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If you want to play the Walking dead this is the collection for you!

Sale a cuenta más por todo lo que contiene que por lo que ofrece por si mismo. Buen paquete para una serie que comienza como un clásico y termina muy irregular. No añade prácticamente ningún contenido especial y si algún momento era bueno para rehacer las traducciones a otros idiomas era este, pero se ve que es mucho pedir.

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note: at the time of this review ive played all 4 seasons including 400 days and up to episode 2 of michonne

as much as i love this series and am so attached to it, i did have to take off a star bc from a video game/ writing perspective there are some huge faults imo. im v passionate abt this game just from an emotional attachment perspective which is why i can be so hard on it.
so the main point of this series turning into a game was to make it decision based, which is did really good with sometimes but really bad sometimes too. there were some really good emotional moments with the decisions that had me in tears not knowing what to pick. the thing is, it was extremely disappointing to find out that both decisions inevitably lead to the same outcome, just maybe slightly different cutscenes. if that. i mean, a decision or two cutting off to someone busting into the room and killing the walker for you is fine, i just felt like this happened more than it shouldve. they def got better with this in the later seasons, but i remember s1 struggling so much with this until the very end. i like that how you treat people determines whether they team up w/ you or not, and the very last s1 decision. other than that, i was disappointed to find out most of the time whatever you picked somehow led to the same thing. they especially struggled w/ this in between seasons. if you choose to stay with a character or two they just die immediately when the next season starts, it just took me out of the game a bit
okay so the gameplay other than decisions was lacking in the beginning, then when they actually implemented it in s4 it sucked so badly. it was fidgety as hell. walkers disappearing, low as hell mouse sensitivity, weird ass logic, etc. altho the concept they had really was great (the stun + kill thing) it couldve used a LOT more polishing. i had to die like 5 times to figure out a good strat. this isnt really a complaint more of a note, i thought itd be cool if they included more shooter aspects. circling exactly where u need to shoot doesnt count :/ the hotkeys were fine. hard to mess up hotkeys. i like that u can fail them sometimes. i missed one and clem got stabbed a little and the stab wound stayed there until the end of the ep. that was cool.
as for the decisions this is small but WHY DID THEY TAKE AWAY USING THE SCROLL WHEEL AFTER S1????? i lose my mouse sm and the time runs out. it suckssss
k next is story stuff. so i loved the story and characters a lot. i guess its easier to critique than praise, but without getting too much into it (cause this can take a while) the story was very good at giving no one plot armor. until the end of s4. the story was good at sticking to its own rules and logic. until the end of s4. i think the end of s4 was a complete logic break. they either need to commit to killing characters or not. using near death experiences for shock factor is just so out of place in twdg. i think the game also struggled w some characters being wasted potential. i dont even think they realized themselves how good luke was tbh. then he just died and it was like ok time to move on. and dont give me that "well thats the reality of it" it was a really badly done death period. they also couldve easily stuck to not breaking their own rules as they were doing SO GOOD but why did brodie become a walker immediately while clem, lee, and fucking MINNIE had all the time in the world???
i think in retrospect, clems near death really wasnt as sad as it was just shocking.
well i mean i could talk about logic gaps forever. obvi a zombie apocalypse wont happen, so theres a lot of logic gaps. but at least stick to what you as a game created originally.
s3 is the next dilemma. i had high hopes. i loved the new characters and taking a breather from clementines story. it made me appreciate her more in s4. i think i wouldve hated if all 4 seasons were centered around her tbh. or anyone for that matter, not clem specifically. anyways, it was such a disappointment. everything from kate being a flop that was there for 90% of the season and still not a single personality trait in sight to the forgettable flashbacks to the weird dialogue options to the "happy" ending? a flop season i had sm hope for :/
i think s1 and s4 were the highlights of the series. i saw someone point out that clem shouldve taken christas baby instead of beccas bc christa is more memorable (rip wherever she went) and i fully agree. seasons 1 and 4 peaked with character development. s2 had a great setup but killed everyone off one by one to the point where no one even talks abt s2 characters unless they have some attachment to them. s3 characters werent killed off too much, they just didnt have much going for them which is a lot sadder lmao. but, 1 and 4 had amazing build up, longevity, and memorable deaths. when someone was gone it really hit you that damn theyre gone, the plot was consistent and sensible. s2 just felt on the run 24/7 and 3 was... its own mess. ill update this later if i remember more stuff but i overall love this game. i just find it easier to talk abt cons than pros, bc pros here r just general things not very specific. anyways, glad i got over my fear of gore and played it!

The special features with this collection don't even work. They're prob on YouTube but when I buy something I expect it to work. But it turns out you get games on this disc too?

Hadn't replayed any of these since they originally came out (and never even played Michonne or the last two eps of S4) and while they are quite out-dated, I will forever have a softspot for this series. Season Two remains one of my all-time favourite games and Clementine one of my all-time favourite fictional characters!

Ranking of the series (Best to Worst):
Season Two
The Final Season
Season One
A New Frontier

Enough to make a grown man cry. This game gave me trauma and the feeling of loss that I'll never recover from.....10/10

I have unfortunately been a fan of Telltale for a long time, and this is the pinnacle of their work. The story, especially seasons 1 and 4, are very well written and are full with hreatbreaking moments. But if you're not a fan of story heavy games and/or point and clicks you will not enjoy this. The gameplay is slow, basic, and full of bugs. But if this is your kind of game, you'll love it.

