deep, despite having what I think is a pretty stupid and mid title is actually quite an enjoyable experience that I hope more people get to experience and aren't put off by the title. The game has incredible art direction and is very appealing to fans of lovecraftian horror or games like Dead Space and Resident Evil.
The oil rig setting is great and the atmosphere of the tight corridors and leaking pipes does very well for a horror game. The creatures designs are awesome and are very reminiscent of the creature from Carrion. I also want to point out the oil textures and how they fuse with the flesh to create something genuinely unique looking and not just another Resident Evil looking creature. This goes for the environments aswell, the game is stunning. The writing is also something I wasn't expecting to be as good as it was. While the story is pretty straight forward, I felt a connection to the characters that is alot more than you can say about most horror games.
Onto the negatives, the games structure is very linear, which isn't bad, but with the lack of gameplay elements it does tend to feel like just walking in a straight line with a few levers to pull. I won't spoil any sections but the hiding from the monster parts are pretty short and a tad janky from my experience so it doesn't have the same level of fear that other horror games like Alien Isolation can pull off. It also doesnt give the game much replay value but thats alright for a 4 hour game. With all said I'd still recommend the game if you think it looks cool, it was definitely my type of setting, but the gameplay keeps it from truly standing out amongst its horror game competitors.

very good presentation but it’s a wee bit shorter than i was expecting, finished it in one sitting

I really liked it for the most part, for better and worse its the "Uncharted" of weird lovecraft body horror but the end is kind of abrupt for all the build and not as satisfying as you'd like, as is the tradition of horror games I suppose.

Wonderfully authentic setting and dialogue, definitely one of my favourite Outlast / SOMA lites of the past few years. Perhaps a bit too light on the actual gameplay, and I maybe would have liked a bit more depth on the origins of the creature / variety in enemies, but still a fantastically crafted experience nonetheless.

Um jogo muito imersivo, contando uma história cativante, embora não tenha grandes aspectos de gameplay e não tenha uma dificuldade elevada, compensa pela história e pelos assuntos que, implicitamente, traz a tona, o ideal para curtir uma boa história que pode ser completada em um dia só, com certeza uma boa pedida para todos os públicos, mais que um jogo, uma experiência!

Sí te gusta la literatura de H.P Lovecraft, deberías de jugar Still Wakes the Deep. Por supuesto, no esperes mecánicas jugables complejas, es un walking simulator de manual. Sin embargo, explorar la plataforma petrolífera de Beira con su sonido, sus efectos visuales, el doblaje de los personajes, la historia y sus elementos desconocidos que parecen sacados de otro mundo te harán agobiarte y sorprendente a partes iguales.

‎| ‎Historia:‎★★★★✩ | Jugabilidad:★★✩✩✩ | Gráficos:★★★★✩ | Sonido:★★★★★ | RECOMENDADO

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This is a amazing game, from the story to the OST, i love everything... Really, everyone that loves horror games, need to play this piece of art.
The end still hurting here... In my meow meow🥲💔
Poor Caz... It gave me the same feelings of "Soma" ending.

Bust down, bust down, bust down, bust down, bust down, bitch I'm drowning

Un juego que me sorprendió gratamente. El estudio que lo desarrolló es también el encargado de hacer uno de los peores juegos que jugué en mi vida (Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs), así que obviamente tenía mis prejuicios antes de empezar este. Con mis prejuicios en contra y todo, me terminó gustando mucho, creo que tiene una ambientación original y muy conseguida, un manejo del terror muy correcto, y unos personajes que están mucho mejor de lo que creía. Por supuesto que tiene sus errores, pero en general, lo recomiendo a cualquiera que le gusten los juegos de terror o narrativos.

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MALDITO DEMOGORGON MATOU TODOS MEUS AMIGOS e seria um jogo perfeito se não fosse uns diálogos bestas, principalmente na morte mais importante do jogo

The voice acting was very well done. The audio in general was really good. I found myself bored just walking from set piece to set piece though. I liked the atmosphere they built, and seeing the degradation of the rig and growth of the "thing" as the game goes on was also very cool. Was able to finish the game in one sitting which is nice for this type of experience.

Good indie game, especialy acessible on game pass, the modeling, facial expressions and graphics are better than some AAA games, but even being a next gen game the loading breaks the immersion, but is a good horror game where the only thing you can do is distract run and hide

Buen guión y actuaciones. Corta duración. Esta bueno.

