Reviews from

in the past

Huge, complex, and bizarre. There’s almost no way to describe this experience adequately, other than to say I know this story will stick with me for a long, long time. Takes the idea of a haunted house and goes absolutely wild with it.

I’m still reeling from the whole thing, honestly. It’s so structured and intentional and deep and broad and bleak and hopeful and strange. Equal parts gorgeous and goofy, sacred, profane, and stupidly mundane, All at once. Somehow.

The illustrations weren’t always to my personal taste, occasionally they even felt at odds with the text (Giselle CGs in particular) but that’s neither here nor there. The story itself is certainly art, well and truly. A slow, meticulous build that eventually grabbed me by the throat and would not let go. Pretty spectacular. Plus the soundtrack is like an alternate universe Dead Can Dance album, and some of the tracks haunted me for DAYS.

The text does occasionally get too long-winded for its own good. A bit of editing to shave down some meandering plot threads and verbal redundancies might have helped with the relentless-feeling read time, especially considering the already spiraling, recursive nature of the story. Furthermore, the translation (or the original text, hard to say) took a lot of liberties with weirdly casual speech for a “period” piece. But honestly, the lack of historical realism isn’t particularly important to the story’s themes, and if anything the inconsistency serves to elevate the sense of surreal displaced weirdness that permeates the entire novel. It doesn’t actually take place in any of those times, after all. So…Ignore everything I just wrote. It’s gonna take me a while to absorb and process this whole journey.

Edit: the prequel/sequel stories were not nearly as good, and ranged from incredibly boring to coffee shop AU, so your mileage may vary on that. I personally didn’t see the point: at worst I felt they cheapened the main story somewhat. My five stars are exclusively for the original game, not all the much weaker fluff they padded this special edition with.

Love the romance in this game

First visual novel and not quite sure I enjoy it as a medium. Was expecting more interaction but really only making a dialogue choice every 5ish hour. I thought the way the plot unraveled was well done but it did seem to just drag on for too long.

Jacopo king of grooming tho

Wasn't quite on board with this unfortunately. It's no doubt very well written and admirably complex but it doesn't half go on a bit. I'd have rated it higher if it knocked the last ten hours off. Also, relentlessly and horrifically bleak in places. Bit much for me, tbh.

so i think i got through the main story, but then it somehow kept going... and i didn't bother as i felt the story had concluded. there's too much text here anyway, they could've made this story with fewer words. no need to drag it out. amazing OST.

Time includes the original novel, Requiem for Innocence, the side stories, and Reincarnation.

It's extraordinary. Best read knowing as little as possible about it.

This is a hard game to express why I like it so much without getting into specifics or spoilers so I won't. Just know I think its one of the best written stories put to any medium, it's that damn good. The hype and praise for this one is real and it's a story i will never forget.

Platinum #119

This game was pretty cool. I thought the ways Beastia and Jacopo in their respected storylines struggled to accept unconditional love were effective, empathetical, and sad. The 4th wall breaking with the chat history was neat, the music was good, art was great, and the narratives twists and turns were mostly unexpected and were entertaining enough.

This is my first time with the medium of visual novels and I think I'll give a few more games a try but these are definitely more novel than video game and I'm pretty picky about my prose narratives.

Base game (Prologue)-9.75
RFI (TRD + Fragment)-9.75
Overall a 10. Can’t really ask for more.

pinnacle of fictional media
it is my religion now

Una obra maestra del Drama con mayúsculas, por desgracia la precuela y la secuela incluidas, aunque buenas, no están a la altura y se repiten un poco sobre sí mismas.

I knew little about this visual novel and I'm thankful I wasn't spoiled. The storytelling is absolutely done well. I only had an understanding this was a mature VN. There are warnings of triggering subjects when you load the game. It is necessary since there are many, many instances of depressing, awful events. The only slight negative following the story was watching the series of inhumane events happening to the characters. Thankfully, it does balance out with kind, sweet moments.

