Reviews from

in the past

This game is one of the best xbox exclusives that still is stuck on that console. I had so much fun running around the map and the combat was so fun since it rewarded a constantly moving fast pace aggression to its combat so i was just having a blast running around that map shooting zombies. The gunplay was also so fun and you would make your inventory and have a weapon for each situation and it made it fun to switch weapons and since you was moving all the time you would be switching weapons while running around the map. This game is so fun and i remembered playing multiplayer with my friend.

hot take but i think this game is garbage

I still really love Sunset Overdrive. I haven't played it since it came out. But I remember Sunset being a blast to play. While I still think it's a blast to play, it's not quite as perfect as I remember.

If you've played any open world game since 2001, Sunset Overdrive is not going to break any new ground. It's check-list structure is in-line with most open world games. This doesn't have to be a bad thing necessarily, however in a post Breath Of The Wild, Elden Ring world, where we're starting to see open world games finally evolve beyond the check-list objectives structure, It can be a touch dated if still enjoyable.

What really sells Sunset for me is the movement systems and combat. Sunset Overdrive mechanically speaking, is not a complex game. All the movement tech is very easy to pull off, & combat has a very generous auto-aim . Combined however, is where Sunset starts to show off some challenge. If you try to just fight enemies by standing still, you're going to get mauled to pieces in record time. It's all about moving throughout the environment to avoid getting hit, & I find that pretty fun. The weapons are also pretty nifty by and large. Some are kinda clones of each other or have better versions later on, like the Propane Launcher is vastly supperior to the TnTeddy for example. But I feel for the most part Sunset has good weapons and I found myself using most of them throughout the game.

Sunset is also a very good looking game. While technology has come a long way since 2014, & some of the cutscene direction can be rather flat at times. Sunset has great animation, a pleasing to look at art-style, & somewhat impressively, almost all of the cutscenes are in-game. The animations during gameplay string together so seamlessly which does play a huge part into why this game is so fun to play for me.

Another part Sunset falls flat for me is its story & writing, or rather lack there-of. I'm gonna cut to the chase the writing in Sunset is the one thing that hasn't aged well for me by and large. This is because Sunset has what I like to label as "Video game meta humor". Where the game is aware its a game and uses that as an excuse to not have a story & couple it with some pretty lazy 4th wall-breaks. Admittedly there are some 4th wall breaks that got a chuckle out of me, like when you meet Buck National, tell him you have weapons and the game shows your weapon wheel, I thought that was pretty cool. Another moment I liked was when the player thanked a text-box for popping up and explaining how to float across water. But for the most part I find Sunset's humor extremely lazy at best, & outright annoying at worst.

Sunset is a decently meaty game rather you're going for 100% for better & worse. This one is always gonna be a matter of what you value out of a game's length. I think just doing the main story and some side-quests are great, however going for 100% and all achievements can be pretty damn tedious at times. Especially the achievement where you have to get 20 weapons to level 5, that shit just isn't fun no matter the player. I definitely did find myself wanting the game to end near the end of my 100% all achievement run I did for my revisit of this game.

Altogether, I'm happy I revisited Sunset Overdrive. I found the game largely to be as fun as I remembered & some surprises along the way. While I do find the story groan-worthy at points, Sunset is a gameplay game first & foremost, & in the regard Sunset absolutely hits where it counts. I also want to state that before I go you wanna consider playing this on Xbox One. The PC version of this game is pretty damn funky. I don't know if it was just a me issue or a PC port issue but this game ran like shit when I tried playing with a controller, I was pretty much forced into using Mouse & Keyboard if I wanted a stable frame-rate. Even that wasn't guaranteed though because in cases like the glider challenges the game would chug for no reason. My PC is more than capable of running this game and yet I ran into these issues. As far as I'm aware there are no mods for this game that could fix these issues. The options menu is also laughably lackluster for a game originally released in 2014 getting ported to the PC in 2018.

I couldn't get the taste NOS and orange Monster Energy out of my mouth the entire time I played this, and I haven't had an energy drink in 10 years!

Definitely a case of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts. While the individual gameplay mechanics, systems, traversal, and combat all leave something to be desired and can feel unwieldy quite often, if you can buy into the specific charm and vibe it's going for, you'll love it.

I mean, a GameFAQs reference AND an appearance by King Motherfucking Buzzo? Sold.

Can sorta see where Insomniac Spiderman came from this game. A bit crass and the weapon progression kinda sucks but overall had a good time.