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Still Wakes the Deep starts where it ends in a lot of ways. The first thing I noticed was its strong performances. For the most part, the acting is solid; even great for the medium and genre. Often, this sort of narrative and presentation first, everything else second, breed of games is overacted. Characters usually embellish too much and the directing fails to compensate for this. This trope disrupts the tone in most cases. Not so much here. The tone, however, is one of my biggest complaints. The characters throughout fail to really keep up with the intensity and incomprehensibility of the situation. I would attribute this more to the flimsy writing rather than to the performers. There's one scene, that has been building up throughout where the leading man, Caz McLeary, lets out an emotional yell and it is pretty laughable and takes me out of an otherwise earned moment. This comes, I think, from an all too common occurrence where the characters, especially the protagonist, talk too damn much. It's not so bad here as it is in say, Alan Wake 2, where they just keep having things to say rather than allowing the audience to think for themselves. This is the biggest flaw in the design and storytelling philosophy for Still Wakes the Deep and Chinese Room's entire catalog. They do not trust the player at all to think or do for themselves. This may be the most linear game I've played in some time. The exploration is non-existent. There is an attempt to make some areas more open but there is nothing to do or see when you wonder of the yellow marked path. This isn't a bad thing but you kill the tension when you wander off during a moment of levity and walk into a corner that could've housed literally anything to make peeking around worth it. The game does suffer from a general lack of tension. There are certainly moments where I leaned forward but I can count them on one hand with room to spare. The gameplay certainly offers zero in tension. Pulling levers, pushing buttons, and jumping to ledges you always clear gets worn out in the first hour. I was more so drawn in by the setting and characters but I was still left mostly disappointed by the uninspired nature of the conclusion. What I assumed would happen, happened and it did so suddenly and without much build-up at all. Throughout you assume you’re working to make it off and that’s what everyone acts in anticipation for. The final, we’re not going anywhere moment, is a dud. The game keeps you hopeful throughout until a two-minute segment where the rag-tag group of heroes just decides all is lost. If that had been building in a more tense way then that’d be fine but you find yourself being quite the competent survivor and always being successful in all that you try to do. There is something to say about the overall theme of confronting the inevitable given the hero's past but that’s only really explored in the fringe of the story. Again, given that the entire time things are just going impossibly well for the main man it just feels unearned for everything to be suddenly hopeless for the last three or four minutes of the game. Overall, Still Wakes the Deep is probably worth your time. It’s rather short and offers some fine characters that are acted in a way that keeps your attention. Not a legacy game from Chinese Room but probably their best work so far. Not seeing any growth in their execution or ideas leaves me not looking forward to what they have in store next.

Muito bom jogo com uma história e mistério interessantes!

Still Wakes the Deep is a game I wish I loved a lot more than I did. I'm a huge fan of both SOMA and the film Underwater, so I'm a big fan of otherworldly horrors from the bottom of the ocean. However, the way Still Wakes the Deep is structured feels like the game is so heavily at odds with itself.

The gameplay is perhaps the worst offender here, being almost entirely on rails with one set path you need to follow. This is fine since more than enough games are linear, but it's so on rails that the game often feels like it's holding your hand. You get constant button hint messages (with Hints disabled), and the level design makes you feel like you're on a train more than an actual world. Puzzles and stealth are also mind-numbingly basic, scared to challenge the player at all and even including some mechanics that may as well be wasted.

Meanwhile the story, a point many people seem to be giving praise, didn't work for me. Part of that came down to not relating heavily to the struggles of marriage, but there's a lot more to it than that. The entire experience feels very haphazardly paced, with flashbacks and dialogue sections randomly dropped in between spending 80% of the game fixing parts of the oil rig. So many things also feel unresolved. I can't go into it too much as to avoid spoilers, but questions such as the origins or nature of the enemy you're dealing with are left unexplained.

It's a real shame because I'll admit that the story started to captivate me later on, though it wasn't until about 20 minutes before the credits rolled. The game's ending is pretty solid with a nice portion of emotional moments, but these are too little too late.

Even visuals were a bit of a mixed bag. Some locations in the game's latter half were stunningly beautiful, showing the terrifying beauty of this mysterious beast you're dealing with. However, many of the environments are in service to the level design, making the world a little less believable than I'd like. I don't expect an oil rig to be clean and tidy, but I don't imagine it looks like an arbitrary maze.

I genuinely believe Still Wakes the Deep would've been a much better game if they opened up the levels and let go of your hand once in a while. The player is not a lost child needing to follow its mom, they're a person wanting to experience a game. If you don't let them actually experience it and feel engaged with the world, it's more like a movie. If you want to make an interactive movie that's fine, but going halfway with basic stealth and puzzle mechanics feels like trying a little then giving up partway through.

If you have a deep connection with interpersonal conflicts found within marriage then you might get more out of this than I did, but Still Wakes the Deep is too often lost within its own identity, and feels uneven in its execution. I'm notably less optimistic about VTM: Bloodlines 2 after playing this, but I welcome The Chinese Room to prove my doubts wrong.

En el papel este juego no debería haberme gustado. Estoy algo cansado de los juegos que se sienten "sobre rieles" todo el rato con puzzles que no son verdaderamente puzzles y sin mayor mecánica que esconderse. Pero la ambientación es original y está muy bien lograda, los personajes, aunque no se llega a interactuar mucho con ellos, llegan a ser memorables y la historia tiene puntos que pegan muy fuerte, por mucho que se vean venir.


On paper this game should not have appealed to me. I'm kind of tired of games that feel "on rails" all the time with puzzles that aren't really puzzles and no mechanics other than hiding. But the setting is original and very well done, the characters, though you don't get to interact with them much, become memorable and the story has points that hit very hard, as much as you can see coming.

I found this game to be deeply affecting. It's worth noting up front that, mechanically, it's very simple. In fact, I expect that many people will find it dull! It's basically just a walking simulator with some simple platforming and equally simple stealth sequences. However, if that's what you WANT (like I did), you might find it well suited for exploring this game's gorgeous environments and unfolding its beautiful, tragic story.

The biggest part of the story revolves, naturally, around the lovecraftian horrors that have taken over the oil rig. It's a survival story in which you and your crewmates try to survive -- or perish and become another danger to be faced. This ties well with the personal conflict of the story, one that I keep spoiling as I try to review. Whoops! Suffice to say: I found it affecting and well executed.