The music is beautiful and haunting. All of the characters are well rounded; the antagonists show moments of humanity. Not an easy task when you're creating people doing monstrous acts. I am most impressed how the writers handled trauma. Most media shows a character suffered for either plot device or to "make them stronger." This game had discussions of how the characters processed their trauma. It is a very important topic, especially considering the actions and events they went through. Not something you could merely brush off.

A Requiem for Innocence:
The prequel focused on one character you meet in the main game. It's entirely in their point of view. The majority of this DLC is nothing new. If you played The House in Fata Morgana, you know who this is and you know what's going to happen. Thus the downside of prequels, especially in this case. Sadly I was bored by the first half, I kept putting off reading this for weeks. It's the same story, only more detailed.

The later half is more interesting because it is new information. There are two new characters that add background for the main character here. But in the end, it's a prequel. You know the entire time what is going to happen. The saving grace is the quality of this VN. The illustrations, the storytelling, and extremely well written characters.

Reincarnation + Stories:
This was the DLC chapter I was craving for Fata Morgana. Instead of the previous prequel, it is a continuation of the story. I don't want to spoil anything; just know, it's so, so good. I cried twice. This game is going to stay with me for years. Hands down, the best VN I have ever experienced. It is very dark and depressing; however, the ending made it all worth it.

The first ten hours was Reincarnation. The other ten was reading the side stories. There are extra backstory scenes for different characters, including some minor. Most do not have new illustrations to go with the text. There were a couple chapters I have read that weren't on the main menu. I found them through chapter selection. Those were very worth reading! Fantastic game.

This review is going to cover Reincarnation (and the Short Stories once I get around to them)

Reincarnation was a great bonus epilogue to the whole series, I may not have enjoyed A Requiem For Innocence, but Reincarnation was exactly what I wanted to see. Love this whole series honestly.

"Me too... I'll cherish this moment for as long as I live...
And I think... I can even feel kind of grateful... that I was born again into this world..."

This is so very in my ballpark, so much so that about halfway through, I stopped being unbearably annoyed by the speech patterns (do not tell me that "oh yeah totally" is a normal thing for someone in a medieval setting to say) and just sorta sank into the story. This is my first VN, so I guess that's sorta setting the bar here? I wouldn't put it on my top ten list but I did really like it.

I only read Rein but I read Fata + Requiem before anyway and the statpad is vital
So yeah it was much more than I expected and it didn't handle some aspects well but it's overwhelmingly positive. Didn't take some distrarous directions I expected, idk why I expected that because it's been competent writing since the beginning. Anyway I rambled, pretty good conclusion 9/10
The rating's only for rein

Read A Requiem for Innocence and Reincarnation on this version.

Will make you cry. Could have benefited from reshuffling some parts of the story and/or better editing so that the last third of the game would have more of an impact. As it is, it felt more like an overly long epilogue. I'd still recommend this VN due to the protagonist's story, and the game's interesting perspective on redemption and forgiveness.

An absolutely beautiful story, I am so thankful I got to experience this. This, this us what art and fiction and storytelling are supposed to be about and achieve, to make us better people. Thank you creators of this, and thank god for this edition that has everything

Really hard to grasp the words to encapsulate the journey to be experienced through The House in Fata Morgana. Thank Keika Hanada and Novectale for delivering one of the most beautiful stories and a befitting conclusion it deserves. Truly a masterpiece of art itself.


this happened to my buddy Ayin

A macabre romance with hauntingly beautiful art and music. Starts a bit slow plot-wise, but the atmosphere is phenomenal right out if the gate. And as the story progresses it will eventually dig its hook into your heart. A must play for fans of European tragedies.

The Dreams of the Revenants edition is a nice collection of all Fata Morgana content that is by far the definitive way to experience the various novels. Reincarnation, the exclusive new story, is a heartwarming epilogue to the series whose saccharine conclusion might undermine some of the bittersweet ambiguity of the original, but still presents a satisfying wrap-up to all the characters we've come to know and love.

This is the greatest visual novel ever written. Yes, that includes Umineko. You are doing yourself a disservice by not playing Fata Morgana. Do it. Treat yourself.

Top 5 visual novels.
Slow start, but develops into an amazing story.
God tier OST

peak story, realistic characters and fun twists.