Reviews from

in the past

Everything about this game is just pure unadulterated mecha passion. Some of best animations the series has to offer. A gargantuan amount of content due to being two (and a half) games totaling over a hundred stages, jam packed into one disk. Just a shit ton of variety with all the units you get to play around with, along with pilot swapping and customization. Sure it doesn't have the fanservice of the mainline series' licensed anime crossover fare, but god damn does it make up for it in every other way possible. ROCK ALRIGHT DARE YORI MO

A bit way too easy compared to the GBA versions but the animations are extremely good.

Parte 1 terminada.
E bem, a parte 1 é o og1 de gba só que muito melhor, não tem muito o que comentar sobre essa parte pois ela não tem muitas alterações na narrativa ou como os eventos se seguem da versão de gba, só que as animações estão extremamente boas.

PS2 update of GBA games improves visuals, VA, extras. Some good new systems with the ability to form squads with two units, allowing up to four units to attack together if nearby allies have the support ability, squads allowing access to a new pilot skill for each character. Weapons capable of double attacks that can hit a unit or squad and an adjacent target. Also includes a 2.5 game with another 12 scenarios to set up the next game.

The first game hasn't aged as well and outside of a portable GBA format just isn't that impressive. Way too easy, dull enemies for much of the game, focus on original characters lead to very limited units, weapons, characters, and music making it a much more mediocre entry in the wider series.

The sequel is an improvement on the first with a much more varied group of enemies, units, weapons, character options, and a better plot with the story having a few path splits where you choose what group to be with instead of having a non canon route that would have you playing through simple missions on a second playthrough. Some odd choices when it comes to hiding unique units behind completing hidden tasks, some unfitting ace bonuses, and there are more unique units but many units are copies of others.
OG 2

OG1 completed. Dropped on OG2.

OG1 - ***
This is a pretty breezy tactical RPG. The characters are all really charming and even though SRW is most known for being a crossover game for established media IPs, the original characters feel unique and aren't just composites of well known mecha characters. The story is interesting enough. The music is really good. The production values on the game really put to shame any recent SRW games.

Like many SRW games I've played, this is a pretty easy game up until the last 5 or so missions where there's a huge difficulty jump. Some of the final stages took me up to an hour to complete. The UI also feels a little confusing and doing something as simple as swapping a pilot or weapons seems to take too many steps. The game presents a lot of customizable options, but almost none of them are useful. The weapons that you're able to equip and swap between units are all the worst weapons in the game, and are mostly used by the worst units in the game. I found that by the end of the game upgrading these weapons had been a huge waste of money as even with considerable investment they're nowhere near as powerful or useful as the unique weapons in the game.

OG2 - unfinished

I ended up dropping this after getting about 30% through it. The gameplay wasn't changed enough for me to feel like I wanted to go through a whole other 50 level campaign for it. The issues in the last game were still present in this one. It does add branching paths for a little variety. The music is still pretty fantastic and I really liked the animations.