Reviews from

in the past

Has the charm of Spyro and the guns of Resistance & Ratchet. Going into this I thought it would be just like inFAMOUS (yes I am aware that that game is from a different dev) but yeh it looks a lot like how inFAMOUS plays. I was thoroughly pleased that it's different and still lots of fun. The grinding and style system gets awhile to get use to but it's great when you have the hang of it. Just some pet peeve is that I can't equip all my weapon. It's just one weapon wheel, it could easily been changeable like in Ratchet & clack where I can change to a diff weapon wheel to access my other weapons. Instead you have to manually change the weapon in the menu. Other than that I think the game is too short, I completed the game in like 8hours and 30mins. But I purely just played the main campaign and no sides. I like the self awareness of the game or the personality of the game like how one of the guns pops up a bang flag when it's out of ammo. Or the way the character needs to get drunk to fast travel. Or when booting up the game the camera is way to close to the character and she has to punch it back. I was suppose to buy an xbox one just for this game but I'm glad I didn't. It's still great though, don't get me wrong. Plus, the female protagonist's voice sound so familiar.


Parts feel inspired by Jet Set Radio - a few bad jokes here and there don't ruin the experience.

Sunset Overdrive? More like Sunsucks Overrated. Asshole!

Llevo tiempo pensando en la idea de un juego con muy buen gameplay destruido por una historia terrible y cutscenes que no se pueden skipear, y qué horror que lo haya encontrado

La historia y bromas son realmente insufribles y arruinan el juego, pero si eres capaz de superar eso hay un gameplay entretenido tras todas esas bromas: loool que randoms xD

this is the most Hot Topic fucking thing ive ever played

Eu adoro esse jogo, ele é frenético, a movimentação dele é rápida e tudo é bem feito

Fun gameplay, terrible writing

When the game actually just lets you play, it's pretty fun! The shooting and movement feel really smooth when they work correctly, and the wave fights are pretty cool despite how much easier they are with a mouse than originally designed. Unfortunately, the game also forces you to sit through really boring cutscenes and dialogue with absolutely terrible writing. It also really likes to make you wait around for NPCs to slowly walk around, meaning you can't take advantage of the cool movement the whole game is built around. It's a pretty baffling decision. The main story isn't overly long (which I preferred), but there's a lot of side content to dig into if you want to. Oh, also, a bit of a technical mess. Make sure to disable Steam cloud saves.

third-person open world games if they were AWESOME

The movement and fluidity of this game makes it surreal. I think this is one of the most underrated and underrated games.

He intentado jugarlo, pero en 2023, es un tipo de juego que ha envejecido mal, mundo abierto rollo ubisoft, se ve divertido, pero hoy en dia le pido a un juego algo mas que secundarias repetitivas.

All Challenges cleared with Gold Medals + All subquests completed

very vibrant and in your face fun

Por culpa de éste juego, los Sandbox ya me parecen extremadamente aburridos y no puedo terminar Red Dead Redemption 2.

Gran juego que merece con todos los creces una secuela.

Sunset Overdrive is tony hawk but you shoot zombies that are zombies because they drink mountain dew. It looks pretty, plays pretty fun, but has too many gamer jokes

Some (okay, a lot) of the dialogue feels kinda dated or epic bacon xD but stylistically and gameplay-wise this game is ridiculously fun, and has some great character customization. 100% worth-it.

This game is brilliant. Designed with the goal of being an outlier in an industry dominated by cover shooters, Sunset Overdrive does just that with it's insane aerial based combat. This game is just pure energy, with everything from the shooting to the movement to the graphics exuding excitement and freedom. The story is a little on the short side but the open world is massive and enjoyable to explore.

I had an issue on PC where my save was deleted, so be careful if you choose that platform, but otherwise I thoroughly enjoyed this game and hope to beat it again.

Cringe sometimes hits hard but so does the great gameplay

Probably could have carried the Xbox One on its back for a year if it had just a little more oomph.

Macarra, gamberro, rockero, bromista, friki, frenético, ágil... Me costaría sacarle pegas. Puede costar acostumbrarse a sus mecánicas base, pero detrás de eso se esconde un juego memorable con mucho estilo. Me sorprende lo poco que se habla de él.

O primeiro exclusivo do meu Xbox One. Jogo lendário.

Divertido pra caralho, despretensioso e bonito.

This video game simply makes me happy and that's all I can ask

divertido ficar pulando por ae

really fun movement, not a fan of the games humor

One of a kind bouncy and freeflowing traversal mechanic in a video game and the gunplay is uniquely snappy, all shown with a fittingly colorful presentation. The annoying characters and humor as well as the forgettable open world sets this back from truly being a hidden gem

this game is so frustrating because it's made by insomniac, the pioneers of the weird and fun gun/platforming genre, but this game has some of the most lazy, cowardly writing you could possibly imagine. any kind of sincerity is traded off for bad 4th wall breaking jokes and trying to act "above it all." it's like the devs are actively challenging you to give a shit, and props to them, they made an utterly unlikable cast of characters, most specifically the main one! this game is the perfect litmus test to see if someone actually thinks gameplay is more important than storytelling and if a game can still be good if it has bad writing, because i can't think of another game that ruins itself more with that.