Reviews from

in the past

meu primeiro jogo da steam, em 2011. Sdds!

vlambeer are an important video game company, i think, in what their output tells you about games culture from this particular time period. this probably counts as juvenalia in terms of their broader catalogue, but it's fascinating for that. i didn't play it much, but it's worth checking out if you're interested in Games History.

Pretty fun game, but I'm not going back to beat it.

Otrora fue el mejor F2P de Steam.

I learn how to collect boxes

apparently i have this game but i forgot, though i remember having fuck back in the day

Pretty addictive arcade game/time killer with lots of weapons to rake in kills with.

A very basic game with terrible controls on iOS. I found it to be basically unplayable, and the underlying game did not seem good enough to justify grappling with them. I do not understand why people liked this game. On every front, it seems terrible.

A good waste of time, but not much else.

Kinda stinks nowadays sadly, but this was good fun back in the day

A historical curio from a studio I loved, but not worth paying any money for. I think they charge $5 for this on Switch? So yeah, don't get it on Switch.

I accidentally got my entire middle school addicted to this game, it got so bad that they had to block the download website and take away for a couple days to check everyone's computers and see if they still had it

It is crazy how my friends still think this game is good

The unmodded, single-player version is a fun, but still repetitive, modern arcade classic. It does a lot of things right - a fun gameplay loop, solid mechanics and controls, and charming, simple visual design. However, the game's sound effects border on aggressive, and the minigun weapon's screenshake is so bad it can give you a headache.
The Super Crate Box Together mod definitely made playing it a greater experience, but the game on its own doesn't really have enough to it with only 3 types of enemies to interact with. It kept me interested long enough to try and unlock everything, but couldn't keep me hooked quite like a some arcade-style titles can.

A solid single-screen arcade-style game. It becomes pretty addicting after a while and can kill time rather well. Plays and looks fine, but could have benefitted from better music. You could do better than this one, but you could also do much much worse.

played so much that the stages are burned into my vita's screen

An exercise in maximalizing a minimalistic gameplay loop. Super Crate Box almost feels like a breath of fresh air, as the arcade experience it's so clearly inspired by has vanished into the backs of movie theaters, Chuck-E-Cheeses, and cheap mini-golf hang-out spots across America. Outside of the context of it being in a machine designed specifically to fleece you out of your quarters, this gets tedious after just one level. Inside one of them, I'm sure this is pretty solid.

No real rating for this one because honestly, I don't feel like it.