Masterpiece. It's the game that introduced me to telltale games as well as story games as a whole. It's the reason why I love story games and for that it will always hold a special place in my heart.

é um excelente presente para todo mundo que é fã das HQs

I always find it funny when a remaster/definitive edition is actually worse than the original release it's trying to improve on. That's kind of the case here.

It creates a wide variety of new issues in an attempt to clear up old ones. Like, the audio mixing is pretty horrible throughout Season Two, which wasnt a problem in the original release. I'm sorry Clem, I literally cannot hear you over the egregious stock wind sound effect peaking my speakers

Esta review deberia dividirlas por temporadas ya que la coleccion de the walkind dead varia demasiado en calidad, lo unico que puedo decir es que la primera temporada es simplemente increible

The cooler adoptive father-daughter zombie apocalypse duo.

la media estrella menos es netamente por la wea mala de la temporada tres
clemi, tqm

broke my heart. the emptiness after finishing this is real

they could never make me hate you clementine

This game puts the entire Telltale TWD Series into one neat package. The extras are pretty neat, as they let you mess around with the game models/concept art/game music. It's nothing new, but again it's pretty neat.

good story games good if you just wanna see a story to it's conclusion there are some faults but nothing major minor glitches here and there each of the seasons have their faults but i feel that it's a complete story and it's good this is where clem's story ends and that new graphic novel is probably gonna be bad

Loved Seasons 1 and 4
But my god, I hated the motel and Season 4 combat

Also, Season 3 can suck it

Je l'ai prêté, j'attend qu'on me le rende pour le continuer.

Tenho essa franquia no coração. Ele consegue te deixar tenso em tomar decisões como deveria ser uma situação em um futuro pós apocalíptico. Não existem decisões fáceis e muitas vezes nem erradas, existe escolher um caminho e sofrer as consequências dele

Seasons 1 and 4 are great! Seasons 2 and 3, not so much.

The Walking Dead would probably be my favorite story in terms of zombie apocalypse. There was a time during my teenage years where I'd be obsessed with brain eaters movies, but it wouldn't be until I discovered the comic book series of Robert Kirkman that I realized what should be a great zombie narrative.

I won't make a comparaison with the TV series, because I haven't seen all of it (probably stopped at season 4 or 5?), but what I can assure you is that Telltale definitly preserved the atmosphere you'd find in the comics. The Walking Dead isn't about zombies or how much walkers you can smash on the head. It's about human condition, how most of us lost the sense of community and trust, how we shattered a world and our souls, and yet people still try to build communities and make our lives better. But when survival is put first, the challenge to make the world a better place is very high, and can cost many lives.

Telltale's The Walking Dead feels like watching a film, and as someone who's fond of cinema, you bet that I love that aspect. And you create your own story. Sure, the narration itself is already written down, and it'd be almost impossible to create a game with thousands of possibilities and choices, but I think that the options you're given are enough to create something that fits you. In the end, you still feel that your decisions have an impact, not only in the story, but on you too, which can influence your next outcomes.

I think that The Walking Dead also brings more emotions. Movies affect me pretty easy, I'm the kind of guy who can have a tear or two if a scene gets emotional. But a video game empowers those feelings, and the only reason I can find is because you're litteraly part of it. And because The Walking Dead is done right, you'll feel a lot of emotions: you'll be angry, joyful, you'll have regrets or feel betrayed, you'll shed tears of joy or sadness. You'll feel all of that, and that's powerful.

I'm not even gonna make a rank of each seasons, because all of them have their uniqueness and charm. All of those stories are about survival and hope of creating a better world, find good people and making a difference in an already shattered earth. Clementine, Lee, AJ, Javi, Michonne, all of those protagonists are amazing in their own way, and so are the people you'll encounter along the way (well maybe not all of them). You'll even find some familiar faces if you've read the comics!

I loved Telltale's The Walking Dead for all the reasons I've said above, and I'd do anything if I could experience this gem again like the first time. It's the game that reminded me (with many other things) why I love stories. They bring us together, teach us to be better people. Thank you Telltale for this masterpiece.

I'm naming my kids Clementine.

Wow, what an adventure. If you're looking for something that has WEEKS of content and entertainment look no further than this.

An amazing series with a lacking season in 3 and 4 being an overall good ending with minor issues but season 1 and 2 were amazing and I love this series.

I love these games, choice based games are my favorite thing ever

The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series é uma experiência incrível para quem quer conhecer o universo criado por Robert Kirkman nas HQs ou para quem já é fã - como eu. Por mais que existam alguns glitches, bugs de movimentos e gargalos, a história e as escolhas em si são o forte do jogo. As referências aos quadrinhos e, consequentemente, à própria série da AMC, deixam o jogo mais rico. E ver Clementine envelhecendo cria um vínculo quase de paternidade com ela. A única temporada que não recomendo é a de Michonne por diversos fatores: narrativa abaixo da média, texturas pouco finalizadas, e vários bugs. Mas The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series é muito boa!

Ottima raccolta di tutti i Walking Dead.