Reviews from

in the past

Incredibly fun gameplay that still holds up and funny dialogue. Good variety of weapons and enemy types. I wish this game got a sequel.

Campy humor, solid gameplay and a great aesthetic; I love it.

Maybe I just have bad taste, but after replaying this game last week I'm genuinely shocked that there's a lot of people who either think this game is mid or terrible.

I'll agree that the humor isn't for everyone, but looking past that, it's just so much fun simply moving around and doing parkour in this game. To me, I feel like an open world game has succeeded if you don't even want to use fast travel. Even if I was zig zagging between objectives, I still wanted to find new ways to reach the landmarks and potentially discover collectibles along the way. (There are quite a few of them)

The weapon variety is also nothing to sneeze at. The same kind of ridiculousness that you'd find in a ratchet and clank game can be found here- everything from explosive teddy bears to an RC that deploys mini helicopters of death. Most of the ones I encountered really were a blast to use.

I did find some of the missions in the Fargathian/LARPer arc to be kind of a slog, and I do think that the Amp system doesn't add nearly as much to the experience as the devs want you to think. Still, this is well worth playing and it's kind of upsetting that a remaster or sequel is super unlikely.

I desperately need to replay this game, like its been to long and I just vaugely remember it being GOAT'D.

Super divertido, muita piada e humor bom com armas exageradas

Un verdadero juegazo en todo aspecto de la palabra, el gameplay es adictivo de a madre con su combate y su movilidad. La historia si bien no es la gran obra maestra, es suficiente para adentrarte en su mundo y atraparte hasta que lo termines. Visualmente es apelante a los ojos, me encanta el diseño.

Will forever be one of my favourite games of all time. Everything from the story to the ridiculous characters are just hilarious and has never been replicated by another game. And omg the movement is just perfection like easily the best movement in an open world game to date!