Reviews from

in the past

Von der Idee und Geschichte her ein wirklich starkes Adventure Spiel. Auch der Grafikstil ist sehr schön und lässt sich auch heute noch gut angucken.
Leider zeigt dieses Spiel gegen Ende dann doch auch die größten Schwächen solch alter Adventure Spiele: Es gibt ein bestimmtes Item, welches man ganz am Ende braucht. Und dieses Item lässt sich nur unter ganz spezifischen Umständen relativ zu Beginn des Spiels erhalten. Das ist einfach nur frustrierend und schlechtes Gamedesign.
Auch die Steuerung ist sehr fummelig und bringt immer wieder Frustmomente.
Durch diese Punkte verspielt Last Express die Chance eines meiner Lieblingsspiele zu werden und so blicke ich hauptsächlich mit Frust zurück auf dieses besondere Abenteuer.

This game's whole vibe is unsettling and I don't really know why I bought it in the first place

Avoid the "Gold Edition" version of this game at all costs. It has terrible UI, having to click to place multiple times even if I didn't, and trying to exit the inventory at times was a pain. I'm also not a fan of it trying to be "casual gaming friendly" with the inclusion of a hint system. I get that some players may have trouble with figuring out what else to do, and that's fine, but sometimes in this game the hints don't help well or is extremely vague, or it repeats it twice on what you've already done. That isn't to say that this version is entirely terrible and unplayable. It still plays well for the most part and they carried everything else fine, but the best version of this game that I recommend is the original which you can get digitally on It's still the original game, and it's also the Collector's Edition version of the game which means it also contains the soundtrack and making-of-video [minus the walkthrough, unfortunately]. All in all, great game, but terrible re-release with the "Gold Edition" of The Last Express.

It's absolutely wild how modern this feels in every way except for the UI. Wandering around the train and stumbling into ongoing conversations in real time feels like magic even today. The writing is worthy of the golden-age Hollywood movies it clearly takes inspiration from, and even the acting is good. But the classic point-and-click interface makes this incredibly frustrating to navigate. This kind of interface doesn't bother me in other classic games like Riven or Grim Fandango, but train cars look similar enough to each other that it's super easy to get turned around in The Last Express.

This Gold Edition presumably offers some quality of life improvements from the original, but this is really screaming for a full-on remake. Take the same story and puzzles and transplant them directly into a modern 3D environment with mo-cap replacing the rotoscoping and you'd have a masterpiece.

Granted, this will not happen. So you'll just have to play this: one of the two or three best classic point-and-clicks, ahead of its time, a victim of its own momentum.

Gorgeously animated Agatha Christie/Alfred Hitchcock style murder mystery game, that takes place in real time.